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Joined 12 months ago

Lmao Valve made a service so good at what it does, it's fucking over all these other business ghouls like Tim Sweemey who are actively trying to dominate the market without actually competing; just look at Epic's store, it's d o g s h i t. They give out free games and still no one I know wants to use it. It's the same across the board, these companies do not want to make good services, they want to legally strongarm the consumer.

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RC car course

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Some publisher dickheads are totally unaware their business minmaxxing is absolutely the reason this product wasn't developed properly but I am sure the devs at rocksteady will get all the flak as per usual and the people actually responsible for this sabotage will probably move laterally to another position where they can ruin more shit people like for a six figure income.

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You don't have to like games just because they are popular. It's clearly not for you and that's really all there is to it, and that is ok. Go try something else that actually piques your interest.

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That, and stop dumbing down the UI. Gradeschoolers in 1999 could operate windows, it doesn't need to get dumber

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Exactly, people aren't paying for pics, they're paying to interact with the models

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Decriminalize drugs and defund the DEA 👍

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3 years after release, here's a finished product

Lmao the absolute state of the gaming industry

If I had the power to stop time I'd stop it, travel all around the world putting live grenades in the pockets of every type of evil greedy cunt I could find, then start it again and wait for the fireworks to ensue. Every time someone starts making psychopath money again? Suddenly a grenade appears in their pocket. Funding wars, poison and incarceration? Every person with a finger in haliburton or monsanto, turned into red mist at a board meeting. Shareholders, exploding in hot tubs, saudi princes splattered in their shitty lambos. Every jordan belfort wannabe fuckstick exquisitely morphed into charcuterie.

Grenade morality.

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Yo ho ho and a bottle of fuck corporations

The economy isn't strong, for one. Rich people getting richer isn't indicative of a healthy economy. The entire working class can barely afford their god damned groceries, 40 hours a week isn't even enough to live on for most people.

The economy is dogshit right now. Fuck these corpo ghouls.

We always hear about shit companies like embracer, but who are the actual people in charge? Who are the people who are very bad at their jobs and should be publically ostracized for damaging not only their ips but the lives of hundreds to thousands of working developers? Like what are their names? Who are these faceless scumbags?

Embracer is just a name to hide behind, the people involved in the decisionmaking here should be known by name, like Bobby "incredible piece of human filth" Kotick

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Some sort of device to remove the heads from the ruling class

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The south is emphatically wrong on so much shit but calling soda/pop "coke" is somehow at the top of my list

Call all ice cream vanilla, or all cereal corn flakes, or all alcohol beer why the fuck not

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Send help

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Actually do something about it you crypt keeper lookin ass fuck

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I love self checkout, I can steal from corporations with plausible deniability

Spaghetti sucks. Come eat my ass, italians

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Describes the ai present in every sandbox or open world game ever

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Can't wait to play once it's out on steam

guitar shredding

A quarter pounder meal is around ten bucks, so is a cheeseburger and fries from a local restaurant or diner. The attractiveness was cheapness and now it's not even that

I have heard that it is inadvisable for solo or inexperienced spelunkers because you could easily dislodge something that could crush you, collapse a cave, etc.

Basically it's just unsafe from what I have seen

These clowns paid for Mark Hamil to do a voice in their unfinished spaceshiperooni game merely because they could

They have no idea how to responsibly allocate their budget or schedules

Anxious because waiting for treat

It absolutely is not, it got a rebrand by some dipshit tech bros looking to capitalize on nostalgia. What a bunch of fuckin idiots.

Wow fuck yourselves for using ai trash to represent Bob Ross, a man famous for THE JOY OF PAINTING

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Sorry op, your inner child is dead. Time for sudoku in a rocking chair.

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Lmfao what "freedom"

OW rule 34 holding up this entire brand

Liam Neeson was in Fallout 3

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Booted up GTAO the other day and I'm straight up worried about GTA6.

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Ah shit, drank ayahuasca before my hike again

We live in hell

It would be helpful if google actually responded and actioned on reports. i see malicious websites on search every day that I have reported numerous times.

Suck my fat hog google

Boomers are not the enemy. Corporations are.

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Its bugs sweetie now go lay down for nap time

I remember trying out ark again last year, and just to play the game in a way that was less janky we needed a private dedicated with no less than 7 mods. And even then it was a buggy, unpleasant mess.

Sucks because I feel like dinosaur island monster rancher fps rpg is a great idea. There will never be enough dinosaurs in my life