
2 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He/Him 💕 Things I like: fountain pens, kilts, drawing/painting, tech/progrming, mandolin/music/barbershop singing, Hiking, skinny-dipping in forests

All these comments saying it's no longer a cowboy - look at their little pointy cowboy hat ~!

Actually Moses was VERY prudent, and strategically didn't use the exact word 'apple' only 'fruit' and 'of the tree' - because he knew apple would be a litigious bitch

Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Quantum gender, changes when no one's watching~

They tried to sue Australian grocery-duopolly Woolworths for their apple/ pumpkin type W logo

wollies applied for a blanket trademark - which would allow them to sell laptops with that logo on it, which would be kind of hilarious

You can always post ace content here 🥺🥺

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Yeah they could have left current large 3rd party apps alone and said any new API connections from AI companies and etc will be charged 20 million dollars a year..

Hello~ I'll put @Crotaro for Void Bastards,

it was made by an Australian group that made this online group of friends take over stars real life time strategy website game Neptune's pride

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Yes! Love seeing where home is at a glance~ they're beautiful ! 💕

Personally I love breath of the wild and adore tears of the kingdom more

There's so much to do and explore and I want the game to keep going forever

note that 'ceramic' water bottles (lining - frank green) - and "ceramic" sauce-pans and cook-ware are not made of clay - they're made of a bunch of chemicals, teflon has some health concerns, but a bunch of research has gone into it, not so much into 'ceramic' products clay ceramic is not naturally non-stick , hence the other chemicals used

bunch of notes on ceramic:

::: spoiler spoiler

How ceramic coated cookware is made

A ceramic coated pan is essentially any metal pan that has a thin ceramic layer on top. The metal core or “substrate” of the pan varies. Some companies use anodized aluminum, an inexpensive metal and good conductor of heat; other brands use cast iron or stainless steel. Whatever the case, all ceramic coated cookware use some type of metal as a base.

Most ceramic coatings are actually “Sol-gel” coatings consisting of silica (sand) and other inorganic chemicals. This is the preferred method of applying ceramic coatings to cookware to make them less- or non-stick. Sol-gel is typically sprayed onto the metal substrate and then fired at a very high temperature. Depending on the manufacturer, this curing process can range between 400 and 800 degrees fahrenheit. While Sol-gel coatings are technically harder and able to withstand higher temperatures than PTFE coatings, most companies advise their customers not to heat ceramic coated pans above 500 degrees, otherwise the ceramic coating could decompose. When this happens, the ceramic pan can lose its nonstick properties and the surface will become coarse or gritty. These pans are not usually recommended to use in the dishwasher or under the broiler.

Are ceramic coatings nonstick?

Ceramic is not naturally nonstick. This is why most companies use Sol-gel technology to create a ceramic nonstick coating. But the idea of ceramic nonstick cookware is kind of a misnomer. First, as we learned above, the slick surface on ceramic coated pans usually degrades over time; and this process can be accelerated if the pans are exposed to high heat on a regular basis. Some experts have suggested that ceramic coatings have about one sixth of the lifespan as their PTFE counterparts. The question you should really be asking is, for how long are ceramic coatings nonstick? A well maintained ceramic coated pan is expected to hold up for 1-2 years - that is not very long, especially considering the high price of some of these pans.

Is ceramic nonstick cookware safer than other nonstick cookware?

Because of all the controversy and speculation surrounding fluoropolymers and PTFE coatings, it is no surprise that there’s an abundance of scientific research on these chemicals. Unfortunately there is not a lot of historical research on Sol-gel and its effects on human health. That is not to say that one is safer than the other. However, purchasing your cookware from a reputable company can help limit your risk of direct food contamination. As the old saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry. :::


They probably did a user survey and found out that moving windows to a subscription would cause 100% of users to switch to Mac / Linux

I've been getting a shiny pokemon team ready for Black/White remakes that will come out one day ~ (shiny-egg-trading on the 3DS)

also swap-doodle on the 3DS - though I've been carrying it in my pocket for a few weeks in Sydney, Australia and haven't street-pass'd anyone since 5 years ago (one person) the rest, 6 years ago @_@

Add me and trade hand-drawn postcards n__n 33/M/Australia name: Pushka Friend-code: 1822-1028-6857 (reply with your FC

No acid, no oxygen?

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I grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist, but lost my faith and left the church/religion in 2012 (was born in 1989)

for Gmail and Bitwarden I use on basic password from my past, then every few years, I add something to the end of it so it's like Password1password2P3###123 - so it's really long, but I only ever have to 'learn' the last little bit added

every other p.word in my life is random characters (but I also keep a hint of both gmail and bitwarden's passwords - like - a description of each password (the one from dial-up) (that one generated from that one website) (123)

Someone was saying on kbin that many ppl wanted it - but the Devs have bigger fish to fry , like , a wave of new users they are barely handling

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Maybe a - ok one queen rage quitting , nothing you can do , but two ?! It's a bad look, damage control mode activate !

This season is so messy 🥶🥶🥶

Let's go Jimbo crown and Jayms online ~ ✨

I grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist church (similar vibe to Mormon and Jehovah's Witnesses) and they are big on Bible is literally all true, they're usually pacifist , but even their founding fathers had some Catholic church will kill us all they're the Antichrist conspiracy theories and it's definitely big in the church - being a small closed community, it's automatically a - we are a small group with the truth and everyone else are sheep

Beeple is also an amazing 3d digital artist

Edit - I can't read , disregard this

If the people you're around are Christian - the phrase "David's Friend Jonathan" can be a gay dog whistle , it's a reference to the bible , but ppl blasphemously muse that it sounded pretty gay when Jonathan died and David said his love for him surpassed that of a woman

2 Samuel 1 - 25 How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O Jonathan, thou wast slain in thine high places.

