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Joined 11 months ago



In my 25 year career, this is possibly the worst thing I will report...

Oprah still exists.

We'll be back when more information comes out about this horrible situation.

Is own a grenade launcher for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four heathans break into me house. "Have at 'em lads" As I grab me scrumpeh and grenade launcher. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Quikie laucher on the second man, miss im entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the enemy spy. I have to resort to the loose canon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with cannonball, "Not one of yas going to survive this!" the double donk gibs two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Grab me bottle o' scrumpeh and charge the last terrified dadie prancin' with a head full of eyeballs. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular glass wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.

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Check out Garbage Time. It's a channel about an Aussie and his mechanic buddy repairing old, shitty cars. Many of the cars are Australian specific too.

Arguments aren't about winning. You will almost never convince someone your arguing with. Treat it more like a chance to better understand and strengthen your beliefs through putting them up to criticism and an opportunity to learn about a view you disagree with. I've found I have gained much more from arguments doing this. You can find flaws in your argument faster than doing it yourself, and you can fully understand the opposite opinion, it's line of logic, assumptions, and where it comes from, to truly understand why it is wrong. And you never know, that seed of doubt planted by a good argument could eventually change your or your opponents mind.

This is why online arguments suck. The other person often won't use critical thinking and just spout the same points regurgitated from their own little world, along with some logical fallacies to spice it up.

Are ya a smart fella, of a fart smella?

I always loved the fact that it was forced PvP. It was interesting how it forced you to make decisions to balance the risk of losing a fight to the reward of getting loot. However, some people got way too sweaty and others didn't engage with the pvp mechanics. I wish there were choices on what level you wanted to play the game at, like the old sea dogs mode.

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Vox, ig. Their videos are the video essay equivalent of a forgettable action flick.

(Not disagreeing, but offering a bit more insight)

To be fair, what the IDF is doing is hard. Fighting irregular forces in dense urban environments is hard, especially with their opponents having hundreds of underground bunkers and using civilian shields. Even if they were operating under best practice, there would be a lot of civilian casualties.

However, they aren't operating under best practices. I don't know how the average IDF soldier feels, but the top brass at best doesn't give a shit if they kill a hundred palestinian civilians per one Hamas member; At worst, they see this conflict as an excuse to actively target them.

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Crest image by Luciana Nedelea.

Truly inspired words to live by /s

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.



Ok, but why do they even need side indicators? I thought socks could go on either foot.

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Microsoft Edge is the true religion

Ramps, escalators, tiles, and seating. There is nothing inherently not accessible about subways, we just choose not to make them accessible. When I was in Japan, there didn't seem to be any issue preventing wheelchair users, old people, or blind people from using the train system. Escalators can be used by people in wheel chairs and old people (and presumably blind people too, but I'm not sure.) There were tactile tiles in the floor to guide the blind, and there was plenty of seating specifically dedicated to old people, disabled people, and pregnant people. There were also wheelchair accessible cars on every train. As far as I could tell, it seemed just as accessible and easy to use for them as anyone else. (Also elevators were only usually kept open for the people who needed them)

"You don't agree with one extreme, so you must agree with the opposite extreme!"


Virgin California rent control vs Chad New York rent control

I was put under for wisdom tooth removal (wasn't complicated, but small military clinic things differently than civilian hospitals)

I remember seeing the iv go in the waking up to being told to breath. (Side-effect of the anesthesia, not scary in the moment, but you do need to consciously breathe). I regained memory right away. I got up after I was cleared, about 20 minutes. My legs were a bit noodly. I walked out to the car and talked with my dad all the way back.

Your might be different because I'm am young and quite healthy. But my advice is to try not to panic. It makes it easier for everyone involved, and if you die to some freak accident, you die in peace :)

Ah, but 1 and 2 could be done with the Land Value Tax

Georgism (Land Value Tax) enters the chat

It depends

Not all weapons have a burst mode. Often though, militaries prefer controlled bursts of full auto, but it depends on the role and weapons system. Machine gunners are more likely to go full hog than a rifleman for example, but that's assuming that all soldiers do the most optimal choice in any given situation, which just isn't true.

If it works, sell or donate it. If it doesn't work, you can see if it is worth repairing. If it's not, recycle it. You can check on your municipality's website on their waste management page to see if they recycle electronics.

