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Joined 1 years ago

Nobody is even slightly concerned that this made it to release? if they can shove in hate speech without anyone noticing, cant be much harder to slowly introduce a backdoor over several commits.

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Wtf am i reading. Making them gay isnt even a stab at anyone, its just a weird thing to add.

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Ok thats not even remotely accurate. wtf is this clickbait shit. You can argue that bitcoin is bad for the environment but if you're gonna invent statistics at least make is plausible.

Keep this garbage out of europe please. i see it popping up. I will absolutely refuse to tip a single goddamn soul at this point going forward.

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It's funny seeing this thread with it's descriptions written as if describing the traditions of some long-gone ancient civilization.

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This is gonna cause more harm than good. The reason people think it's techy is because it is. I would recommend linux to my grandma and someone who loves tech. The middleground runs into a lot of issues for doing anything beyond basic computer stuff.

This post gives me the vibe of someone desperately trying to get people to buy the cryptocurrency they're invested in. Particularly the part where only the good is mentioned and the bad is omitted.

Some linux people are pretty elitist though, and it's not helping the cause. but in the same way, i dont think pretending that it's the greatest thing since sliced tea is much better.

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What, do you think they just sit around smoking cigars and laughing evilly all day? Its not that they dont do anything good, their evik acts just offset it.

How do you even have a jury trial for a president? isnt the jury supposed to not have a preexisting opinion of the person being charged?

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It's ok, we know you guys are weird.

They are insanely off, yes.

Just a slightly more informed right. 👍

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Because he very likely has been. Putin has a long history of people "mysteriously" dying. if it happens once in a blue moon, it's a conspiracy theory. But it happens so damn often that it's practically undeniable.

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.NET is better than ever wdym

Governments use memes as a format to spawn propaganda. wouldnt rely on em too much in any case

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There is only a racial implication if you look deep into it or your brain is wired to see everything as racist.

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yeah thats what im taking away from this too.. you dont just rm -rf shit in any application without some good ass verification from the user

Or its just a piracy check...

Prison is for poor people, not presidents. I think most people understand that not everyone is equal under the law at this point in time.

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Fuck it, if we have statues of people with high kill counts, might as well make one of a mcdonalds burger.

It's quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. In most situations, it's the prefered option because you can just have your docker container, choose where relevant files are allowing you to properly isolate your applications. Or on single purpose servers, it makes deployment of applications and maintaining dependencies significantly easier.
At the very least, it's a great tool to add to your toolbox to use as needed.

There is no case. this is just TOS violation with a hosting company.

Man I did that once as a kid before i knew how to back stuff up properly. Months of work just gone. Now im hyperparanoid about backups and restoration procedures for everything.

Population collapse for the human race isn't so much a problem, we'll weather through it as a species. For an economy, population decline is very not good though. You need working age people to support the young and old, as well as everything else your taxes go to.

I used to think that too. Then i got some wireless ones. I spent way more money getting replacement wired headphones and adapters than replacing my wireless ones. Only thing is, you gotta charge em.

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True enough i suppose. Though the direct approach is more likely to convince some.

the fuck am i reading, what kinda idea bubble do you live in bro.

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Not even knowledge, attentiveness. It's so easy to overlook issues with AI written code vs writing it yourself and having to come up with the process. Just today i had this happen, cost me a day of extra work because i missed something in chatgpt's great looking code.

Guys can we stop getting political at the dinnertable

Can you not? i already have little hope for humanity as it is..

Honestly, without these monopolies, yes it will suck for a bit but it would allow us to essentially rebuild the internet. It sounds exciting more than anything. If the EU blocks anything, thats a different story. The deal now is that companies are vaguely threatening to leave because they dont wanna deal with our laws.

Yes, i would also recommend C# as a starting point. It's kind of a jack of all trades, master of some. But more importantly, it forces you to understand certain programming concepts you may not learn if you start with a language like Python or Javascript. Not knowing these concepts will cause problems as you get deeper into it.

And if you use Visual Studio 2022 on windows (not visual studio code), it will take away some of the initial pain points of setting up your environment and gets you straight to an executable program.

I couldn't recommend it more as a first language.

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yeahh.. maybe not the point you wanna make

hetzner is a large hosting company in germany.

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Why not just say what's appropriate for each particular circumstance? Because its vegans and arch users.

Hmm im sorry to hear it. The main reason i love C# so much is because VS2022 is just amazing. Ive been trying other languages on different IDEs the past years but nothing feels nearly as smooth to work with as VS2022 with C#. Sad part is, for other languages, VSCode does feel the most comfortable. I want to like JetBrains IDEs but there's a little too much jank for my liking. Even though I cant even drag out tabs on VSCode, its still the least annoying.

Yeah, well, linux is great, but people seem to rarely give the full disclaimer. So people end up disappointed, go back to windows and end up thinking you need to be hackerman to be able to use it. Or they do end up learning everything, think they're hackerman and tell everyone in the world how linux is just sooo much better and easier because theyve been using it since 1969 or whatever.

My view: Your grandma could comfortably work on linux. It's when you need stuff beyond the most basic aoftware that there's a much steeper learning curve than windows. You fuck up, your system implodes. Once you're balls deep into computers, lets say software development, linux becomes easier and more useful again. Its that middle group of average users who have the hardest time.

They sure as hell are doing a good job of making me reliant on AI though. Soon I'll probably be payinf 200$ a month because i cant remember how to do things without AI. I think thats the plan anyway.

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Yeah its too vague, but when it comes to consumable products, they're generally made so you want more of it than is good for you. Hence the discomfort with not consuming the thing

Okay, ill ask ChatGPT

Or maybe if you see racism everywhere, you're the problem.
A big part of the problem that the average person has in relation to race is that they constantly need to be aware of it as to not offend someone who looks to deep into it, and usually isn't even part of the race that's supposedly offended. This constant awareness tends of lead to people forming actual opinions about race.

If your opinion is that jews should not be criticized because they happen to be jews, and you say that as a deflection from the actual argument, you now created someone who has more dislike towards jews because their race is used as a shield from criticism.

And just to clarify, both perspective are stupid, but if you look at how right wing racists think, this is a big part of it.

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