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Joined 12 months ago

Beyond that, what's to say the court doesn't just declare it unconstitutional.

We're well past them pretending they don't legislate from the bench, they're just striking down or upholding laws that they like at this point.

Using it to determine if you get pregnant and then suddenly aren't. So they can charge you for getting an abortion.

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I have seen the slavery thing. But I'm sorry, the holocaust made Jews useful? Who said that and where? What the actual fuck?

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Because cops in America all fancy themselves the Punisher (don't even get me started on that) where everyone is out to get them and every one they shoot is one less bad guy on the street.

No incentive to change when they can get away with killing with impunity and fulfill their murder fantasies.

Asshole who shot this kid probably bragged to all his buddies about smoking a dude with a knife and got attaboys all around.

I am by no means an expert, but what I have gathered is that it, like almost everything in combat, is incredibly complex.

With the correct support and combined arms usage tanks are an absolute devastating force on the battlefield still. Used correctly they can completely change a battle.

But they aren't war winners by themselves, and have never been. Unsupported a single tank is exactly a big expensive target, just like a modern fighter and or a single soldier.

The idea that tanks can be wonder weapons and that they alone can turn the tide of a war has existed since WW2, but they have always had weaknesses that need to be covered by supporting elements in order to be used effectively.

How the Abrams will do in Ukraine is anyone's guess. The Abrams has never seen combat without the might of the US's military logistics backing it up.

All that being said, if you are in a firefight, would you rather have a tank backing you up, or not? I'd take the tank support.

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A decent flashlight.

A streamlight stylus pro is $20, uses 2 AAA batteries, is barely bigger than a pen, and can be an absolute life saver. It produces way more light and throws it way further than your phone's light, and I've been carrying the same one every day for nearly 15 years now with no signs of it failing. I use it nearly daily in my personal and professional life, you will genuinely wonder how you manages without it if you make it a habit of carrying it.

Or go nuts and get yourself a something like a surefire G2. Bigger, heavier, but more durable and incredibly bright.

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I am still trying to figure out how I am currently working more than I ever have with less free time than ever, and yet also manage to somehow have less disposable income than ever as well...

80% of self identified Christians in America haven't read the bible cover to cover.

They base their entire identity on a fucking book they haven't even read. They just go listen to some asshole tell them what to think, and say "yup, that's what I'll base my idea of morality on!"

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Sync for lemmy should be up in a few weeks time. I'm pretty stoked about it.

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It already seems significantly better than reddit has been lately. I was just mentioning to a friend how it felt like 2010 reddit did.

The community is good, it scratches the same itch, think I'm here for a while.

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Yup, my wife and I both want kids.

We're now pretty set on adoption.

I'd be happy to see a world where people don't actively create problems for others due to greed, ignorance, or bigotry.

We got enough problems from natural disasters, disease, accidents, etc. If people could just not be dicks and not fuck each other over constantly that would be cool.

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Chilling with hobbits sounds pretty cool.

Eat lots of good, local food, drink loads of beer, smoke tons of weed out of sweet ass churchwarden pipes.

And eating at casual dining restaurants.

Remember lemmy is in it's infancy still compared to reddit. I imagine as lemmy grows certain communities will end up being the more populated ones, and they will kind of become the default. The downside is that that will take time, the upside is there is always an alternative if something goes wrong.

Do you know how hard it is to legally immigrate to another country, especially for the majority of folks?

I'm in the middle of the Wax and Wayne series by Brandon Sanderson, just finished Shadows of Self.

Sanderson's books are a really fun read, highly recommend them to anyone interested in fantasy.

Exactly where I am as well.

I'm not interesting/talented enough to generate content, but I'll do my best until more interesting and talented folks start to fill this place with better content.

Raven from Teen Titans did me for goth girls Jessie Bannon from Johnny Quest did it for red heads.

If you aren't exposed to certain issues you may not know how serious they are, or even that they exist. I grew up in a small town in NC, and you would not believe the amount of genuinely good, compassionate, empathetic people that held really shitty beliefs because that's what their parents and others they trusted tell them.

I had friends on snap benefits that would complain about "welfare queens" (read, young black mothers).

It's important to realize that many of these people aren't evil, they are a victim of their circumstance as much as anyone else. They were taught to be hateful, and while it's not your responsibility to unteach them, if your decide to take that on, and they are open and willing to learn about how others struggle, and what they can do to help, you very quickly see that their naivete actually is pretty wholesome.

They were just lied to by the folks they should have been able to trust, and that cycle can go on for generations.

Tech background, but never worked with it.

I'm a plumber now, used to design trusses for houses.

Depends on how before you want to go. Before trump it was a fuckin weird state, but not a bastion of hate. Florida being fuckin Florida is actually a relatively recent thing.

Exactly this. My hard right coworker showed me this song because i complain regularly about modern conservative country, and how the old-schools of country (Cash, Hank senior, Woody Guthrie, etc) knew the struggle of the working man and would not be modern republicans. He made me listen to it thinking it was a gotcha "what do you think about this guy" and I listend a few times, read the lyrics, and my man has 2 bad lines in the song, based on the lyrics he'd be fighting for stronger social safety nets and equal rights for all after a single night in the bar with a lefty.

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I played games before, but my first obsession was Pokemon Blue, Diablo and 2 got me stuck into RPGs, and Halo CE got me into shooters.

Cosplay- I am a big movie nerd, and love movie props, scifi and fantasy armor and weapons specifically, and making them is so cool to me. Beyond that I do community events (kids hospital visits, parades, star wars nights at sporting events, museums, etc) and interacting with kids who genuinely believe I'm the character I'm portraying is loads of fun, and seeing their smiles is a fantastic feeling.

Tabletop games- for war games I'm actually more into the painting aspect, it's so relaxing and cathartic, to put on an audio book or podcast and just paint for an hour or two is a huge stress relief, and now that I've gotten into DnD, the creative aspect. DMing is loads of fun as well. I keep a small notebook on me at all times now to jot down ideas I have throughout the day, even if I don't use them, it's still nice to get the ideas out and have them available for later.

I've gotten into 3d printing as a result of the other two hobbies, and it isn't particularly fun, but is an incredible tool, and so I would consider it fun because of the output. I can start with an idea, and for a few dollars and hours I can have a new prop or mini without having to put on pants or leave the house. It's the coolest thing.

Brain plasticity is absolutely a thing, and there are exercises you can do to maintain and even regain some of your brain plasticity.

The "facts don't care care about your feelings" crowd from a few years back sure does seem to be sensitive to facts and only give a shit about their feelings.