
6 Post – 575 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Early days of twitch I think most big channels were speed runners of some sort like binding of Isaac

I always forget this shit exists until it’s on. Side note, I don’t necessarily think SGDQ is to blame for the declined interest, I just think most people don’t care for speed runs anymore.

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It’s significant because it has been otherwise unknown why he was banned off twitch back in 2017 when he was their biggest streamer. Lots and lots of speculations were had and finally the bomb dropped last week as to why

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Is this because of Israel wanting war with Lebanon? If so this is very worrying

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The why is kind of hard to pin point and I would probably say someone with a higher degree in poli sci could answer better.

However, I just wanted to point out that they don’t see it as fanatical. They truly believe the left to be evil and doing demonic rituals. I’m almost willing to say they have delusional disorder or symptoms of light psychosis. Shits wack

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The lesson is to work really, really slow

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Straight up don’t give a single fuck what car dealers want. If they could all go out of business I’d be a happier person

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Legalize prostitution and get rid of the stigma. It being illegal only hurts the women (mostly) in the long run. With legalization you could get rid of a lot of abuse and make it easy for these women to come forward if there is abuse. I think it would also make underage trafficking harder if prostitution was legalized.

I think we’re a long way from that, but one can hope for society.

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This does not look like it’ll end up well for the consumer… can we please get some company busting going on in this current capitalistic hellscape?

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Waaaaaaay better privacy, faster than chrome, don’t need to worry about them killing mandatory add ons so they can push ads, also the add ons just work better but maybe that’s confirmation bias.

I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting

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Caffeine, people think they aren’t addicted to caffeine and can stop any time but watch them be miserable and go right back when they try. And in the same vein adderall for those college kids who are cramming before tests

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I’m really not a big fan of the teenage phase some go through where they think it’s fun to be edgy and crap on other people’s hobbies and interests.

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Oh that sounds like a perfectly normal reaction to someone different from you

How aggravating it must be to be a prosecutor and have all the info indicating how guilty this man is and yet seemingly half the nation calls you a liar. Strange gas lighting on a national scale

Small nuance compared to the title

The Senate’s national finance committee will study a bill on October 17 which would create a national framework for—but not actually implement—UBI, according to a press release

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That would require logging into Reddit. I have a feeling this is to boost clicks for a really poor months performance so they can say “look 3rd party apps being dead is fine!”

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That’s not as much as I would’ve hoped

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I’m not sorry, but if colors offend you, you might be really fragile and not as manly as you’d like to think

And if you use religion as an excuse to be a bigot remember your god made everyone and everything so hating colors kinda like saying you’re afraid of your own gods creations.

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I always hear about these new amazing materials. While they’re great concepts they’re usually held back by how crazy expensive they are to produce. I’m betting this falls into that bin

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I’ll believe the “it’s here to stay” shit when I see it. From where I sit I only see managers that want people in cubicles again 5-6 days a week while they can work remotely or hybrid.

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I have several very close friends who are Chinese. Some from near Shanghai some from near Beijing. The reason they explain is much more cultural and not capitalist as some here suggest.

For one, it is extremely rough on women because young men act very spoiled and men in general have an abusive problem there. So they don’t want to have kids with these men and they don’t want to marry them either. Women are getting married much later with it not being completely unheard of to be 30 and unmarried anymore in China.

Second, it is also hard on women because of family. When they get married the man’s family is their new family essentially and they lose support from their blood family. This can be tough especially if the husbands family hates the woman (not that rare).

Third, divorce is still rare because of the culture of stick through it and be a good wife. Divorce is also hard when you have kids and there’s a lot of pressure to have kids right away when you get married. This is changing but it’s slow.

Finally, we arrive at feminism. This is a good change and women are realizing all the cultural problems and see they can be happier on their own and make big money on their own too. So why get married, why have kids when you can be happy by yourself?

So all in all it’s not bad changes, these are cultural changes most countries go through and I’m happy for the Chinese women and hope all goes well. If you have any questions or want me to elaborate just let me know.

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Wow the value of a life I guess. I don’t really know what can come close to the value of a life, but this doesn’t seem like it.

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Honestly, the only real solution is leaving Twitter. With the plan to remove the block feature this will only get worse and worse. I really don’t see this sort of thing getting better anytime soon or later.

Some options: Mastodon is great, push through that initial anxiety about servers and just hop on. Not threads! Unless you’re okay with FaceBook taking, very literally, all your data. Bluesky I’ve heard is okay, but it’s another billionaire project that has an algorithm to do whatever they want.

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I think women should maybe leave these places if they can. I wouldn’t even let a man think about having kids with me if I were a woman in any of those shit states.

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Man fuck these people. Everyone’s struggling out here and they just make it worse because they want the money. Idiots like this will never change

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Housing for everyone and in a way that mega-cities are walkable

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They’ve also said “wahoo” and that’s been a general hit I think

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Take a nap. Seriously. Caffeine only makes you jittery and seem on edge, but coming in calm, cool, and collected will look way better.

Makes me happy that 2 million people felt comfortable enough to be openly LGBTQ+ small steps, but it’s a positive direction

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Ah, it wouldn’t be the police if they didn’t try to violate people’s rights before lawmakers can tell them no.

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Man you know what’s not hard? Empathy. You know what is hard? Constantly finding ways to make life for others difficult.

Literally just build some free housing that won’t kick people out after extended periods of time, give them social support for jobs, give them mental health support, and feed them. If they don’t want to live there because of mental health issues, they should still have access to the other amenities and eventually they might move in. And blam, you will have a much better city with less crime and a happier population. Oh and it’s cheaper then funding death and destruction

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Birding, you’ll be truly surprised by the variety of just birds around you. Perks: it gets you out on trails, low cost of entry (binoculars), the data you produce of birds is used for research, and you’re just observing so you don’t need to worry about harming animals.

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HUGE oof. Get your grandparents out of office and put some people who know how technology works in

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It’s news sure but is anyone thinking it’s groundbreaking news that Elon musk might be on drugs most of the time?

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I wish Mexico had a better system, this sort of shit is a tragedy. I don’t know how or even when this will change, but I’m hopeful it will one day in my life

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You know what our body uses as a natural battery sort of thing? Salts! You know what is loaded with salts/electrolytes? Gatoraid! The conclusion is clear

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Opinion “news” masquerading as real news is one I’ll always downvote. Usually weeded out through who the publisher is

Who cares about verified at this point? It’s not verified it’s a subscription. I don’t call people that have a Netflix subscription as verified.

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Traveling the world spending hundreds of thousands is great and all, but have you tried exploring everything about your community? I find it far more rewarding to invest my time into my own community and learning about others that are my neighbors. My community has a wealth of people and experiences and going through that is way nicer instead of not even scratching the surface of other countries people and cultures.

That’s why people that make videos like this tend to come off as so superficial. They never really take the time to get to know someone and invest in their life. They go, see and take what they want, and leave feeling like they’re profound and found the meaning to life.

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