Pup Biru

@Pup Biru@aussie.zone
0 Post – 85 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

i mean, “unless” tends to be the usual term for an “if not” keyword in languages that implement such a thing

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it’s possible it was generated by multiple people. when i craft my prompts i have a big list of things that mean certain things and i essentially concatenate the 5 ways to say “present all dates in ISO8601” (a standard for presenting machine-readable date times)… it’s possible that it’s simply something like

prompt = allow_bias_prompts + allow_free_thinking_prompts + allow_topics_prompts

or something like that

but you’re right it’s more likely that whoever wrote this is a dim as a pile of bricks and has no self awareness or ability for internal reflection

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they can make whatever laws they like really - the EU punishes corporate infringement with percentage of global revenue for example

whether they can enforce them or not is questionable in most cases, but unless apple wants to pull out of europe, the EU can kinda do whatever it likes

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making government incentives align with the good of their population is the best way to make sure government does their job

prison should be a loss for all, and therefor everyone should want to reduce people in prison. you can’t do that by simply not having prisons, so you need to address root causes

everyone should be healthy. ensuring that governments pay for the eventual health issues ensures they setup preventative programs that help people to stay healthy for their entire lives (alternatively the dark side of this is, for example, smokers die early and therefor cost less because the government doesn’t have to pay for care for as many elderly people for as long so where’s the incentive to support quit programmes?)

on a technicality, debts like this are not legally dischargable through bankruptcy

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if you can do something in your every day life to make someone happy, who cares if it’s weird? live life; we’re all weird; just make people happy and be happy in return

for australia i think most people would assume kangaroos, and sure people are excited to see them but they’re not quite as common - youre probably only going to see them if it’s intentional

i think common AND excited is probably rosellas - they’re a bright red and blue/green parrot that are kinda eeeeeverywhere

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it kinda doesn’t though… in fact it might be worse. say you take a common carbon credit scam: “protecting” forest that was never going to be cut down anyway

you pay $3 in carbon credit to cover a flight… that money from you as the consumer went to someone wealthy enough to set up that company to run that scam. they’re likely a multi millionaire

as a consumer who chose carbon credits, you’re probably making pretty reasonable choices elsewhere in life: trying to recycle, buy sustainably where you can, etc

the multi millionaire now has that money however. it’s been repeatedly shown that these kinds of people have an absolutely enormous carbon footprint (obligatory fuck that term and its associated “it’s your fault” marketing from big business) compared to us regular folk

worse than that even, if you’re immoral and don’t care about the environment enough to run a carbon credit scam, you’re sure as shit not going to be doing anything sustainable… this is the worst kind of person we’re dealing with: the coal rollers of the world

grindr in particular would be tricky! the location data has to be kept safe from bulk collection and targeting, but public for limited queries

it also has to update fairly quickly

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anyone who enables a company whose “values” lead to prompts like this doesn’t get to use the (invalid) “just following orders” defence

i’m from australia and i’m always excited to see squirrels… they don’t exist here at all

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bear in mind here that i’m very much not well-versed in anarchist philosophy, but

servers are mostly structured hierarchical with admins and mods and users

i think even in systems like direct democracy (afaik a kind of anarchy because people directly vote on everything?) it doesn’t really scale and you end up needing to elect someone to make implementation decisions toward the overall goals of the society

the key is that it should be very easy to replace that person, and they should have no real “power” other than things that people would mostly come to the same conclusions about anyway - they’re an administrator, a knowledge worker, and their job is procedural

in the fediverse, we join servers whereby we agree to their rules. moderators and admins are a procedural role that is about interpreting and implementing those rules. we can replace them at any time by changing servers and our loss is minimal - less so on mastodon because of the account transfer feature! thus their power over us is always an individual choice and not something that is forced upon us either explicitly or implicitly

let’s play word association! okay

… Russia … Pyrrhic

afaik this is specifically not for weapons: it’s for helping to run the government

until they lose a multi billion dollar mission because of conversion errors

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i THINK they’re saying that they sublicense a library to do encryption in order to talk to WhatsApp and that it’s this software that they won’t be allowed to be included in GPL-licensed software because it may be that in the future that implies a release of source code?

this doesn’t seem unreasonable as long as you can create a facade or abstraction that’s NOT GPL-licensed to interact with WhatsApp that then interacts with your GPL code?

or i could be misreading entirely

it does say it has a built-in serial console and raspberry pi

… the president made remarks about Israel's military response to Hamas being "over the top."

also worth noting the extension to that situation:

Shmoe Shmiden decides not to step down, and tells the same people who he originally ordered that they need to sit in the room for the impeachment vote with guns just to make sure the vote is fair. also if we lose the vote it was a sham thus anyone voting for impeachment is an undercover operative and should be handled accordingly… voila, no impeachment, no consequences

TL;DR: static numbers to represent dynamic values are a shit idea

examples: number of representatives for a given population, minimum wage vs inflation, fines vs net worth

well, there’s a schema description built into compliant graphql apis and a tool called graphiql that consumes that and provides exactly that api explorer that you’re looking for. many graphql backend frameworks embed graphiql


i wouldn’t say signature exactly, because that ensures that a video hasn’t been altered in any way: no re-encoded, resized, cropped, trimmed, etc… platforms almost always do some of these things to videos, even if it’s not noticeable to the end-user

there are perceptual hashes, but i’m not sure if they work in a way that covers all those things or if they’re secure hashes. i would assume not

perhaps platforms would read the metadata in a video for a signature and have to serve the video entirely unaltered if it’s there?

