
2 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Actually there's extensive documentation on the arch wiki regarding this specific line of code burried 1673 lines deep.

I suggest you read the documentation before you ask irrelevant and, might I add, embarrassing questions.

Thank you! A better title would be "Influencer dies of malnutrition induced by eating disorder"

Which is something we should talk about but not blame on the vEgaNS

Investors be like

Let's hire a private security firm to find some dirt on that son of a bitch. We'll find some fucking dirt to get him going!

Spend less? As in just eat less food?

22 more...

Ding ding ding

From one evil to another...

The discussion went like nobody is properly using the SharePoint, but instead people send emails with poorly version numbered documents. After a couple of attempts to educate the users my argument was to drop the hammer: if you're forced to work online you're more likely to work in the shared folders. If that's true, we'll see. But in the meantime I can get rid of windows. Most of the organisation is on macOS anyway.

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Exactly my thoughts! WTF?!

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Even if the knee on the back is not the cause what the fuck is wrong with the officers to just brush off his plea for help? Say he has an asthma attack and couldn't breath, after he's handcuffed on the floor there's not much he can do himself. If you immobilised someone you need to take care of them. If they die in your care while calling for help at the least it's negligence.

I think it's a great idea in theory. Basically a form of decentralised loans. You need money to invest, you sell shares of your company to get some cash. In return the shareholders get a return if you succeed. And of course they can sell their shares if now your company is worth more. Seems alright with me tbh.

But nowadays it just seems like a fucking casino.

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The four ruffians? The king of England, the king of England, the king of England, and the king of England. Fucking showed the bastards.

True, but people generally understand hammers. Llms? Not so much

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Maybe they should just change their jobs if they don't like it? It's a frREe CoUntRy you heathen commie!!

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No actually! It's not a problem for me to write text per se. Actually it's a significant part of my job to write guidelines, documentation, etc.

What's difficult about replying to people is putting my opinions in relation to the other's expectations.

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I just don't get the non voter. Granted I'm not a US citizen, but not voting in your election is effectively voting for fascist theocracy. Your electoral system sucks but if I could choose between having an arm or my heart removed I know what I'd choose.

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Honestly seems like it could be the GOP's definition of free speech.

It's the ultimate test of how much you love the almighty. It's really for your benefit bro, thrust me.

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So the Germans are supporting the bad guys, including Russia. Aha, good to know!

Besides, what would you like them to do? Less talk more invasion of Palestine?

Pretty much. It's incredibly tiring

Voice recognition is the most infuriating replacement for physical buttons.

Defunding of regimes like Saudi Arabia should be among the absolute top reasons to get the fuck away from fossil fuels.

In a 100 years it might, after our current world order has been consumed by the effects of unimpeded climate change. There's hope yet for the Palestinians to have a go. /s

Fortunately it's just my personal machine. Most of the organisation is on macOS anyway.

It'll be enough of a challenge to properly transition existing docx to the gsuite were switching to.

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Er sieht auf jeden Fall wie ein "kräftiger" Single aus..

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The country I live in at least pretends to respect worker right so no DoorDash. And if I wanted to eat cheap I wouldn't go for peanut butter sandwiches. But rather like lentils, rice, beans, potatoes. Which, you know what? I do.

What would the alternative be? A genuine question. I'm not a Facebook fan at all but here in Denmark so much is on Facebook. Announcements of the local playground, cafés, events, almost everyone uses messenger. It's insane. And if it's not on FB then it's on Instagram.

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"rest assured Dave"

See my comment below, we're moving to gsuite. Basically, we have a problem with people not using the SharePoint but instead sending poorly version numbered documents per mail.
My argument was that if you're forced to work online you're more likely to do so in the shared folder. We'll see if that's true but at least we can get rid of office. Most of the organisation is on macOS anyway. And we use zulip for communication.

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The cheapest 256 SATA SSD i can find is 15€. The cheapest 512 GB is 24€. That's a 9€ difference for double the capacity at retail prices. I can only imagine how marginal the cost savings for a big manufacturer like valve would be.

Hold my techbro, this smells like a case of VC funded startup!!

"It's not racist bro, it's just a statistical analysis on genetic factors that correlate with late payments or property damage.
It'll be the next big thing, I swear we keep the DNA on our own blockchain, we call it the doublechainix. You get it bro??"

There's dresses with pockets. I'm also sure you could get a tacticool dress with MOLLE webbing if pretty dresses for men were a thing.

Ads are what Google makes money with. That's their core business. I would argue most of what they offer is just a different way of either delivering you ads or farming your data for...ads.

Move in?

Really puts into perspective what a monumental waste of energy individual traffic, also with electric cars, is as well.

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Well I'm sure they would if we would let them not starve until the next one. Ben and his psychotic entourage, probably.

Nothing wrong with that? Loads of devs do that and point to fdroid for a free alternative. Just view it as a donation for the devs work.

Maybe not in the long run, but please someone think of the next fiscal quarter!!

Ratchet straps are like zip ties for big problems, absolutely invaluable.

Such a narrow minded take. Would you sleep fine if your not voting gets Trump elected and he ends up bombing the shit out of the middle east because his looney zealot friends want the world to end? What if it came down to one vote? How would your stupid ass sleep then?

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