26 I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.

27 How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!


Dunno if it's related , but the Japanese Yaoi movement can be pretty cute and emotional ~

Yaoi is an acronym / initialism meaning something like "no plot , no point (just spicy guy love) Also "BL" Boy-love

It's a genre started by underground female writers and comic artists writing gay fics for other ladies - comes in all flavours

But if you find art / fan art / comics or anime - there's the range of being friends , affectionate , new lovers, relationshipping ~~

The trope is that the author and reader are embodied into a young feminine looking guy , and there is some love interest thats more manly and dominant looking - and so they're being chased , kinda like man-woman gender stereotypes , but make it gay - There's often great emotional stories , drama/love triangles , spicy gay stuff ~ can be very cute and gay

I had an .. uh,, interesting new years, I ate some pre-warned strong magic edible brownies, and it's never happenend before but from 11pm till 2am I went into a deep paranoid psycosis, hallucinating, losing grip on reality, time-jumps, paranoid, not knowing what's going on, hard to talk to / interact with people, just having a poker-face trying to appear normal, lying on a couch, waiting to get through @__@ i'ma stay away from psychedelics from now on, awesome for most ppl, but I don't want to unlock something and have any of that when im sober x__x

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Unrelated but I've been listening to coconuts on repeat for like 3 weeks I'm obsessed 🫨🫨🫨

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Right now?? 🥺🥺🥺

Weird that the 'most atheist country in the world' still won't pass this, lead by Christian politicians x__x

The average Joe can be a bit traditional / sexist/ chauvinistic - but I think things are changing slowly

"A May opinion poll from the CVVM agency showed 58% of Czechs believed same-sex couples should have the right to marry, and more agreed with allowing couples to adopt."

Ah, TIL:

A 2023 Gallup International survey found that Sweden was the country with the highest percentage of citizens that stated they do not believe in God.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Atheists - WIN-Gallup 2017:

China - 91%
Japan - 87%
Sweden - 78%
Czech Republic - 76%
United Kingdom - 73%
Belgium - 72%
Estonia - 72%
Norway - 70%
Australia - 69%
Denmark - 68%

Black Mirror season 6 - comes out tomorrow, June 15 on Netclick

Ya the bad trip wasn't that bad , but I think I'll stay from psychodelics again just to be safe , which sucks because I've always been more into the idea of them rather than alcohol , we'll hope they get legal for everyone else's benefit~

Ya sure, didn't have time to test other instances and add all their URLs but you can fork it on greasyfork ~

I like it ~ I joined mastodon but I think it was way too slow to load images - probably joined some dodgy overloaded server (though I like the Reddit format and community better rather than Twitter)

It's giving me Reddit 15 years ago vibes - smaller tech-savvy and agile community - my Reddit use was on and off through the years; but I like the idea that each community in the Extended Lemmiverse can all have their own vibes and cultures and implementations of the platform and we can all chat and follow topics together 🕊️

I've only been here a short while; but maybe one thing I'd love is not to see reposts in the /all section ; I know the communities are small and growing and can cross post for more stuff , but I'm sure there could be a way for the system to know that the title and url are the same - so only show one , or auto-merge the comments and prioritise posting your comment to your local community instance's post Edit - I might try install an instance on my website and try to make a merge function ~

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Coconuts by Kim Petras !!


i don't really use it / haven't used it in ages and haven't really used twitter before,,

And being told that you should be killed and are evil !

fun fact, google-ai couldn't fit the article in its input text-box, and then said "im a language model and dont have the capacity to help with that" 🥶🥶 goog doesn't know what a text-input is


The internet has become increasingly puritanical, with outspoken anti-sex advocates on social media criticizing and labeling various forms of sexual content as immoral. This trend has been particularly prominent in online fandom communities, where discussions about sexual content in media have given rise to a movement known as "anti-fandom." The passage of the FOSTA-SESTA bill in 2018, which cracked down on online adult content, has further fueled this puritanical shift. Fandom, once a space for passionate celebration and creative expression, has become a battleground for purity culture, with individuals labeling certain ships and sexualized content as harmful and even equating fictional harm with real-world harm. This puritanical mindset has extended beyond fandom communities, affecting broader online discourse and leading to the censorship of sexual minorities and sex-positive content. The weaponization of social justice language, the rise of "call-out culture," and the moral panic surrounding sex have all contributed to this puritanical trend, making it increasingly difficult to have open and healthy discussions about sex.

I uh,, actually have this on epic-games with their free weekly game, I just use steam way more - I'll pass the key onto you ~ 💕

Rather than using GitHub, have you heard of GreasyFork? it's a user-style manager library website where people can install a script with one click, and their browser extension links it to that URL, so you can make new versions and it'll automatically push it out to everyone - and auto-installs with browser sync on a new PC / new browser login


Jokes and debates ey? Sounds like Facebook 😵😵

I was gonna start an instance for testing but I only have a shared server with no root access so I can't install it

Sponsored by Game-Pass ~

This is cute~! I hated comic-sans when seeing it on lots of tacky corporate and school signs etc. but recently I ironically and then unironically fell in love with its whacky-ness, bold-ness and readability, (I use a Samsung phone, and used PT Mono on the S9, but then future phones blocked custom fonts, so I used one hack-ey Comic-Sans version since my mono ones are so underground no one developed a phone hack - now any font is possible again so I'm using the one below~ )

A few years ago my fav. font became PT Mono, from Google Fonts - cyrilic compatible, it has these angular edges, and swoopy circle curves, so cute <3

THEN there was this font printed on 2011 Pentax Q cameras and lenses that I loved, and couldn't find the original, but there was something very similar, STALKER1 and related similar fonts