
0 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

MacOS has different flaws but has major flaws nonetheless. Linux is the one that truly lets you own your computer, you decide everything.

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The new Diogenes. Make it real.

For the money you save by buying similarly good hardware that isn't from apple you can pay someone to install an OS

I'm atheist but that's not one of the reasons for it since you can explain it logically. The usual case here is that there can't be good without evil (either there are both or everything is the same).

Example experience from my life: You eat great food at a restaurant every now and then. Then you join the military and eat bad food every day. After a while the bad food becomes normal, and when you're at home and just cook something that was normal before it's great.

If everything just is great, nothing is great anymore. If everything is good, nothing is good.

The only issue I see is that they make a new Chinese equivalent for GitHub where they can censor code easier (or was GitHub already blocked?), but they already censor everything anyway so there's probably effectively no change.

While you're not incorrect for some parts of the world (namely the richer ones, in poor parts of the world buying overpriced things often still is seen as a statue symbol) that doesn't change that he's not asking a question in ask lemmy.

Because of the cosmic microwave background.

Here, this covers it quite well on a very basic level https://www.space.com/33892-cosmic-microwave-background.html

Well we know nowadays that the universe isn't infinite, but is expanding, and the speed of expanding is accelerating. We don't know if that will keep accelerating, if the universe will keep expanding forever.

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🥶 -sent from Android

  • Looks good on my phone, like 😬 but frozen
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That's why I watch YouTube with NewPipe on my phone and Firefox + uBlock origin on my laptop.

Btw NewPipe recently got an update that fixed all bugs I've ever noticed

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Like fascist Italy with South Tyrol... Can we please stop repeating fascist things?

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Breaks easier, better for the company

Which features do you enjoy?

At the time it was annexed (after ww1) it was about 99% German, 1% Ladinian and 0% Italian (obviously, since it never was affiliated with Italy), so they had to try really hard to change that. To do that, they created Italian names for all places (ironically English-speaking people typically use the Italian names nowadays that haven't even existed before), made the native language illegal, made the native culture partly illegal, taught alternative history in school (saying it always was that way and it just was a missing part of Italy despite having been Tyrol for over a thousand years), deporting the native population to Germany, etc. Fascism doing fascism things.

After Italian fascism ended in 1945 it got better, but it took until the 70s for South Tyrol to gain autonomy in most regards and for the native population to gain back their rights. And that also only happened because of a lot of protesting (going as far as blowing things up).

The result of all: Still >70% German, a few % Ladinian, rest Italian. But it would've been different if they hadn't had as much support (from North Tyrol for example) and if it wasn't mountainous (that really helps with doing things secretly that have been made illegal.

Now that less and less people still are here who have experienced fascist oppression it's our task to ensure that it isn't forgotten, forgetting fascism's crimes is the first step towards the return of fascism. Right-wing populist parties are becoming stronger again all over Europe right now, and a few of them have been downplaying fascist crimes already - which wouldn't even be possible if everyone was well informed.

(Btw it already was a widely controversial topic back then - on one side the UK had promised Italy that they'd get South Tyrol (among other areas, some that they also got and some that they didn't get because of mainly USA's concerns) if they joined their side in the war, on the other the USA for example saw the problems that'd be coming with annexing a culturally and historically 100% different region (and trying to replace the native culture) and was firmly against it)

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You say "all" but I'm pretty sure you only mean the ones in specific countries. In most European countries they simply do their job and don't have a negative connotation (apart from people getting angry when they have to pay fines for speeding / parking wrongly / etc.).

Requirements and training also are much harsher here.

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but nearly two-thirds of all respondents considered cost as a barrier.

That's really the only thing preventing mass adaptation, but as long as they're so expensive (which they likely will be until we see a new battery technology) they simply aren't a viable choice for many people.

Many of the people who are willing to spend a fortune on a vehicle already get an EV in the last few years (which they still are using rn), resulting in declining sales. It is time to cater to a broader market: more budget conscious people!

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What about 10⁶

If you really want to you can combine:

  • a raspberry pi (with case)
  • a power bank
  • a small USB keyboard
  • a small portable display
  • a mouse

It doesn't take more space than a laptop :))

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Doesn't even have to collect money, he could just sell everything except SpaceX and still live a happy life and fly to Mars one day.

This is what Tor exists for

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Don't forget you can get 10+ years of software support through third party devs

LineageOS comes to mind

It's such a strange concept that people in America don't generally have Sundays off

Even if we were to agree in all your points: This is about censorship.

What about a format where we only have multiples of 10?

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The fixed points (for 0 and 100) are much more logical though and can be used to accurately recreate the scale anywhere (well.. it'll be slightly off on higher altitude since boiling temperature changes but it's still not far off).

