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Joined 1 years ago

Still seems way overpriced. Doesn't even have name recognition anymore.

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People are kept in prison without a conviction, for not affording bail. Owing a thousand times the lifetime earnings of other people should at the very least mean all your accounts and holdings are frozen, and you can't spend anything without getting independent approval every time.

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They shouldn't. They're not apologizing for what they're doing, but are behaving like politicians, changing the rhetoric to try to get people to like what they're going to do anyway.

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Not doing business in a country that is not your own is the easiest thing anyone can do.

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While it's sad to see all these games begin to die a slow death, in reality, many of these titles are incredibly old and on last-gen platforms such as Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3.

Yet much older games are still playable without functionality loss.

You don't need upgrades to online services. You need to stop locking down games.

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In 2003, the World Wide Web was still in its infancy. Dial-up connections were still the default and YouTube, Facebook, and Gmail had yet to be invented.

I'd argue it had reached its prime. Websites were just websites then, not data harvesting machines.

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Even if you had like no morals at all, that type of behavior has to disqualify someone from being a surgeon. They're sabotaging the work they're supposed to be doing.

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For personal use, but corporations trying to profit off of it could be fined 100% of their assets if need be.

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An armed society is a society where people are looking for someone to shoot.

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They should all be able to vote. From prison, too. The punishment never needs to be to take their voting rights away. If they commit fraud, stop them from committing fraud again.

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And every now and then they'd go on a rampage destroying other people's and eras' art.

The responsibility of parents isn't just to feed their kids until they're 18, but to raise them and give them what they need to become independent adults. A responsibility shared with the government through public services and social safety nets.

Without the parents, it should mean the government has all of responsibilities and can't throw people out on the street if it hasn't finished the job.

Later that week, Gonzales went to Calvary Church, where a volunteer offered to pray with her and another woman joined in. Gonzales had told pastors at both Calvary and Sagebrush churches that she was homeless and living on the street. One pastor prayed with her and signed her up for a baptism.

Oh, good, there's someone we can recruit.

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The headline should be the IRS cutting bill. If it was about aid to Israel, they would've just put that in, not try to use aid to Israel as a means to stop the IRS from being able to collect the taxes their wealthy donors owe.

If anything, a spending bill should come with a tax, not a revenue cut.

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It wasn't with no regard. They were deliberately giving minorities power over majorities and splitting ethnic groups with borders to fuel conflicts.

If they weren't Jewish, the whole thing would've probably just been scrapped.

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Regulated capitalism. Prosecuting corruption.

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I signed up for Facebook for the first time ever, to comment on a local page about a local issue, and was first banned by Facebook for nothing in particular. Had to put in a phone number to reactivate. Also found I wasn't able to post if I included a link, a link to a government website, but I guess that's a very basic spam filter for new accounts. Then made some comments back and forth with no one really talking to me. Then about a week later with no activity, my account had been banned again, and now Facebook wants a photo. I don't even have photos online, and I don't see how they could use that to verify my identity, so that's where I stopped.

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Oil companies will default to doing anything that makes them money. Governments need to make climate forcing cost them more than their revenue.

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How to defend the country? Get rid of everything worth fighting for, give your enemies everything they want before they invade. 4D warfare.

Or maybe investing in public healthcare, education and welfare, reduce the causes of crime and violence, stand stronger together, but that requires caring about someone who's not yourself.

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There should be no offsets. Either don't pollute or pay a hefty tax proportional to the amount of pollution, those should be the options. If there are quotas, massively increased taxes past the quota, with no way of raising the quota.

Carbon storage should be an entirely separate matter, not something companies can buy into to excuse not optimizing what they're doing.

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That's still just $36.5 million a year, that should be the daily rate for a company the size of Facebook.

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Being able to admit you were wrong when faced with the facts would be the better position.

If it was truly about believing that there was fraud, and not just that they had to take action because their guy lost, they should've broken away at some point with loss after loss after loss in trying to uncover that fraud.

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If someone believes in a god that implements eternal torture, they believe in a god everyone should despise, and should at least be honest about that part. Don't call it love, call it fear and terror.

They attack all healthcare over abortions, and now they're even targeting military promotions and interstate travel for the same agenda.

Of course. The more you have to spend on shelter, the less you have for everything else.

Cuts should be made at the top, not the bottom. Always. If you have to raise your rents, no you don't. You have spare properties, you're doing fine.

If not outright kidnap people. People don't know what they're going in to, they don't tell them "come here to not have an abortion", they pretend they care about them only to do everything they can to stop them accessing healthcare.

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I'd rather have dead communities that can be revived than someone being able to block the names from being used on other instances.

Seems like there should be a notice when a community is just a copy that isn't being updated anymore, to encourage people to abandon it and use one that is updated across instances. Or discourage them from subscribing to it.

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I watched some of the GWB parodies. I never had any interest in watching Trump parodies, and I'd be annoyed to have comedians do them in shows I otherwise liked.

It's not funny anymore, and it wasn't really that fun then, although satire is a valid method of political commentary. But week after week, there's nothing new, nothing that's more shocking than what was already known. They're fully and completely terrible persons, who should never have political power. Don't need to embody them to understand that.

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Need to use up all your storage before you feel a need to pay for more.

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They're getting in the way of their own replacements, creating a hostile environment preventing people from working and gaining experience.

UPDATE: The lemmynsfw admins posted an clarification here: https://lemmynsfw.com/post/29826. My original argument for defederating doesn’t stand any more.

Drawn a.k.a. not real and not obviously underage a.k.a. not attempting to depict illegal situations, doesn't seem like a problem.

Although I agree there should be more ways to filter instances, per user. A blacklist along with the whitelist that is subscription. Show local, show subscribed, show everything (except blacklisted).

"More competition" meaning less access, people having to pay for multiple different services instead of having it in one place.

The competition should be about having the best platform, not exclusive content. There's no reason why the same show couldn't be on two different platforms. And available globally. Practically, all you really need is more local servers for where there's more traffic.

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It used to be 13.7 billion years+- a big margin that got narrowed down to 13.8+- a smaller margin. Not seeing that changing unless there's something seriously wrong with the previous research.

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I think now it's just a matter of building up the alternatives. The blackout was enough of a push for me to find and explore this place, and many of my regular subs look set on staying private, so I'm hoping that means more people will be looking around, especially once it lasts through the weekend.

Bears eating children, preachers cursing fig trees, women being turned to salt.

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Chances are they'll be a starving criminal or a homeless person who the police will be spending their limited time and resources on abusing, because they'll be growing up in the families without the means to travel for healthcare.

Except they don't even attempt to look like good people. Satan would think he's been doing it all wrong, he should've just said "I'm here to rule over you all and destroy the world, vote for me".

People paid 23andMe to give them the data in the first place. Should be illegal to profit off of other people's data if they're not getting paid for it.

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DRM is what keeps me from buying. And makes we want to wait until there are significant discounts, to not do too much to help them pay for the implementation of DRM.