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Aye. Granted, I'm on Dynamis so my experience is going to be wildly different from, eg. Aether, but I've only had one occasion of long queues, and that was when Aether died. And even then, it was steady progress, unlike the Login Roulette of Endwalker.

The Apollo Beach manatee viewing center is actually pretty great, TBH. I've seen sharks, sting rays & a myriad of other aquatic life, while just chilling on the pier. Not to mention the many dozens of adorable floating potato-cows. I'd recommend checking it out if one's in the area during the cooler season.

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I don't have the source with me, but I recall a paper about listening to various languages under different signal/ noise thresholds. If I recall correctly, languages like German that have multiple declensions were about to better able to parse noisy samples because of the redundant information. Sorry for not having the source off hand though.

"The minute your son leaves the house, does he rebuckle his knickerbockers below the knee? It must be because of the Trans Menace!!"

I could see it in a modern take. With a capital T even!

For the purposes of OPs problem (P v NP), it considers not particular solutions, but general algorithmic approaches. Thus, we consider things as either Hard (exponential time, by size of input), or Easy (only polynomial time, by size of input).

A number of important problems fall into this general class of Hard problems: Sudoku, Traveling Salesman, Bin Packing, etc. These all have initial setups where solving them takes exponential time.

On the other hand, as an example of an easy problem, consider sorting a list of numbers. It's really easy to determine if a lost is sorted, and it's always relatively fast/easy to sort the list, no matter what setup it had initially.

Consider struct as the data layout / organization, and impl (of that struct) as the functions & implementation of functionality for structs (and traits). It's basically like separating member variables & member functions.

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The Italian game just oozed style. Really fascinating imagery.

Hey there! Grats on your most recent blowout!

We accidentally bought a small jar of bread & butter pickles at our house, and even with 6 people, it took forever to get through them. Absolutely none wanted them.

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Man, I played the bejeezus out of this game back in the day. I should probably set how Sins 2 is coming along.

Proficient: Rust, C++, Python, x86-64 ASM, SSE1 SIMD, C#, C, Javascript / Node.JS
Can get by: Java / JNI, Kotlin, Bash
Been a while: Perl, Haskell, Prolog, Labview, Lisp

3 more...

I'm pretty darn sure that houses are only for number tracking purposes. You can have them anywhere in the radius of the hearth and they'll function the same. Similar to decorations that way, in functionality.

While at first, Rust's lack of inheritance threw me off, I've found that traits do plenty of heavy lifting in that department.

Edit: Also, you can make class-like accessors and functions with impl blocks. Is that what you mean?

Holy moly, you weren't kidding! It's uncanny.

This should be the Florida motto.

100%. Just looking at the thumbnail had me singing it in my head. That said, there's still a lot of great songs in it; e.g. Alan Cummings nails the opener.

I've spent far too much time playing Against The Storm, and I'm positively in love. Every game is basically ~70 minutes of "can I make this build work." The difficulty escalation is great and I easily see myself spending dozens more hours with it. A+ game.

This is all too complex for me.

I still contend that the climax of Shadowbringers is one of my favourite and most meaningful gaming experiences. Enjoy the ride!

1 more...

An absolute classic that I watch every single time. Kamelåså!

I absolutely love the writing that Frost puts out in the Cold Take series. They're always filled with turns of phrases that make me think: "that's actually a hell of an interesting way of thinking about that."

Slowly working my way up to harder difficulties in Against The Storm. Up to Prestige 6 now. Really nice difficulty curve.

Also got and finished Chants of Sennaar, and loved it! I'd really love a hard mode dlc without the journal some time, for a new language. I still need to finish Heavens Vault.


I'm confused as to your meaning here. Current codecs are miles ahead of what we had in the past. Unless you mean typical resolution (eg. 4k, 8k, etc).

Can't wait, only a few more days! Falconer hoooooo!

I really wish Nightwish would let Floor use her growlier vocals. Sadly, it's pretty much a one- man show.

I'd imagine zoning would restrict this scenario in many cases.

I have "don't drill a hole in your head" as a morning mantra.

Coincidentally, I do work on embedded devices, but as mentioned by ferret, most embedded stuff nowadays is (I think?) an Arm variant. Most all of the device code I write is C++ though; no need to get into assembly land unless clang screws something up, but that hasn't happened yet thankfully. That said, in the future, this may change as we optimize certain imaging algorithms further.

We're definitely not. Please send help.

  • Florida-man.

You get a tactical nuke, you get one, you get one... tactical nukes for all!

I've been playing Heart of the Machine, and really enjoying it. It's a fascinating 4x ish in a future city, in a bit of an inversion of AI Wars (same developer). Before playing, I was merely intrigued, but now I'm excitedly awaiting where it goes. It was, however, initially difficult to figure out what to do. Perhaps more UX is going to be useful here.

I'm on the last continent for Unicorn Overlord right now, and the gameplay is real fun to try and optimize. The story's dirt simple, but I'm fine with the occasional simple narrative game. I should have probably chosen a more difficult setting though - normal's not really presented a real challenge yet.

Also, watching Francis John play Subnautica blind made me do another playthrough of that game. Now I've got bases setup all over the place.