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Joined 1 years ago

That's wishful thinking.

She can only crack so many games, so the demand for the other games already stays without supply.

The scene was much bigger before denuvo, the supply obviously went down independently of the demand.

Also the demand/supply argument only makes sense where there is payment. There are starving people in the world who's demand is not met bc the can't pay while there are millions of facelifts administered to people who will pay large sums.

Denuvo has succeeded in imposing such a huge threshold onto cracking that from the talented people only the most driven stayed in the game. With no money in it you need to be driven by something else, usually ego. Even if there is a successor to empress chances are that is true for them as well.

Yank it

Their entire existence is based on the monopoly of violence throwing you in jail when you make piracy more convenient

I see someone was hypnotised by penguinz0

Srsly though end these hollow phrases.

Competition is not always good. Competition between wage labour drives down wages, competition between countries for capital drives down taxes for the rich. Half of all competition is a thing called "a race to the bottom"

WRT social media networks competition is first and foremost pretty dumb, there is no use for thousands of social networks with 10 users each. A single social medium that is participatory and has regulating mechanisms is way more beneficial (you're using one that tries to live up to that btw)

Whatever little good comes out of the competition between two asshole oligarchs is more than made up be them keeping dominance over peoples means of communication and their attention and selling every datapoint to

Honestly we have to reflect on the propaganda we're told in school and don't just repeat empty phrases.

Just a couple minutes ago I saw the phrase "where there is demand there will be supply" applied to pirates that crack games who are obviously not paid.

There is lots of demand without supply. Peoples starvation is not met by demand, but the demand for facelifts and botox will always be supplied. Bc supply is only created where capital is willing to pay for it

Someone else and not an expert. But Maybe types are implemented with Monads, Maybe is a common monad.

Its how rust does error handling for example, you have to test a return value for "something or nothing" but you can pass the monadic value and handle the error later, in go you have to handle the error explicitly (almost) all the time.

So a syntax highlighted comment

On a Pixel with GrapheneOS

I use KISS, I wanted an opensource launcher

Its quick actions, history and tags are exactly what I need.

You need to customize it heavily to get it to look good: I use a very minimal amoledBlack&white config with Arcticons and I love it

I feel like the nays will be underrepresented bc of selection bias so I'll be one.

So far I have not had the same engagement. But I am convinced that is bc I have yet to get used to the jerboa UI/UX. I am more active once I feel at home, was the same for reddit, is the same for lemmy.

Its great that you feel more impactful on lemmy! I think on reddit you either feel the way you have or are constantly being called a slur (say "tankie") and removed/banned left and right.

So far lemmy seems way more authentic to me. Less capital interest, PR companies, bots, astroturf, think tank/gov-adjacent hacks. I like that.

Alos writing this made me realize my mode of commenting is still very much a reddit one

Lol, what?

He is one of the richest oligarchs in the world, its people like him that the whole system caters to.

Nobody is controlling him, he can do whatever the fuck he wants and he just happens to want a lot of dumb shit.

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"Russia controlls our oligarchs"

Is something that I would have preferred if it stayed on reddit

Thats frustrating

I second the notion that your ip was banned by nc's brute force detection

The silent reconnects of a DAVx client on a phone could easily trigger this

You can whitelist your home routers ip in the config IIRC Maybe not on the LISO container though, IIRC it is less configurable, but doesn't "just work", I'd ditch that not nextcloud

Quick fix could be to "DELETE FROM" (or "TRUNCATE" if you are certain nobody is blocked correctly) the table bruteforce_attempts (or smth similar). Although that "dc up && dc down" worked could indicate another issue, as you do seem to have persistence with your db in a docker volume (cred are still there) which would mean the time penalty ran out during restart or oits somethimg else

Its good to be dubious. Its also good to include them to get a different bias into the mix. Only consuming media of the same bias will leave you ignorant without you knowing it, thats the believe I've come to adopt.

And you only realize which part of the bias is shared across a lot of media when you read media from outside the bubble. And a lot are within the bubble. To quote wikipedia:

progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.

There is enough reason to be dubious about all mass media. BBC is founded and owned by the UK government and many other publications by a billionaire family.

Previously I had thought media literacy was about chosing "reliable" sources but nowadays I believe its more about reading many of different biases and being dubious of all until their bias emerges.

IDK if that resonates with you at all or not. But I can also recommend Noam Chomskys "Manufacturing Consent", its a classic ofc.

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Dude wtf?

You have an agenda or something?

Our oligarchs are the most powerful in the world, they are perfectly capable of being assholes without "being controllesd by Russia".

Stop being such a redditor

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Children for the rich / eugenics for the poor.

Inhumane and monstrous.

