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It's like the antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft 22 years ago. They are still trying to push their browser.

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The usual. Journalists, democracy, threats to fascism and corporate profits at home and abroad.

2023 was absolutely the year I dove back into music piracy. I started with downloading youtube playlists but the real game changer was soundiiz, which allowed me to import text, m3u, csv, spotify, xspf playlists into qobuz and deezer so i can download whole playlists of FLAC with qobuz-dl and deemix-gui. My collection went from 20,000 to 100,000, downloading playlists from qobuz and deezer, xspf playlists from my remaining lossy music. I used streamripper on a few web radio stations just to get a list of songs to pull down this way. I only bought music for years and years, but that got me a narrow type of collection.

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I worked with Aaron Barr

He went on to be CEO of HBGary, a federal contractor. He claimed he could dox Anonymous. It didn't go well for him.

I use FRE:AC https://www.freac.org/downloads-mainmenu-33

It can do bulk conversions with a recursive directory search and works in most OSes

I had the exact same use case as you, 1TB of FLACs onto a 256gb phone. Because you prefer minimal quality loss, Opus is the format for you, not MP3. You can maintain transparency-level quality with 128kbps, Opus is roughly equivalent in quality to a mp3 twice its size. AAC and Vorbis are also preferable to MP3 in this aspect, but inferior to Opus. At this point, mp3s are only useful for devices that can't decode any better codec.

Then i do a search-replace for *.flac -> *.opus on the playlists. I use PowerAmp on android to play the tunes, can recommend.

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For a lot of people, it's getting out. Moving is expensive and they can't get enough work at the Wal*Mart or the prison, and all the other employers have gone out of business or offshored their labor. That's why a lot of people enlist in the military.

There was a programmer at my job, he put out the vibe of being a gung-ho guy and got promoted to team lead. The moment he had a scrap of power he started publicly berating the other devs, randomly, over nothing, leaving me wondering who he'd snap on on a given day. One day I got the message to shut off his access to the build server, which meant he was fired. It took way too long but it was delicious when it happened and my work satisfaction skyrocketed. An asshole can change a whole job.

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You wanna go for start-ups then. Most bigger and medium-sized companies have centrally-managed security where they wanna push updates and such to all computers or there's some corporate spyware everyone's gotta run or they've got everyone on M$ Office etc etc. Odds are a place that lets you use a linux laptop is going to be reluctant to buy you one and invite you to use your own. Macbooks aren't so bad, if they let you have sudo, lots of places use those.

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Atheist. Raised catholic. Too old, I realized that the god of the bible isn't a moral person. 1 Samuel 15:3 etc. Arguing with young-earth creationists gave me the final push, I understood science well enough to understand the implications of radiometric dating, plate tectonics, geology etc.

4 year old article

Footage without sound from an organization nobody knows.

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Communists describing liberals.

We made an automaton clerk. It has neither arms nor body, but it works all day translating physician's documents, so they may be stored with uniformity in a library that has neither shelves nor paper.

They're not powerlesss, they just lack motivation to not back the capitalist status quo.

Capitalism will bring out the worst in AI, to prevent it we'd need to overthrow capitalism.

It's a CLI tool, it's a great generalist tool for converting video and audio but you have to script it if you want to do a recursive batch job.

Not gonna listen to his songs, but I'll torrent and seed his discography for this.

The new term is "digital audio player". http://www.reddit.com/r/digitalaudioplayer is a good community for that. mp3s are out, if you want a really small file size, opus has better quality. If quality is more important than file size, rip to FLAC. I know at least for android, there are music player apps like musicolet and poweramp that will allow you to play songs from your phone if you have the storage space. The old ones work with modern computers. You can buy reconditioned ipods on ebay, but the new ones are better IMO. For ripping music a good community is http://www.reddit.com/r/musichoarder

I wonder if it has much to do with the USAF being a relatively new service with a proportional cultural impact, coming into being as a service in 1947. Up until then, combat aviation was subordinate to the Army and Navy. This would point to a preponderance of Army/Navy WWII vets among the show's consultants and audience.

To bring this back around to the NSA, they're prevented by law to do data collection on American citizens who fall outside the exceptions like this FISA bill. The one loophole is that private companies have much more leeway in whose private information they can collect, and NSA can use American tax dollars to buy your personal information that's illegal for them to collect themselves. Now NSA is a military intelligence organization and they're not supposed to toss their intercepts over to US law enforcement like the FBI, but they do.