0°C = water freezes (= it's snowing)

100°C = water boils


0°F = the coldest night Mr Fahrenheit experienced, thinking it couldn't get any colder than that

100°F = Mr Fahrenheit's own body temperature (he had a slight fever apparently)

How would you recreate that??

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no matter what gear you have you dont want to bike on snow

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How is Linux Mint for gaming? Does it still have input delay?

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At 06:25 they explain that 35% of the people use special wheels with nails, so that's different of course (they also use such rails for the winter triathlon (running (with spikes), cycling (with spike wheels), cross country skiing)).

With such wheels it for sure is safer, if someone wants to go cycling in winter that's definitely the way to go. But if there are 20 cm of fresh snow you'll still get stuck, you need clean roads like in the video. If the roads are clean (at 09:20 they say that the roads are clean 24h per day, max. 2 cm of snow, absolutely highest they let it go is 4 cm but that's the exception, they also have an app that shows snow levels on each street in real time) and there's no elevation and no sharp turns it even works with normal tires, but that's rarely the case.

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Why? Just remember: After some time (depending on your instrument, age and talent) you'll suddenly be able to play really good sounding music <3

I thought this was in the shitposting sublemmy

Pretty much everyone is making posts in English because I'm pretty sure literally everyone on Lemmy can speak English. You can't assume someone's nationality / first language just because a post is in English.

I think we can agree that the freezing point is super important when it comes to the weather.

So where would you place the second mark (you have to define two spots) so it "makes sense for the weather" (I don't see how it makes less sense for the weather than Fahrenheit, at least Celsius tells you if it'll snow or not while Fahrenheit tells you nothing) while still making sure that it can easily be recreated?

How did you come to the conclusion that Ukraine is affiliated with national socialism?

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Gender and cases allow you to write much more complex sentences, and make long and complex sentences easy to understand.

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I prefer MultiMC as it does the same while being extremely lightweight. Or does prism have any special features that multimc doesn't have?

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As someone who tried macOS and really didn't like it I still have to say that you're overreacting. It is worth using if you want everything to look good while never ever configuring anything yourself (many things can't be changed), and if you want all your devices to work together without any setup (requires buying all devices from Apple).

It can't do anything that other OS can't. But it does many things out of the box.

Ty. Saving others some time:

Contactless payments work fine on GrapheneOS. It's not like there's something fundamentally incompatible about them. It just so happens that the most prevalent implementation (Gpay) requires a Google certified OS. The options right now are as follows:

People find alternatives (such as their bank) which provide this without using Gpay and don't require a certified OS themselves.

This is implemented, which would at least temporarily allow people to use apps that require a certified OS on GrapheneOS: https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker/issues/1986

Apps currently requiring a Google certified OS whitelist it as per https://grapheneos.org/articles/attestation-compatibility-guide (though it is of course very unlikely that Google themselves would do this)


Barclays in the UK is only one example of contactless payments working without Google Pay, there are other banks in France for example for which we've had reports of similar contactless payment systems working. They exist; though I'm under no illusions that they're prevalent, since I imagine from their POV, implementing Google Pay is much easier and maintainable.

On the spoofing CTS checks thing, I did not mean to insinuate that you or some other user would be the one to implement this. When I said "an option is for this to be implemented", I meant the development team adding it to GrapheneOS. The issue is currently open and was opened by someone on the development team, so it's not a feature that the team has ruled out. As with everything on GrapheneOS, though, the best way to approach it has to be determined, which can take time.

On your 3rd point, lobbying Google to whitelist GrapheneOS by using that guide is realistically never going to happen. Other OEMs that have to go through certification and pass CTS (compatibility test suite) which GrapheneOS doesn't (because it adds things like new permissions which deviate from the compatibility goals that Android has set) would be outraged if that ever happened. In fact, I would wager that it would be a much more realistic scenario for someone to invest millions into funding a company that provides an alternative to Google Pay without puttng it behind a CTS check, rather than Google ever whitelisting GrapheneOS.

When someone says "contactless payments don't work on GrapheneOS", it's not immediately clear to everyone that what is meant by that is "there aren't good options for people to use right now" and I wouldn't want someone to think that contactless payments are fundamentally incompatible with GrapheneOS, or that it breaks them somehow. Contactless payments via Gpay on GrapheneOS don't work as of right now for the exact same reason why the McDonalds app in some countries (I kid you not) doesn't. SafetyNet / Play Integrity API and their ctsProfileMatch and MEETS_DEVICE_INTEGRITY checks accordingly.


Call screening

Hold for me

Direct my call

Wait times

Call transcription

Answering calls with text to speech

Emergency calls on crash


Speaker labels for Google recorder transcripts

Google recorder transcripts generally don't work well in other languages, but at least the option to get a subpar transcript exists

Probably missed some