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Joined 12 months ago

I don't know why I'm here commenting about this, but I love type, so:

Hyphen (-): the short one, used for hyphenated words. fire-eaters. Close-up.

en-dash (–): slightly longer, traditionally the length of a lowercase"n" in the typeface. Used between for things like a timeframe. 10–11:30, August–October

em-dash (—): the longest of the three, and the length of a lowercase "m". Used as a punctuation mark to denote a side comment or to abruptly cut off a sentence. "It's a great punctuation mark—in fact I overuse it—but it's still useful." "Hey where are you going with that giant—"

I didn't bother to double check the definitions, so there might be more specific rules, but these are my rules of thumb.

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That's interesting, they're pretty much the same techniques used by racists from the 17-1900s to determine "racial superiority". It's like it never went away, just crawled into 4chan

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It's newspeak for wanting to be capitalist while ignoring human rights violations

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Watch some Japanese programming, read any magazine there, and you'll probably notice a huge amount of articles praising people living long, active, healthy lives. Is suicide an issue? Absolutely. But it's ridiculous to say they don't value life, especially when compared to some countries which seem to have a problem with gun violence

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Narrator, as Elon dances over Twitter headquarters with strobe lights and Google charges employees $99 per night to stay at their own hotel:

"They were being exploited."

Searches for web pages without JavaScript. The Surprise me! option is fun for finding random ass old sites too


Compare the size of any two landmasses.

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I hate these birth rate panic articles. If they gave citizenship to the people who are doing the hard work (like 3K jobs) it wouldn't be a problem.

aaand racist. They don't want money going to help Africa. At all.

Speak for yourself, I'm interested in the sugar & molasses. Stocks are low and my family needs to hunker down for the long winter.

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Noo YOU'RE awesome. Hugs for everyone!

Didn't that Ron Desantis ad have Brad Pitt as Achilles in it? Do they... not know about Achilles?

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Would you work for Panda Express if they paid you with cash?

Ready Player One was a dystopia and Zuck was so enamored it became required reading for building the "Metaverse".

Billions of dollars can't buy you the ability to sense irony I guess.

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Ancaps and tankies are everywhere these days. No good place for an old fashioned ancom anymore.

Then again, same as it ever was.

Hey, maybe that cat likes to put on a collar and tie only when speaking to a receptionist, who am I to judge?

Complaining - online - in a very online ranty way - that other people should go out and touch grass is my guess

"Hey wait... where are you going? You get right back here and stop embarrassing me!"

It's not that they're not religious. They just don't pick only one. As they say, "Born Shinto, married Christian, die Buddhist"

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Pretty sure this was from the America book by Jon Stewart, yeah? That book was a trip.

Nice! Also thanks for the image transcript, I'm not visually impaired the image looked cool and this helped me find out about Ultrakill

Someone is going to see this and downvote you because they saw you use the word "liberal" negatively and immediately think you're a right-winger or something.

But yeah, if the media outlets would understand that "the economy" (rich peoples yacht money) is based on garbage metrics, maybe they wouldn't act so offended when people call them out on it

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Centrists lack gumption. They lack imagination. You propose anything that exists outside of the current capitalist hellhole that we live in, and they will be the first to argue "but what about jobs? What about the economy?"

This planet will be covered in arctic floodwater and the centrists will be too concerned about making sure we have a fair argument about it.

"Both sidesism" will be the death of us all.

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For me it's just being able to have longer discussion. I dunno, maybe I can do that on Mastodon but it feels to quick for me. I've always liked forum posting, so this suits me better

It's amazing. By utilizing the time honored technique of "korosu", this skill has been passed down from generation to generation. People don't seem to have enough respect for tradition.

There are people who are loudly outraged, Islamic democrats. The DNC does what it always does, ignore them and stoke fear. It's disgusting.

I never played Xenosaga, but the teams that made them are totally different. I don't know how to describe it, but it's like Chrono Trigger with a more complex plot and characters. There's something about it that feels a bit similar, it's hard to describe. Good to go in without too many spoilers. Might be your thing and might not, but definitely worth giving a shot!

It's like that classic case of bank fraud where the criminal takes pennies out of peoples' accounts, hoping they won't notice and the bank will think it's an error.

If Reddit gets caught can we send them to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison?

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That ain't centrism, that's neoliberalism. Go forth and be the best neoliberal you can be, I guess. But when the chuds start calling you a socialist, for proposing what seems reasonable to you, don't back down!

It's mind bending, isn't it? Hold all the power in your hands and play the victim. Fundie Christians in a nutshell.

I'm not but I wish I was! Love trees.

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Imagine being trapped by your own shitty illogical standards. I want to say I pity them but I don't, their hate has victims.

actually... that kinda makes me nostalgic. No Mercy was the best, and it holds up pretty well!

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I just don't understand how some people think rejecting capitalism is going too far. Like it's bad, everyone knows it's destroying us, it takes nothing to admit it. Feels great to be anti-capitalist.

Holy shit they're making dogs work at Amazon and Microsoft now? Is there no labor law these scumbags won't violate??

I will now think of Achilles and Patroclus as the Sailor Neptune and Uranus of ancient Greece. Thanks for that :)

It's alienation in its worst form. But it gets repackaged as "rugged individualism" and people end up finding an "other" to blame

Fuck big boss man, all my homies hate big boss man.

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True, but it looks like he's skating goofy (left-footed) too, I think? At this point, my head's going to explode

I know there's all the controversy over disc 2 being rushed, but I never minded at all. It actually felt kinda refreshing after the way that most rpgs went at the time. It was all about seeing the characters change and grow over time that was really satisfying for me

Ah this is nice!