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Joined 11 months ago

He gave hypotheticals with very clear and pretty easy answers. The fact that he posed those as stumbling blocks means he shouldn't be deliberating on anything more significant than what he should have for lunch.

"If you don't stop committing a humanitarian crisis, we're going to stop sending humanitarian aid!"



See, I pictured out he blew out his poop chute

Pay me enough, and I'll waste everyone's time. Wait...

Did I just reinvent lobbying?

Yea, sure, Twitch

They were just tired of fielding questions of why the camgirls were exempt from the rules everyone else was following. Now it's because it's "artistic".

I believe it's more the fear of looking informal or unprofessional. Without more formal clothes, he was afraid of looking like a random chancer copping a feel instead of someone trying to save a life. Pretty silly in retrospect but definitely a possible fear in the moment.

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Maybe that's a sign to make less coffee, bruv

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I figured it was an attempt to get votes in before he's declared ineligible. So when he's ousted, he'll say "I got all these votes, count em! I should win but they're cheating and saying I can't run! FRAUD!"

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When there are no parentheses, you process left to right on the same tier of operations. That's how it's always been processed.

Unless you work with businesspeople. Then both parts are true.

This is, perhaps naively, assuming that employers wouldn't just increase the number of days you're working. Weeks are now 10 days long, and you work for 7 of them.

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They're not calling for him to be "cancelled". They're just not going to view his stuff anymore. Any individual doesn't need a reason to stop doing something they've engaged in willingly. Unless you didn't mean to reply to the comment you did.

The reply doesn't even make sense. If you have no more children, then you have no children who can misbehave.

Yeah! Do you know some people don't even tip anymore? Like what happened to the common decency in America?

It's the same energy because it's the same joke

Ew, I can feel myself getting healthier just parsing the word "u*****l ar". You need to censor more of that.

Kinda feels like that only holds when you hold a minority opinion (from a larger societal view). There are no big, explicit groups for being anti-random murder or government-mandated molestations. Most of us are just sorta passively against certain things.

Both the title and the image seem to be misunderstanding what the story actually is saying, as if it were the king's kid that got ate.

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...where'd he chop a tree that big? did that bastard take down all the cool, fantasy trees??

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Honestly. Am I missing something in the picture? It's just a city? Am I supposed to be unable to comprehend a nice, coastal city?

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Even if he was, and I'm guessing he wasn't, high on mushrooms. How does that make it any different than if he passed out at the controls while drunk? Highlighting mushrooms feels like a conservative push

I cannot believe Amy is lower level than Fry.

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I'll remember this for when I'm forced to apply to wait tables in order to stave off deeper poverty. Just a few more months.

Why are muscles manly?

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This is not targeted at you nor OP.

The answer for both you and OP is tied to your last sentence

so we can all enjoy fried chicken and watermelon on Juneteenth.

Why fried chicken and watermelon and why on Juneteenth? Do you eat fried chicken and watermelon as part of your normal rotation? (Hopefully, 'yes' because both are delicious and everyone should be afforded the opportunity to indulge)

The issue is that very evidently in both OP's case and the one you linked that someone was given the prompts "food for celebration" and "celebration of African Americans", generated "African American party foods", and churned out a menu reinforcing racist stereotypes. The inquiry is "hey, where is your head at?"

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"Not trying to incite anything."

says only incorrect, inflammatory things

profit??? (from being a paid actor to incite discord, because I don't want to believe an unpaid idiot is posting such horrendously idiotic takes unprompted)

I would've thought that we'd all learned that finding people who agree with each other on the internet says nothing about their individual or collective sanity.

I get it but, even as a rhetorical, the nice Christians wouldn't really be the ones making demands, would they?

As a straight man, the wording in the meme is very literal. I'm not a fan but I'll allow it.

OP is why we can't have nice things. Because people will ignore things that should be obvious. So we're left with everything softball pitched to the lowest common denominator

You're gonna be judged as the minority that most offends them.

It already requires the monthly subscription to use.

Because most people don't get into real estate to do public good. Most people get into real estate, become landlords, to make money off people's need for land and housing. It'd be like trying to whitewash criminality because vigilante heroes exist. Yeah, vigilantes might exist and are technically criminals, but that's not really the core conception of "a criminal".

Because American politics has become so barren of thought and nuance that even interacting with content containing specific images will be highlighted as support for that thing. So you can't use memes with people you disagree with unless the meme is showing how you want to disrespect them.

And American politics continues to poison the internet "well" like the dead body it is because America has a lot of guns is looking more and more unstable by the day.

Found one of Calliou's alt accounts

The problem with any competitor is providing enough value to content producers to get them to make the move.

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Why hasn't the Gotham justice system executed him then? Why not put the onus of them? Or any GCPD cop turning off his bodycam to shoot someone who deserves it for once?

Batman generally doesn't kill because, in all the interesting comics, he realizes that he is mentally unwell and, if he starts down that route, he won't know where he ends up. That's why there are so many stories of plans Batman made to stop himself (generally be suborned by someone else and putting him and others in immediate danger). He's a nutcase with a lot of money who's afraid of himself but trying to do the right thing.

Your stance only holds any water when the villains are literally unable to be physically managed by anyone except one of these demigods.

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Yeah, "urban" is an American dog whistle for "black and/or Hispanic", e.g. "the young man who rang our doorbell was so urban. i don't feel very safe."

That's certainly one way to blow someone's back out

Wow, been a while since I was laser-targeted by a meme like this