But at least capitalism would finally implode after the rich realize without exploitation of the workers they got rid of the backbone of their society

Shit I wouldn't say unwatchable but I was greatly disappointed and think the praise it has gotten was unjustified.

Their first movie "Swiss Army man" was original, edgy and deep

EEOAO was well done, but it was neither of those three. It was a longer, less creative, real-life Rick and Morty episode if you ask me.

So is I understand, but I disagree bc ... allowed?

Emacs was always the superior program since it was released by Richard Stallman in 1985.

Easily agreed.

That being said I can't go back from my meow modal keybindings

Do you run the latest update?

It has a "communities" entry in the sidebar that let's you search and subscribe communities.

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Ppl put a lot of thought in their rage bait these days

Do you still have to do the whole export import of your subscriptions thing? Or do you just not use subscriptions? Can it sync playlists across devices?

Yup, still need to do export/import. Re syncing: you'd have to use an external syncing mechanism like syncthing or nextcloud and even then you'd need to export manually.

I don't think NewPipe will ever get any syncing mechanism itself, it tries to be privacy first and doesn't support any server side code, they rejected the SponsorBlock patch bc it leakes data to a server as well

Its a very cool app and enough for me, but some things just will not be possible

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They can, and probably will, replace the mods I wager

But a bunch of people will be permanently gone by then I hope

Whish side were you on then? The correct side (emacs) or the wrong side (vim)?

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If you count that as both then I agree. I also use emacs with modal keybinds (not vim-style though)

I just wanted to bring back the flame war a little sijce you were nostalgic about it

Not sure if should upvote you bc this flamewar needs to be picked up again or downvote you for your inferior choice of editor


God, yes please

Its just not a democracy.

IMO the US is de-facto like the ancient Roman republic, where plebeians, could vote but only for patricians, so "everybody" (ofc slaves and womens rights were neglected back then) could vote but all questions that were ever discussed in the senate were interests of patricians, same goes for political "coverage" and campaign elections.

So there was dissent and processes that were democratic on the surface but they exclusively revolved around the interests of the patricians.

The US is like that where patrician interests are replaced with capital interests. You can only vote multi-millionaires into the white house and the only issues to ever change are the issues of a fraction within the capitalist class (meaning someone living off of someone elses labour rather than their own).

If you belong to those capitalists you enjoy democratic representation, if not you can only decide which capitalist position you find better and vote for that.

I have BraveNewPipe which has the sponsorblock patch too but allows me to follow Greenwalds system update on rumble

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Right they are now on fdroid I found out recently, pretty cool

Oh I'm sorry

Thanks for the correction - This still needs clarification though. I'd argue that calling it "government funded" is the better mental model and "financed by the audience it is answerable to" is giving the false impression that the audience has any influence on what they are paying for and consuming - AFAIK they don't

The BBC is publicly funded, yes. The fee is however set by the government and accepted by the parliament, in which ususally the ruling coalition (or party) holds the majority, so its effectively set by the ruling party. This does make it technically different from direct state funding but de-facto the gov still has controll over the amount of funding the BBC will receive.

So while the audience pays directly it does not have the ability to pull or increase funding in approval or disapproval but the government does.

Like you said nominally the BBC is answerable to the audience, de-facto it is answerable to the government only.

Other publicly funded broadcasters have a different system, in Germany for example the federal states decide on the licence fee.

However de-facto this doesn't change anything. Its common knowledge in Germany that the publicly funded broadcasters are quite state affiliated, there have been a couple of court rulings confirming that.

So yeah for a bigger picture looking at funding only isn't sufficient

Sure thing

What do you mean by "browse" feature?

There is a way to see a feed of all Lemmy activity.

In jerboa you can see it after you click on on the burger menu in the top right corner of the screen and select "All".

it can save you a lot of heart ache


Was probably what you meant

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Not politics reddit I guess.

But point taken, for the sake of my sanity I'll remove myself from this community

You don't think thats fair...

Have you read the first comment in this thread?

They claim the richest chunk of the political establishment of the richest country on the planet with the most roided up intelligence/military apparatus in human history is in the pocket of the arch enemy of said country and said intelligence behemoth

Compared to that every statement is resonable. Arguing nuances while ignoring the ignorance of the premise is past the borders on ridiculousness.

When they are actually caught.

If this was more than a political scheme and they were actually in Putins pocket then the FBI would have busted their asses, not let them go about their day handling poltical affairs. They would go all out McCarthy on them, especially if the evidence was so overwhelming as you suggest.

All this is just manufacturing of consent to keep you in line with the two party system.

Illusiory Truth Effect

There goes my hope this stuff stayed on reddit.

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