
5 Post – 687 Comments
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Smith asked SCOTUS to do this months ago. Refusing him then but taking the case up now seems pretty shitty.

Reminder Amy Coney Barrett swore an oath to God to obey her husband above all other mortals, including herself, her fellow justices, and U.S. law. A set of ethics rules drawn up by SCOTUS would be chump change for her oath.

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The problem with letting the state kill citizens is the shockingly high rate at which it will inevitably kill innocent people.

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Isn't the labor secretary being anti-business in the job description? What use is an anti-labor labor secretary?

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That's rare, a triple negative. So, who are you going to blame for not wanting to read the article?

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Yeah, easy-peasy appeal material. The First Amendment absolutely bans modifying someone's sentence based on whether they're left or right wing. This judge just flat-out confessed to violating the Constitution.

Woa, buddy.

Among the myriad ways to tell that there is no world government... if there was a single world government, money would be irrelevant to situations like this - there would be no issue to smooth over because no-one's sovereignty would have been violated.

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The underlying assumption is the same as in abortion: that women can't be entrusted with agency over their own bodies.

She was discrete - there was exactly one of her, and one suitcase, and one victim. I think you might mean discreet.

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To landlords, who will charge arbitrarily high rent, secure in the knowledge that they aren't in a free market due to inelasticity of demand (people can't do without shelter) and supply (there are finite places to live). That will let them pay the insurance premiums homeowners can't afford.

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Bad analogy, on multiple fronts. Better:

A truck is on its way to deliver gold to you (you have been told this is happening). When it gets to you, the driver hands you a gold bar. You say, "Thanks! Can I have another?" The driver hands you a second bar. Then you are charged with theft of the second bar, presumably because it was illegal to ask for it.

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Information not mentioned in this article:

In Italy speeding fines are a fixed amount based on how far over the limit you're going, which makes them a regressive tax on going fast - wealthy people can sinply afford to speed as much as they like while the poor suffer. That woman they quoted who clearly thought the cameras would meaningfully deter speeding was full of shit; the cameras are there to generate revenue, not reduce speeding.

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So now drunk drivers have an incentive to claim it was intentional, not accidental.

The overall idea here is excellent, but it is fundamentally nonsensical to only apply it to drunk drivers and not all killers.

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What a confusing headline. The cop did not, in fact, shoot a dead man. He shot a live man, killing him.

Same headline with fixed grammar:

London Cop Who Shot Unarmed Black Man Dead Charged With Murder

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The law is illegal federally, but unfortunately, the necessity of standing means it can't be challenged until someone's on the hook.

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It gets even better if you read the letter itself, linked in the article.

My attached prior letter provided you with four noble suggested uses of your authority as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee: (1) enhancing funding for victim-witness advocates; (2) expanding funding for testing all rape kits; (3) supporting the Credible Messengers program, which helps to turn around children in trouble with the criminal justice system; and (4) ensuring adequate funding to support state crime labs, which test for drugs like Fentanyl. I would encourage you to focus your attention on those issues, which would make life better for the American people.

Yes, in the linked article.

In a statement announcing that he would not sign the bill, the Democratic governor said additional regulation of autonomous trucks was unnecessary because existing laws are sufficient.

Newsom pointed to 2012 legislation that allows the state Department of Motor Vehicles to work with the California Highway Patrol, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “and others with relevant expertise to determine the regulations necessary for the safe operation of autonomous vehicles on public roads.”

The first round of questions was about my views on Hamas. Then the agents wished to know whether I thought Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip amount to genocide and what I think of the slogan “Palestine should be free from the river to the sea”.

In a situation like this, the only correct answers are "lawyer" and silence.

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If it passes there, it could bring Colorado in line with 10 other states — including California, New York and Illinois — that have prohibitions on semiautomatic guns. 

Zero states ban semiautomatic firearms.

