
2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit went from the 5th most visited website in the world to the 20th. That's not nothing.

Lemme put on my tin foil hat for a second and say that this degrading of reddit was just in time for it to go public. It could only go up from here.

I can't predict the future, but I think this whole federating thing is good. The internet and its traffic was too localized. The people don't want to keep being sold.

Now if we could somehow get everyone that uses a site like this to actually PAY - say - $1 a YEAR, the internet would be better for it.

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To quote the first words of the old Dune movie:

"A beginning is a very delicate time."

What we should all take responsibility for is the health and quality of the community. We should be more active citizens, instead of the passive "consumers" we've all been corporately groomed to be.

I think more instances are the answer because this activity can't be cheap. maybe Lemmy.world splits off into 2 or 4 instances. Lemmy1.world etc

This dynamic will have to stabilize in costs. I don't know what that looks like.

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sure, its "not acceptable" that the majority of your users are democratically voting to take these subs to NSFW.

This is the last gasp of the irrelevant. Just like applebees was blaming 'the kids these days' and their avocado toast as to why they won't pay $17 for a microwaved cheeseburger... That generation was out of touch with the modern consumer, and instead of ADAPTING (like capitalism says it does), they blamed what should be "their customers" on their business model failing.

Well, reddit is being just as myopic.

To them its "not acceptable" that the majority of its users have changed their minds and are actively trying to ruin the site. They just can't accept that idea, so the behavior is "not acceptable". Get a clue guys. Just because we keep loading your website doesn't mean we're going to keep being your free content and moderation generators.

But, I am looking forward to changing my political views and recontextualizing my reality from a stirring post by CumFartCocktail :(

You know who the real enemy in all of this is.....

Anyone is making a fraction of a cent off of squeezing the literal life out of American citizens by keeping their money invested in "big pharma". I am more than sure there are walking hypocrites out there that have had a loved one die while making money off their death.

If you care about this issue, tell everyone you know to de-invest in these companies.

Fuck them and their sociopathic ways.

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So, i was feeling pretty apocalyptic about this too - until it learned that "micro plastics" include any synthetic fibers like polyester. i mean, of course our clothing lint will get everywhere

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Does it still save in one of the most basic but still GIGANTIC file sizes?

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Give a man AI and he'll make a meme

teach a man AI and he'll make money making memes

it was reddit banning the mods of /r/mildlyinteresting that had me sign up with lemmy an hour ago.

They are back now, but still

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Unfortunately, there is no way to distribute the work in that way. the @Home projects worked because it could give your computer a hard problem to work on with little traffic to and from the server.

no, unfortunately, the best way for all of us to contribute in those smallest of ways is to run an instance at home. That way, whatever amount of "thinking" (CPU) thats done by Lemmy server would normally have to do, you can do. Its not a lot of processing (CPU) though (compared to @Home), but its a lot of traffic

i knew accounts were being automatically created and thats why i don't believe the numbers

How can I pass all my internet usage through California?

Yes, by running your own Lemmy server :P

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Hear Hear!

I'm sick of the internet being only 5 websites!

Good. I'm surprised that all governments havn't banned this chinese spyware.

and try to leave it better than you found it

how does one pronounce fedier?

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Hey, Me Too!

The real answer is I don't know.

I don't think lemmy's code has any space for ads. But its open source and anyone can change it. Anyone who runs an instance has full control over it, and i'm sure they could inject some ads somewhere.

1.) its usually a single persons job to do "social media outreach", not most of the employees

2.) People shouldn't be using their personal devices to do government work, period.

3.) slippery slope? why would someone use queer dating apps on their GOVERNMENT device? this is a stupid argument

4.) This is about GOVERNMENT, not private business. You are conflating the two.

Don't negotiate. Take your money out of big pharma. They're only doing this to "make money for their investors". If you know anyone who is invested, they are living off of blood money. Cancel big pharma.

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Well, there are schisms happening already. My local city not only has a community here on lemmy.world, but also one on the instance hosted in my city. Communities will be split and people won't find each other.

So, this would cover screens as well? (that is what apple does (at least in the u.s.) to their laptop screens.)

still don't know fed-eee-er? fed-EYE-er?

I haven't seen the film or heard much about it, only seen a preview before gaurdians but

How is this film QAnon-adjacent?

(and how is it that anti-pedophilia is now only a right wing thing when the church has been fucking children for decades? dont let em have it....)

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Has the ability to create communities also been limited? I've been trying and the circle keeps spinning.

I understand the need for nuclear. We HAVE to stop using carbon emitting forms of energy.

But I have never supported nuclear in the United States. Time and time and time again, history shows that corporations will water down the regulations around an industry. To the point of collapse. The problem is, when nuclear goes bad, its REALLY bad.

We can't even get our fucking TRAINS to their destination without greed derailing them.

how many fucking oil spills have we had because of lax safety? remember the Deepwater Horizon oil spill? that was due to lax safety regulations, all in the name of profit.

Please, tell me:

Why in the flying fuck should I trust the regulations around nuclear energy to hold?

Whatever you say, I'm not going to believe you. Not until the fucking lawyers of the corporations stop writing the laws for the congressmen to sign without reading or understanding.

What the FUCK is going to stop 'big nuclear' from re-writing regulations?

I want the regulations around nuclear to be so tight, no capitalist will want to operate under it. I want several rubber bands and a vice around the balls of whoever is running it.

I even think maybe corporations can't be trusted with it, and all nuclear energy should fall exclusively under the management of the DoD.

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