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Good job at least trying to do something. My current city and previous home city have finally started doing more native plantings and my current local city's uni has started up a significant prairie restoration project right outside the city. There are also a few small prairie restorations going on inside city limits mostly in the burbs where there's space but I can't seem to find out what org is running them.

Another viable option isn't to completely convert lawn but just make one or a few native plant beds . If you aren't willing to give up the lawn completely, you could still convert smaller portions of it.

Also sneks aren't that bad.

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I agree with just simple kbinner. Kbinauts and kbean are just too cutesy/gimmicky and imo are kinda cringey, especially if you start using it in regular speech ever.

This is hypothesized as to how they began, but back then they wouldn't have used turf grass, the just cut down the trees and kept vegetation low. It was an entirely tactical use though. Then it's believed that the concept at some point started morphing more into a sign of prestige and initially would have primarily consisted of low growing vegetation like thyme. Then of course eventually turf grass was introduced and the concept migrated around to various parts of the world. It was considered a sign of prestige since it was a lot of manual work and it generally meant you had to be able to afford a groundscrew to keep it consistently maintained. There was also the fact that you were showing people you didn't need to use your own land for food production.

Then some time in the mid-1800s, rudimentary push mowers were invented and it began to become more accessible. By the mid-1900s almost every new American housing development had a lawn since the technology had become advanced and accessible enough for any middle or working class family to maintain a lawn on their own. This was also influenced by marketing and suburbanization.

So while it is believed the concept of a "lawn" started as a tactical defense mechanism, the modern concept is more closely and directly related to the rich/nobility using them as a status symbol. IMO they're clearly still used as status symbols since it's exceptionally common for people to judge others for how pristine their turf grass lawn is maintained. I've even recently had someone mention to me that they know how to tell who the trash is in the neighborhood based on their lawn. I know they're also used for recreation, but that can even be considered as part of the status symbol aspect as a poor person might not have a lawn and would have to go to the park with the other lawnless riffraff for their recreation.

The fact that it had no blood in it is a sign that it likely wasn't there long, so the odds of you obtaining a tick-borne disease are very low. A tick needs to be embedded for a decent length of time to really have any odds of spreading a disease (I've heard anywhere from 10-24 hours although this is likely affected by multiple factors), and even if embedded long enough, the odds are still pretty low.

Lyme disease is only carried by one genus of ticks that I'm aware of (Ixodes), so if you have a picture of the tick or remember what it looks like clearly enough, you can try to find out whether it was Ixodes or not. Even if it's not Ixodes, other ticks can carry other types of tick-borne disease (Rocky Mountain fever, Ehrlichiosis, etc).

The only thing to keep an eye out at this point is to see if symptoms form. The main things you're looking for are fever and/or rash/inflammation in the affected area. If you do get symptoms, it could also just be a regular infection, but nonetheless you should see a doctor and explain about the tick and when/where you might have gotten it. If there are symptoms, all that you'll have to do generally is to go through a round of anti-biotics if you catch it quickly enough (usually more severe complications don't start occuring til a couple weeks in).

In my experience, with both coding and natural sciences, a slightly incorrect answer that you attempt to apply, realize is wrong in some way during initial testing/analysis, then you tweak until it's correct, is very useful, especially compared to not receiving any answer or being ridiculed by internet randos.

I wouldn't be surprised if the large "mainstream" Lemmy and KBin instances start degenerating from the NSFW focused instances before too long.

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I understand that but at the same time instance admins need to take into consideration whether they're willing to deal with NSFW content in terms of moderation. Especially with NSFW content from other instances that they have no control over. When you're talking about consequences that could include legal issues, it's completely fine for admins to decide they'd prefer to not deal with it at all. Especially especially since for the end user, the way to get around defederated porn instances is to just have an account on or simply visit a NSFW instance.

So you're looking for a word that's a descriptor for different types of social media e.g. aggregator vs video/image/audio hosting vs microblogging. The first word that comes to mind is that they might be different paradigms of social media?

Where I live, transit is just not good enough to rely on. I use it occasionally to get to some bars and back but even then the route I use for that stops running at like 9:30 PM so there's not really an option to stay out very late. And this tie runs on one of the busiest corridors in my city. I would definitely use transit much more if it had better levels of service.