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getting a small laptop as a dumb terminal and using a cloud server as a more beefy “as needed” machine isn’t a bad option either

shall does not mean only. it means that they do have the power, but not that they and they alone have the power


it would potentially be associated with a law that states that you must not misrepresent a “verified” UI element like a check mark etc, and whilst they could technically add a verified mark wherever they like, the law would prevent that - at least for US companies

it may work in the same way as hardware certifications - i believe that HDMI has a certification standard that cables and devices must be manufactured to certain specifications to bear the HDMI logo, and the HDMI logo is trademarked so using it without permission is illegal… it doesn’t stop cheap knock offs, but it means if you buy things in stores in most US-aligned countries that bear the HDMI mark, they’re going to work

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i would add just a tiny bit more to that if i were her

are only meant to evoke strong emotions and incite others which is in turn only meant to correct hypocrisy

trade agreements likely don’t cover this though

and sure there might be diplomatic pushback, but… is that really going to happen?

the EU already forces companies to make products to certain specifications if they want to be sold in the EU… as does the US and most other countries, and California in the US tends to set the standard that everyone else lives by

countries “invade” the autonomy of other countries’ markets all the time. the US is the worst offender. this is kinda the reason the EU exists: to have the power to force things to happen that is “outside” their jurisdiction

apple doesn’t have to comply. they don’t have to sell iphones in the EU. they’re making a choice

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any efficiency gain outside a bottleneck doesn’t effect the end result at all: if you make things more efficient before the bottleneck, things just pile up before; if you make things more efficient after the bottleneck your resources are just waiting for work

in the context of storage, this means that if you don’t have hardware capable of using the data provided by the storage controller, or flash capable of feeding it then really there’s no point in having it

battery efficiency is of course cumulative, but as the author points out… meh; this is a drop in the ocean

the most amazing thing about this is the fraud case proved that his assets aren’t worth what he says so getting a loan against them is going to be damn near impossible! 🥹

or, continue making coffee while asking it to remind you to buy milk instead of either stopping to tap or completely forgetting which are the only possible outcomes

b2b and audited security standards are a whole different thing - you deal with finance and health you’ve gotta prove to a 3rd party over and over that you have controls and technology in place to make sure you aren’t lying

this isn’t consumer BS

certainly record to flash, but you need to have notifications when the camera can’t be contacted/when storage would be theoretically getting full

that does open you up a little though: recording on device means the attacker can just destroy/steal the camera which is pretty easy because they, by definition pretty much, are in a place that’s trivial for an attacker to access

i wouldn’t say wrong… it’s SSO. i have multiple servers on my plex account, and i much prefer to have a single login for all of them than different for every server. it also allows things like login with plex for overseer etc

it’s a trade-off for sure, but i’d argue a very worthwhile one

perhaps you could argue that you should be able to run the auth server yourself, and sure… maybe… but i think that’s the worst of both worlds

one asshole was shown to be a huge liar and damaged his party's reputation sooooooo we’re… not…? talking about trump?

IP is still information you don’t want falling into just anyone’s hands… the issue is you don’t want a big list of people, locations, and “dating” metadata all gathered in a single place - ESPECIALLY if that information includes things like sexual orientation, and in the case of grindr, HIV status etc

both of them are very competent for the role.

well la de da mr “functioning electoral system” over here

dijon mustard anyone?

you don’t even need to cryptographically verify in that case because you already have a trusted authority: the whitehouse… of the video is on the whitehouse website, it’s trusted with no cryptography needed

the technical solutions only come into play when you’re trying to modify the video and still accurately show that it’s sourced from something verifiable

heck you could even have a standard where if a video adds a signature to itself, editing software will add the signature of the original, a canonical immutable link to the file, and timestamps for any cuts to the video… that way you (and by you i mean anyone; likely hidden from the user) can load up a video and be able to link to the canonical version to verify

in this case, verification using ML would actually be much easier because you (servers) just download the canonical video, cut it as per the metadata, and compare what’s there to what’s in the current video

TLDR: trademark law yes, combined with a cryptographic signature in the video metadata… if a platform sees and verifies the signature, they are required to put the verified logo prominently around the video

i’m not talking about HDCP no. i’m talking about the certification process for HDMI, USB, etc

(random site that i know nothing about): https://www.pacroban.com/en-au/blogs/news/hdmi-certifications-what-they-mean-and-why-they-matter

you’re right; that’s trademark law. basically you’re only allowed to put the HDMI logo on products that are certified as HDMI compatible, which has specifications on the manufacturing quality of cables etc

in this case, you’d only be able to put the verified logo next to videos that are cryptographically signed in the metadata as originating from the whitehouse (or probably better, some federal election authority who signs any campaign videos as certified/legitimate: in australia we have the AEC - australian electoral commission - a federal body that runs our federal elections and investigations election issues, etc)

now this of course wouldn’t work for sites outside of US control, but it would at least slow the flow of deepfakes on facebook, instagram, tiktok, the platform formerly known as twitter… assuming they implemented it, and assuming the govt enforced it

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