9 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yap, thanks!

Thank you all. Happy now.

Absolutely, since i've degoogled long ago i'll never go back. Your suggestion looks nice to me, will check it out, thanks.

with FF and ublock i can watch yt as always. Never got the poup. But as of today, the youtube page is just blank. I can search and watch anything, but the start-page is blank. (no account)

5 more... and I use them all the time. Taking a sample of 10s i get amazing results.

sry for being unclear, it's no educational content i try to upload but animations.

I've requested an account at peertube but never received an email afterwards...

My family has agreed on a password if someone gets a suspicious phone call.

me too, till today :( Now i get the "easy" checkbox and the ones with the arrows too. I think it's cloudflare messing it up.

2 more...

it's simpler. You just need to create a CONTENT folder anywhere on your pc or external drive. for example: mine is at Z:\MyDazLibrary\Content, for the sake of disk-space and backups.

Then for your downloaded stuff, you don't even need to extract the downloaded stuff. just open the zip (7zip) and drag the Content folder to your "created" content folder. (saves some clicks when you got a ton to install).

Then in Daz, right click the Content Library tab and choose Content Directory Manger, look for DAZ Studio Formats, then add the path to your newly created Content folder there. This way you have separate libraries with the stuff you purchased and the ones you downloaded.

Then you just need to go to the Content Database Maintenance and Process Metadata Queue, so the stuff will appear in your Smart Content.

Monitorix or Netdata.

To selfhost will be the ultimate goal. (didn't know catbox, thanks.)

AI (Alien Isolation)

i simply use freefilesync

There are local ones but far away from the speed and quality of elevenlabs right now.


will take a look at pfsense, thanks.

use the search on (no virus found, goes online just to download the AI then you can use it offline).

Had to install chromium and the first login attempt was successful ...

Thank you for these words and sorry for making you feel unclean ^^

Without testing and watching only the demo it seems they're both not "active" firewalls.
Since i "test" a lot of softwarez i need an active pop up at every first connection attempt... (sadly i'm stuck with Win for one single app not working on linux).

Nice one. And with notifications. I'll try it. thanks!

(a short convo about tts we had: Since 11L blocked (my) free access with vpn and i won't pay for them after reading their TOS i'm happy now with gitmylo's local and free alternative.

I used monitorix a long time ago. now netdata.

There is also:

But you'll need to spend some $ on hitfile (i suggest) then you can download as much as you want.

(nice to see i'm not the only one still using Daz :)

Did anyone watch "Unknown Killer Roboter on netflix"? The AI-jet-pilot and the drone swarms scared the hell out of me.

cryptomator + syncthing.

Voice cloning has pushed my productivity as an animator/game-designer to the next level.