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Indefinite detention is always bad, in every circumstance, because there is definitionally no due process happening. This seems to be a practice Israel genuinely engages in. A horrific abuse of power that is never ok.

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It's insane to me that he couldn't appeal on the basis of not having been provided an attorney with an incentive to work on his case.

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The study found the opposite. The really bad guys were the ones with many partners.

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No, it's worse. If you go sunbathing on the beach and fall asleep, you're a criminal.

The police opened fire after the mother did. It is notoriously difficult to negotiate with someone who is actively shooting - aside from needing absolutely every target to be in excellent cover, you have to make yourself heard over the gunfire.

And it still won't look like anything to them even after they find out the handgun wasn't registered to him. And after they find out the suicide note (pro tip: real suicides generally don't include a note) was written super-generically.

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In the news today: McCarthy is a liar, water is wet, and the GOP is inept.

Of course it qualifies as a hate crime. Hate crime legislation is entirely about what you think inside your head as you commit some other crime - hence the word "hate".

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It will never stop disappointing me when someone looks down on Snowden after all he gave up for your benefit.

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Notably, this guy is a liar: the post that initiated the threats was based on editing someone else's video to change the message in a way designed to evoke rage.

The threats began the same day that Walters retweeted a post from a day earlier on the conservative provocateur account Libs of TikTok, which featured a video of a librarian at Union Public Schools. The video shows the librarian walking next to a book shelf with the text “POV: teachers in your state are dropping like flies but you are still just not quite finished pushing your woke agenda at the public school.” That’s different from the caption that the librarian originally posted on her TikTok account, which Libs of TikTok removed: “My radical liberal agenda is teaching kids to love books and be kind — hbu??”

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So someone at the newspaper obtained an officer's driving record from state computers, possibly illegally.

Accessing public websites is legal everywhere in the country.

And someone at the newspaper threatened to publish a story about the officer.

This is also legal everywhere in the country.

So he was unable to go to the bathroom, I guess? Because the plane was not at the gate yet?

Well in that case, as disgusting as this may be, you can't fine anyone for having bodily functions. I believe peeing in a cup is the right thing to do. Better than on the floor.

Why is this such a thing on Lemmy? Why do people comment on articles they haven't read?

From the article:

She said the man was “obviously quite drunk” and spilled urine on a flight attendant as he left the plane, it reported.

He was drunk and making drunk decisions.

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Not that "based" makes sense here either, but yes, exactly: "woke" means whatever the speaker wants it to mean at the time, like "cromulent".

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No, neither candidate has won their primary yet, as the article.makes clear.

To secure the Republican nomination for Colorado's 4th District in November Boebert will have to defeat state representatives Mike Lynch and Richard Holtorf, ex-state senator Jerry Sonnenberg, business owner Peter Yu and former talk radio presenter Deborah Flore. For the Democratic nomination McCorkle is running against engineer John Padora and ex-speechwriter Trisha Calvarese, who will also contest the special election in June.

The solution here isn't to tax unsold goods, it's to tax the banks on all the income they're getting from these loans.

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You could have a genocide-free one-state solution. Many states have both Jewish and Islamic citizens. It's not that hard.

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He didn't do that. He wasn't even accused of it. By anyone. You're making shit up from whole cloth.

His crime was spilling the state secret that the NSA was violating the right to privacy we had at the time by spying on our data warrantlessly. Telling us that met the legal definition of espionage. Literally no one has asserted that Snowden stole anything for Putin. He stole proof for us.

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Israel argues the ICC has no jurisdiction in the conflict because Palestine is not an independent sovereign state.

That means Israel is arguing that it is bombing its own citizen civilians, as Palestine is a vassal state of theirs, not a sovereign. That's a hell of an admission.

That's not "the prosecutor's job". One of the prosecutor's duties is determining when the police fuck up and arrest someone who has not broken the law; at that point, the prosecutor should drop the case.

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It is very nearly against the rules to post links from this site (it's on the non-preferred list) because it is so awful. Please do better source-finding.