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/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I'm all queermunist!

Well before they were an apartheid ethnostate, sort of like America used to be. Democratic, kinda, but only for some.

I guess this is worse?

I wanted to leave for such a long time, but the alternatives weren't active enough.

If enough people stick around, yeah, I'm never going back.

This is literally idealism.

You have an idea about a market solution to the problem, and then act like you've solved the problem.

The problem isn't a lack of ideas! The problem is a lack of implementation! You have to get these ideas into the real world somehow, and revolution is the only way you can do that. There are billionaires aligned against implementing these ideas. You have to stop them.

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lol but inflation is being caused by poor people demanding higher wages, right?

When the rich send men with guns to break up your non-violent organizations and communities, you aren't going to debate them into submission.

Art hadn't been properly commodified yet because the technology for mass produced art didn't exist. They still needed artisans and artists, so they had to fund the arts if they wanted to see any created. They didn't appreciate art more, per se, but they saw it as fundamentally different from other widgets.

This is no longer the case. With the advent of photography, film, digital information, and of course the internet we now see profitable "art" without any need to fund it with philanthropy. Aside from one-off public works projects they can fund by stealing public funds, they can only imagine art through the lens of profitability and have no understanding of the amount of free time and energy that has gone into creating so much of the art that exists today.

There is no Medicis in 2023. Instead you get Marvel.


And until that's the case, there's a clear double standard that benefits white people.

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You will pay a subscription and have ads and your identity sold to the highest bidder.

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When we started wearing masks at work, I started to get called ma'am a lot.

I started hormones the next year.

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Chicken and egg situation.

Did Russia make them into this, or did Russia seek them out because of who they already were?

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The COVID pandemic makes me their plan is to turn New Zealand into a bunker nation and leave us all to die.

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"I want to attend your school just like my grandfather" = This is fine

"I want to attend your school because my grandfather wasn't allowed to" = This is not

Think about that for a second.

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I will never feel sorry for advertisers or the people who work with them.


This is a bad take.

Racial admissions existed to counter the other injustice - an imperfect solution to the inherent racism of legacy admissions.

Now that affirmative action has ended, the injustice of legacy admissions has been made even worse. Racism is now the law.

And it will never end.

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Leninism is good, actually.

The only person in the world you can ever truly know is yourself.

So when I ask myself "If I were spez/zuck/musk why would I do this?"

The answer is usually "because someone gave me a lot of money"

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Let's be real, it's mostly used as a pejorative for "leftist I don't like" these days.

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Regulations don't work when they don't get implemented, which means your ideas are purely ideas and not materialistic solutions. There aren't going to be any regulations, don't you get it? That ship has so obviously sailed.

There isn't a better solution that's not radical and that's why radical solutions all that's left!

People are seeing a massive drop in their quality of life before they vote for an authoritarian.

That's why they vote for strongmen - the neoliberals that were in charge before fucked everything up, and without any understanding of why that happened they just react by electing the opposition.

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I, for one, support Elon and u/spez in their efforts to destroy corporate social media and their support for federation!

I consider myself a centrist. I think Leninists and Maoists both have good ideas. :)

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Factory farms where everyone is being fattened up in cages on a slurry of hate and memes.

love to wear animal flesh

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Sometimes (the freak lobster men like top right aren't what most women are into lol), but Hollywood doesn't give a shit about what women want. This is what men want. It's all power fantasy.

Criticism is toxic now?

Uh huh, and if a rubber stamp judge gives wiretapping permission every time the cops ask for it?

They tried, but "violating everyone's privacy works" was also an inescapable point. Really undercut the message by making it so effective.

I hope without karma we can do away with vote fuzzing.

tfw you're a sub but also have low self esteem

Actually! There was no website. It was all made up.

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We should give up hope that things are going to be fine and it's all going to work out paintlessly.

That isn't necessarily the same as giving up hope that we'll survive and adapt.

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So we need laws to not be racist?

Ask me how I know you're white lol

They want a world where only the children of the rich are allowed to go to universities, while everyone else goes to vocational school or directly into the labor force.

Can you imagine having principles that are more important than profitability?

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Start calling it a regime like we do for enemies of the US.

The MAGA regime disregards precedent and disregards the facts of the case when making Court decisions. The website wasn't real, there was no gay wedding, the man she accused was happily married to his wife, it was all made up! That's not just authoritarian, it's fascist.

President Xi please, my people yearn for freedom!

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One thing gamers are notorious for: physical outdoor activity

They're the peasants that revolt against their local lord while still being loyal to the king, because surely the problem is just that the king has bad advisors and the local lord is corrupt!

Uh if a jungle cat wants you to shut the fuck up then your inalienable right to free speech won't protect you lol

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And then they all become refugees when Florida ends up underwater.

Ban lawns. Period.

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