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Climate "ambitions", huh. The pressing need to avoid or mitigate the collapse of civilization is merely an "ambition" now...

I mean... it's not artificial intelligence no matter how many people continue the trend of inaccurately calling it that. It's a large language model. It has the ability to write things that look disturbingly close, even sometimes indistinguishable, to actual human writing. There's no good reason to mistake that for actual intelligence or rationality.

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Pratt in the audio clips also claimed that Trump asked his wife and former first lady Melania to parade around Mar-a-Lago in a bikini "so all the other guys could get a look at what they were missing," adding that Melania ultimately retorted “I’ll do that when you walk around with me in your bikini.”


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That's in the same category as "who would consider health care an appropriate industry for profit?".

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Trump torpedoed him earlier in the day with a post on his own social network saying that Emmer never really supported him or the MAGA view of things, accused him of being a "globalist" and a Republican in Name Only and mentioned he had voted to certify the 2020 presidential election result. In short, Trump made sure everyone knew the guy was only Lawful Evil and not batshit crazy, therefore unqualified to lead the GOP.

I think you mean fetuses. Republicans don't care about children after they're outside of a uterus.

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Good for $25 off any elective procedure costing twenty thousand dollars or more!

Black Friday? Oh, you mean International Buy Nothing Day!

Food. It has also been my only purchase this year.

When reminding or teaching the younger community about George H.W. Bush, let us not forget to mention that when the US elected him, it elected the former CIA director to the presidency.

A supposedly democratic Republic elected its own chief of secret police to lead the executive branch of government. Somehow even at that time most Americans didn't seem to be aware of that glaring fact, and far fewer have seemed to realize it ever since.

And then the country went on to elect that guy's completely unqualified son to the same office less than a generation later. /facepalm

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ok Israel, tell us you're openly planning to violate the Geneva Convention without telling us...

That's in one of his other court cases. This is about the one where he paid a prostitute to keep quiet after he paid her for sex.

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“I will not seek to run again for Speaker of the House,” McCarthy wrote on X. “I may have lost a vote today, but I fought for what I believe in—and I believe in America Kevin McCarthy. It has been an honor to serve myself.”

Had to fix that quote just a little, for accuracy.

Sure, the train track ends shortly at a cliff, but why aren't Americans enthusiastic about how the train is currently moving swiftly over a good solid trestle?

If only a majority of Republican voters thought like that. Instead they're apparently still able to blame the Democrats even after this whole long shit show. They don't read the same news.

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Sure, we could say that the popular usage of the term AI no longer actually stands for "artificial intelligence". Or we could say that the term "artificial intelligence" is no longer understood to refer to something that can do a large part of what actual intelligence can do.

But then we would need a new word for actual, real intelligence and that seems like a lot of wasted effort. We could just have the words mean what they've always meant. There is a lot of good in spreading public awareness of the vast gap between machines that seem as if they understand a language (when actually they just deeply model its patterns) and imaginary machines that are equipped to actually think.

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Imagine even taking a foreign policy course from a person who has referred to Henry Kissinger as her mentor and a major inspiration. Argh

But you have to be a trash human in order to become a billionaire.

The Democratic Party has shown very clearly that they would much rather lose to Republicans than allow their own platform to be dragged any more than just a tiny bit to the left.

I too am wondering what's dumb or otherwise wrong or undesirable about a second coat of paint. Seems context dependent but they left the context general/generic

Agreeing with two other sub-comments before mine, I also want to add that to some degree it's similar to the awful reason why the U.S. runs its schools with localized school districts. So that residents of more affluent areas receive more extensive services.

I get your point, but let's not imply that it's only women's job to vote Republicans out. Policies detrimental to women diminish and damage the whole country and that's everyone's responsibility.

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Health care should be a right of all, and not tied to work.

you just said the same thing twice

That's correct. Now imagine the U.S. government's perfect corporation-boosting answer to that: give billions away to developers to just go ahead and do it anyway. Anyone opposed to it gets painted as anti-housing, most people's attention span isn't long enough to read the details of why it's like lighting money on fire, and as long as corporations get richer the parties in power are guaranteed another few years in charge.

It will, but something tells me it won't be the way we would hope.

Exactly. Even if he gets an appeal, even if he wins such an appeal, even if his sentence gets commuted or otherwise obstructed or diluted, we can truthfully refer to him forever and always as a convicted felon on 34 counts.

Not to say all Muslims want to do violent things; but I believe the logic is that as a Jewish person, one should probably stay as far away from areas heavily populated by Muslim folks who may or may not have a couple brothers, cousins, and uncles who want to stone you to death or some other awful thing.... As possible.

... You didn't want to say that but you wanted to imply it, apparently -- and to imply it so clearly that it's difficult to imagine you intending anything else.

A great many people, including even some of the most well-intentioned friends and family, and including many people who are in most ways intelligent, educated, and caring -- will still find it impossible to prevent themselves from changing their image of you. And their expectations and guesses about you will follow to some degree. You may find people forming unspoken predictions that you will not listen well, that you will interrupt, or that you will only talk about your own stuff at any length.

And it won't be everybody, thankfully; just many. There will also be some people you may grow closer to because they already understand and now they'll find it easier to interact with you directly about ADHD-related things.

Along the same lines, let's not forget L. Ron Hubbard, who founded Scientology some years after telling a sci-fi writers' convention that starting an actual cult would be a great way to make far more money off science fiction than just by writing it.

Listening to him, okay.

Repeatedly, publicly, referring to him as a dear friend and invaluable mentor is another thing entirely.

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There was a short time around 1977, during which my wildest fantasy of the best and happiest thing that could possibly happen to me (short of truly fantastical and nigh-impossible things like going to Disneyland, which I wasn't yet sure really existed) would have been to receive multiple packs of Fruit Stripe gum.

Good point, and true; and the way I put it probably plays into the pattern of Trump voters thinking "well yeah, that's morally questionable but not illegal and not worth this big of a systemic reaction."

I will adjust my mentions of this in the future.

In some cities, there are other places where you can accomplish some of the socializing that happens in bars, without being in a bar or around alcohol at all. In older towns and cities you can often find breakfast places and cafés that don't mind if you stay a while longer than it takes to eat a meal or drink coffee, and where customers at bar-style seating or outdoor tables often are interested in striking up a conversation with strangers.

It makes so much difference if you gravitate toward old cities and towns, and away from suburbs, especially modern suburbs (and their accompanying shopping and entertainment districts) built in the 80s or later. The latter tend to be completely, totally oriented toward the isolated and car-dependent lifestyle. Older, much longer established communities are more messy and sometimes even dysfunctional, yet they usually have some places where people actually meet and interact.

"No puppet. No puppet. You're the puppet!"

2016 debate clip

actual nutritive value in great doubt

My favorite way to visualize the meaning of "asshat": the person is such a sad waste of human life that their entire upper body is effectively just a hat for their posterior.

Amazing how "increase shareholder value" is in direct opposition to keeping the shareholders, their descendants, and modern civilization itself viable.

Could be an unsurprising sign of the difference between conservative Reddit users and GOP voters at large. But I don't really know.