I don't game much but I'd try to stay closer to the debian ecosystem, or one of the more well-known distros. There are a lot of cases where there's a debian and ubuntu installer for something and otherwise you gotta compile or hope for an appimage or flatpak. Ubuntu's out because snaps are horrible, although you can get rid of those. Personally I install debian on all my boxes. It's a really minimal distro and things tend to go pretty fast because of that. Debian or I hear Fedora's great.

TLDR they're somehow not kissing Biden's ass enough for Salon, no mention of leaks or fabricated stories

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I skimmed it. I don't need convincing that NYT are lying hacks. It's pretty small potatoes imo compared to their usual shenanigans https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_New_York_Times_controversies

I thought by the headline they were talking about this https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/

Usually NYT can be found with their lips on the metaphorical ring of the neoliberal western order, so if they're not full-throated in support of one of its champions, that's a little interesting but not very.

y'all not ya'll

Mass shootings, although there are indeed many, are a small percentage of the gun deaths in the US. Most are suicide, next most common are arguments outside bars. Most common weapon in gun homicides is a handgun.

Research shows that income inequality causes crime and you can see that more unequal nations (Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Israel) have more violence.

The problem with the US is it's a sanctuary for capitalists, capital and capitalism. Worse than anything that the US does or allows to happen to its own people, is what our government/corporations do to "developing nations". Invasions, supporting coups, fighting to suppress labor rights and wages, extracting natural resources with little compensation, overthrowing governments that try to stop any of that, supporting genocide, committing genocide, chemical warfare, biological warfare, nuclear warfare. Any socialist country they can't overthrow they'll try to starve through embargoes.

Anyway, the worst states are ones where abortion is outlawed, lawmakers fight access to public health care or any public resources that don't go to the wealthy. Usually these states are controlled by the wealthy, like coal bosses running West Virginia into the ground. Capitalists have been using evangelical christianity in north and south America to scare voters into voting right-wing on culture war issues like abortion and transphobia. They use reactionary tendencies like hatred of foreigners, hatred of gun control, hatred of schools teaching the history of how our country treated black people, etc, to keep people voting for the right-wingers who also happen to be the friendliest to business.

Both major political parties are right-wing pro-capitalist parties. Some states do have some social safety nets for health care and welfare but being poor is a horrible experience in every state. 50,000 people die yearly from lack of health care access, not including COVID deaths. There's really no state you can live or party you can vote for to get away from it.

I've lived in a few less right-wing states. A friend of a friend was killed by police while he was suspected of shoplifting, trying to run away. Some kid killed himself in my high school while i was there. I live in a town where there's lots of homeless people and syringes all over the place. 3 people in my family died of COVID.

Basically the US is a fascist country. Fascism is when the wealthy consolidate their power over government, in the face of growing violence and instability from growing inequality. The point of fascism is to protect capitalism from these growing threats by creating a police state, deflecting blame for hardship onto minorities, and handing off chunks of the government to the wealthy through privatization. The wealthy and the government essentially merge, they become the same people with the same goals.

Sometimes, somewhat.

I bought a commercial pack of pre-rolled cones and have been working it down for years. I've never messed with tobacco. Vaping dry herb is better but I'm lazy.

Similar story to Aptera Motors, they collapsed and reformed in 2019 and they're raising money to put out a solar EV.

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Getting rid of fascists works actually. The reasonable thing to do is try to educate those who will listen, deplatform those who will not, and imprison or exile those who try to act on their politics. The few who are left over won't be able to build up enough of a movement to do anything. They're just terrorists who want to fuck it up for everyone and institute totalitarian corporatist society, if we tolerate their right to frozen peaches, everything goes to shit.

Other than that I agree wholeheartedly with your main point. Everyone but fascists deserves a place in society, a home, a job, education, and health care. If we crack down on fascists, we can have that.

Fuck em.

Nothing But Trouble, so they don't come back

Soulseek is good for downloading albums and discographies, soundiiz, qobuz-dl and deemix-gui are good for that and also playlists of whatever. It's also a good way to get FLACs. I download genre mixes, pitchfork's top albums, it's a good way to get 80gb of music in a night. It's taken me 3 months to get that much off Soulseek. Sometimes you want to try out artists without downloading their whole discography.

Looks more like a paywall to me.

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It's y'all

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I just tried it. I can't bulk import external playlists, so I'm not using it. I keep my playlists in with the music directories so I have to scroll past 3,000 artists to get to any of them in musicolet.

I was doing that anyway in my early 20s. Now I'll do it for $50,000.