If you do sell, donate, or recycle, make sure there is no data on the drives that you would miss, then wipe it. If you plan on recycling, you can take out the drive and destroy it. Magnets and paper shredders are helpful.

what makes you think any attempt is being made to avoid civilian casualties?

they aren't operating under best practices.

I don't

Even in cities cars are the best way to get around in many American cities. This is because we built (bulldozed) our cities to be that way and neglect transit. Also, most people currently live in cities 🤓

I'm as oblivious as a brick, but people around me say I'm intelligent, and I get good grades in school, so I must be good at pretending to be smart at least. I can't say if I am actually intelligent in any way. It is kind of hard to tell without being someone's too, if that makes sense.

Good ending

Oh, we don't walk. We drive everywhere, even if our destination is in the same neighborhood.

He wouldn't say it for them, but for his main voter base: Conservatives, the alt-right, and anyone sympathetic to either.

My experience in IT is that most of gen z doesn't care about understanding anything on the Internet outside of social media

Yea, I've found this frustrating as the "tech guy"

classmate has a problem

"It's impossible, I don't know how to fix it"

I Fix it with simply restarting the program.

They seem to be completely content with consuming media but even most of the big game streamers are millennials it seems like.

Every generation is like this. Typically, the media of a generation is made by older generations. Much of Boomers music was made by the silent generation. Most of the Millennial pop culture was made by Gen-X and Boomers. I would argue that millennials and gen-z are set apart by how to prevent their own generation is in their own pop culture.

Counterpoint, requiem for a pizza


I'm currently taking a class about this (kinda). The current system, which is, in the states, neoliberal capitalism (redundancy for clarity) encourages people to act immorally, or more accurately under a set of morals that justifies those actions. A different system can encourage a different set of actions to get success, and a different set of morals to justify those actions. This is a large part of politics. The other part is praxis, or getting that in place. I'm not going to share the set of theory I believe in, but rather common ways people try to impose their desired version of society.

One way is through the current system, even if you want to completely change it. This is what the class I am talking about. You identify who has power, why they act the way they do, and how you can get them to enact your policies, or at least gain power yourself. This method falls under a lot of criticism, as it stands to reason that a system built by those in power cannot overthrow them. You can't use the master's tools against him.

The other way is revolution, but that has its own problems. It is hard to convince people to completely change everything, and when it does happen, it often happens in the best way possible for those who have power. It also isn't any more moral than the other options, but that is the nature of changing an immoral system. Welcome to politics.

Disclaimer: I'm by no means an expert, as I am just getting into political theory, both in my own studies and formal education.

An unhealthy amount of City Skylines: 2.

I am also addicted to building "Quays"

Considering they directly communicate with Apples servers and make money from that...

But, isn't that what APIs do? Why would that get Beeper in legal trouble if they are paying their license fee? I'm not being facetious, genuinely curious.

Damn, I didn't know farting was an attack in dnd.

I'm Gen-Z, my parents are older Millennials

Millennials use the Internet but they don't get it like Gen-Z does. Most of my peers seem to have a much better understanding of online culture than most millennials do. They use much more irony in both online and irl conversations.

One thing I noticed was that millennials have weebs, but Gen-Z doesn't. It's not something special for Zoomers to watch anime or be interested in Japanese media/culture. Almost all of my peers watch anime or consume some other Japanese media frequently. My parents didn't watch anime until my sister got them to.

Gen-Z is more individualist in less of a "the only person that matters is me" sort of way and more of a "you can't count on anyone, especially the government to help you" sort of way. You can see this through Gen-Zs political engagement. Most of my peers are differently engaged that millennials. Most people my age don't affiliate with a specific party, but rather by an ideology.

Also, Gen-Z is much more depressed

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Disable/delete YouTube in your settings and go to settings - apps - default apps - opening links, press on the newpipe app and enable opening links, you may have to add supported links manually

Another option for a U.S. president to everything on:


This talking point doesn't make sense to me because feminine and masculine voices sound different, so it would make sense that some aspects maybe annoying one a feminine voice and not a masculine voice, and vice versa. Also, I don't think that some of the source of annoyance comes from the voice itself, but it's cultural association. The reason why it is so annoying to me is because I associate it with vanity and celebrity worship (probably because of the Kardashians, couldn't tell you which one as I try to avoid them at all costs).