2 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

People dont hate on ubuntu cause its inherently bad. They hate on it because its a corporate distro and they do some questionable stuff sometimes. The OS runs fine.

Why not debian unstable? Its better than ubuntu in pretty much every way imo. Somewhat less user friendly i guess.

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Being a beginner distro doesnt make mint any less linuxy. Its probably the gest recommendation to convert people over from windows

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Been enjoying my time on They also have a misskey (i think thats what its called) at

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Soulseek to get the music, Musicbrainz Picard to standardize the formatting and fix metadata if it isnt already there

THE essential one is ublock origin imo.
Other than that if its a PC i will browse youtube on then sponsorblock and dearrow are both really great

I think in this case the opposite is probably the better approach. Find trans/more generally queer discord/matrix rooms and then find people that play similar games

Kind of like the other comment said, ive felt this. It got a lot less bad over time, i assume its just foreign feelings for your body/mind.
Im pretty used to depression but those episodes felt very different than my normal downs like it was caused by a different chemical process if that makes sense 😂

My worse months were like 2 to 6

Turn up the pants and show some ankle. Thats all i got. Its mainly come from memes, but now i love showing off my ankles and notice other people that do 🤷‍♀️

The standard is to have dotfiles in your ~/.config folder, however not all apps follow that.
Some apps dump their config files in your home, others only have files in /etc or /usr and you have to copy them yourself to modify them

Buying stuff from streamers is actually kind of big in China rn. Think of it like the old as seen on tv ads channels on cable, but now its influencers marketing products on tiktok

The "annoyances" filters in ublock stop the cookie popups

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Unstable is pretty damn stable, feels arch-y to me, and arch rarely has issues. If there are issues they're fixed fast.
Testing is the middle ground. Tested for a bit by unstable peeps but thats it.

If you go further back in time you can get back to fairly queer friendly societies

Most trans-related questions i get from strangers are unreal, and over time ive just started answering with something that is equally not my business

She actually made a whole post about it, but the routine is mostly weighted exercises, and im definitely not getting a gym membership unfortunately

Got a Pixel 4a, which i bought because of the support for custom ROMs. Ran Calyx for a while and now ive been running Graphene for about a year and loving the experience

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Funny that the printer was the thing that cemented the shift. Ive either been really lucky or linux is much better than windows for printers

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Thats a great freaking rice 🏳️‍⚧️

Sounds like you made more research than i did. I just saw blahaj so i joined this instance. Was waiting for an instance to have close to a similar feel than my lgbt reddit feed had

As the other reply said, Fedora and RHEL harbor the same problem as Ubuntu in terms of corporate backing.
They're all as stable at it gets when it comes to linux distros; all those "server distributions".

I guess people recommend debian because that's what they know. It's got the biggest community, so the most support.
Nothing against Rocky, but i wont recommend it if i've never used it.

Only one way to find out! And i'd say polish is a good way to gauge. Can blame it on someone else (oh my friend wanted to practice or something) and its easily removable if it does end up being a big deal for your parents

When am i not under the influence?

In my opinion what hes saying is true, but has to be taken with a grain of salt. The choice of the word "pointless" is a little harsh but i understand what he means. They are only derivatives that dont accomplish anything that the distro they forked cant accomplish, ergo they are useless because you could make Ubuntu on debian.
As for why debian and arch are the best, they are the two most well established community maintained distros. That means they have the most people working on them, the most support out there on the internet when you encounter issues, they tend to be the most stable, AND they have no corporate backing which can be seen as "evil" by some people (like Chris in this video).

The ability to have my whole system in a git repo is what i have been looking for when i did not know it.
Steep freaking curve though and the documentation kinda blows. But its the distro ive spent the longest on apart from Arch, and i feel quote at home even though most stuff is done differently.

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Hey thanks, id never heard of that artist and am loving it. The lyrics feel waaaay too relatable 🥲

Im due for an upgrade and was waiting for this since they announced 7 years of security updates (makes it such a better value than a used 7).
Any of you guys have experience with black friday sales on pixels? I researched a little, and it seems i wouldnt be saving much more than by selling the free buds that come with it rn.
Also damn google theyre offering $55CAD for my 4a 5G

Used to be a bar person, but at some point it broke on the custom ROM im running for a few updates so i switched. Been using gestures ever since. I like them maybe a lil less because phones are too big, but it feels faster

In my experience, it has great defaults and is quite easy to configure. There were a couple things that annoyed me so ill be waiting a bit to use it over sway, but all in all its ready to daily drive, and its very pretty

Anytime i download stuff in french, ive gone to yggtorrent. I mainly download stuff in english, but its covered my needs when i needed something in french

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In french people have started using "iel" which is as close of an equivalent to "they" that we can get in our gender-filled language. Its a mix between the male and female pronouns "il" and "elle".
Maybe its just that im not as used to it as using they in the singular form, but its not as great. It is a step in the right direction though, its just that everything around the pronoun in the language is gendered.

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Thats exactly right.
You can try to avoid gendered language, but you sentences get even longer and its basically a minefield

This is on the site

I believe so, yes. From my understanding, google blocks custom roms from being able to use the service.

I've heard before that with root you can spoof it, but its not easy or convenient.

My experiences come from using Calyx for a couple years in the past and I've been using Graphene for a few years as well now.

You lose a couple of things. The main ones have already been mentioned by others (GPay and Android Auto). Theres some other stuff you might miss. Now Playing doesnt work, AI camera features, weather on lock screen, etc.
Most of the stuff you might miss are annoyances, and some can be worked around fully with other apps. Nothing too major. With microG or Sandboxed google play, none of the apps i want/need to use are broken. That wasnt the case even a few years ago on microG, but things have gotten a lot better.

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Honestly since ive joined here about a year ago, id say from lemmy. Otherwise once in a while ill see someone mention something cool in a matrix chatroom

Honestly its a process. You go one thing at a time, and eventually you're google free

Yup thats my solution too. Was never really someone who payed with my phone before, i just carry a wallet. But having my credit card on my watch has saved me like 2-3 times in six months

I do this with games. A lot of games dont even really get a demo anymore. So its gambling to buy it...
I pirate the games and if i like it i buy it. Generally ill keep playing the pirated version unless it has a multiplayer i want to play as well.

Oh im sorry, musta misread your question

No kernel compiling but you might need to mod some files in /etc, depending on your goals