1 Post – 238 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Today at the grocery store a sweet older lady approached me and asked if I knew anything about computers.

Next on things that totally happened today...

She said zamina mina eh eh waka waka eh eh. How can you doubt the authenticity?

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87% of teens. I'm surprised it's not a higher number. Have you seen teens? They're right stupid

Premill size vs sale size. Something like that. Probably not the correct term.

Similar to how steak is measures in precooked weights.

If this is real then holy fuck is he dumb.

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I was honestly nodding my head in agreement until I got the the word investment-killing. Then I realized it was meant to sound bad lol

I honestly don't think the active duty and national guard units would be willing to fight each other. A lot of guard guys are former AD and AD gets supplemented by guard all the time. Some missions they even work side by side with active guard positions.

The states leveraging their guard units like this strikes me as highly presumptuous.

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I always heard the argument that the founders did not want a Christian based nation because they saw the chaos in the UK with Catholics fighting Protestants, vice versa and every time a monarch ascended from the opposite side it was the axe for you all of a sudden.

They were probably mostly Christian though, at least outwardly, and so wrote the constitution with Christianity informs ideals and morals.

That said, separation of church and state is a good thing. Anyone arguing they actually wanted a Christian nation is intentionally ignorant (or a fucking idiot).

So idk if "we the people" is intentionally rejecting God as much as it's rejecting the king.

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Go look up what authoritarian means again

Sounds made up to me

Am I the only one that doesn't actually give a fuck if fortnite is on steam deck or not.?

Hell I'm happier with it not.

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Nah dawg, my 14 year old was expected to type her own essays when she was thirteen and she sucks at typing too, but you know what? She's now slightly better.

You're literally crippling your own child by doing assignments for her

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Yeah only Nascar for me. Horses are stoopud

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I drove half way across the country and back last summer in my EV and it was great, except for a couple of the stops being in shady locations.

EV rest stops still have a little ways to go to becoming more convenient, but there is no range issue.

One time I accidentally removed access to a share drive for everyone in my entire company. It took a day to get it fixed. That was probably the worst day of my life lol

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Lol. You child still needs to learn to do assignments themselves.

Whether that involves the necessary medication or not is on you.

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True but that scene was still trash. She should have died.

Something something litter boxes

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Dude way to assume.

Your child has to learn to survive in the world and you are responsible for that. It's on you man.

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Lol at the last section of the article. Valve is actually bad guys! Just trust me!

Valve won't stay that way forever—the company is not immune to the pressures of capitalism, and there are already examples of anti-consumer behavior.

Eventually, the bomb will go off, and the full 'enshittification' of Steam will commence.

You should

Fuck you dude

I usually say "have fun"

To the surprise of some people for some reason

Like I said, its on you. (I did say necessary, but it was not meant in a "you have to medicate your child stat because I say so manner", you can believe me or you can not, idgaf).

This has grown so beyond the scope of this post, and for that I apologize. I realize you came in here to rant about software and now feel like your parenting style has come under fire. I'll see myself out.

Im stroganoff every day. What's the big deal.

God are you my boss?

Look, I say Jif, but this meme is hilarious. Can't we just stop the silly fighting?

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What consequences?

Full controls customizability with 1000's of options and, something very few controllers seem to have for some reason, digital+analog triggers.

Plus it helped normalize paddles.

Steam controller is amazing and I'd love a gen 2 that matches my steam deck layout.

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Their computers and software aren't shit. They're actually pretty good.

They ruin it by being shitty and charging ass loads of money

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Teeth are inherently trans because of the nature of baby teeth turning into adult teeth. We can't have any of that shit. Can you believe that minors are electing to have their wisdom teeth (given by God) pulled?! How can we allow this kind of heathen behavior.

Ironic he can respect animals more than people. He won't find much sympathy here.

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Active duty.

The feds

How is one supposed to have a local admin account if it's fucking online. Makes no sense

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Ugh. This is one of the correct usages that actually bothers me.

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Is this an elaborate Easter joke?

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You could say haha like a gen xer lol

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Is this like a book club but for research papers?

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