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Joined 3 months ago

Agreed. How about the other guy? Was anybody inspired by him?

I'm really sad that it's come to this. It's how I feel when my coworkers vote to go out to a sushi restaurant. I don't like fish and I'm allergic to shellfish, so I eat my pile of steamed rice and bite my tongue when they want to split the bill equally.

What was I talking about again?

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You have a very interesting point about the muted mics actually being in Trump's favor while simultaneously allowing Biden to ramble like Grandpa Simpson.

Isn't this simply the natural progression of capitalism in action? Everything's for sale, everything has a price.

I was wondering this same thing. Who would take on a loan that a bank deems unprofitable? Is this like turning the loan over to a loan shark and the shark has means to ensure payment that banks don't due to regulations? Are they selling to the govn't? Either option is not good.

I read a paper a few years ago that basically said that food insecurity is not a problem with production, but is instead a problem with distribution. The USA throws away enough food to feed another good sized country. I don't know the exact nature of the distribution problem and whether it's a problem of resources or something else, like s political problem.

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I read somewhere that the thought that you can vote with your dollars makes you feel good and empowered to make choices, but is overshadowed by the fact that doing so means that whomever has more dollars has more votes.

Regarding Congress, I was really hoping that this big fear of TicTok would result in some sort of GDPR type laws which empower the individuals to take control of our personal data, which could also be used to prevent our personal data from being used against us by foreign countries.

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To MTG: you're white and white people owned slaves, so you're directly responsible for slavery.


I ran my small HOA for 1 term and people came at me, bitched about stuff and I got them to come to a meeting where the other homeowners could express their concerns about the proposal and we'd come to an agreement and write up a change. It was no big deal. We even negotiated group rates for shared services and made it so that the costs of the HOA were offset by the savings from the services.

On the other side of the coin, when I left my position to give somebody else a turn at the process I largely automated, they ran it into the ground and bankrupted it while chasing a personal grievance against the city.

Somehow, the HOA attracts power hungry nobodies but they can be voted out if you're willing to work at it. Also, talk to your neighbors. My guess is that there are others who would back your proposal.

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This is what I do anyways because I am too impatient to watch through 15 minutes of blah blah to reach the end and hear, "in my next video I'll actually show you how to dobthe thing that you came here to see."

Give me a decent web page with searchable text and a few pictures (if needed) and I'll be happy.

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I used to struggle to get to sleep and hated those who could do it anywhere. They'd say, "just clear your mind", which wasn't helpful. It could be other things, but I figured out that my mind was always busy, sometimes from stress, sometimes from excitement. For me, it's extreme focus. Often, I'll put my mind to work on a complicated problem I'm having at work or home. If I have nothing, my go to is to see how far I can get calculating the binary digits (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64...) or the Fibonacci sequence in my head. I don't get very far and I'm out.

Who uses chrome by choice?

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OK, so ambivalence. I'm lazy, I can get behind that. Also, I appreciate the work you're doing. I gave up years ago and am still labeled by my family as "the one who cares too much about things that don't matter."

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Old timer here! As many others replying to you indicate, Ctrl+C means SIGINT (interrupt running program). Many have offered the Ctrl+Shift+C, but back in my day, we used Shift+Insert (paste) and Ctrl+Insert (copy). They still work today, but Linux has 2 clipboard buffers and Shift+Insert works against the primary.

As an aside, on Wayland, you can use wl-paste and wl-copy in your commands, so git clone "$(wl-paste)" will clone whatever repo you copied to your clipboard. I use this one all the time

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I think you're spot on. In addition to needing to hand over your passport or state ID, your credit card, your email and phone number, what else would they need to target you?

Imagine if you're using your airline branded credit card to get free miles or a seat upgrade and they know all your purchase history.

I came here to say the thing that you said in better words. I'm on a diet for health reasons that closely resembles the vegan diet, so to keep it simple, I'll say to people that I'm vegan. Most wait staff don't care if I ask if a menu item can be made vegan, but family or people I'm dining with will either send hate vibes or go into a long thing about some distant vegan relative who died from malnutrition.

Restic and Borg seem to be the current favorites, but I really like the power and flexibility of Duplicity. I like that I can push to a wide variety of back ends (I'm using the rsync), it can do synchronous or asynchronous encryptions and I like that it can do incremental with timed full backups. I don't like that it keeps a local cache of index files.

I back up to a Pi 0 with a big local disk and rsync the whole disk to another Pi at a relative's house over tailscale. I've never needed the remote, but it's there.

I've had to do a single directory restore once and it was pretty easy. I was able to restore to a new directory and move only the files that I clobbered.

I'm using tailscale (which I hear is just a wrapper for wireguard) and love it.

What does OC stand for?

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I'm not disagreeing with you, but your last sentence isn't correct.

Last year, the former head of the bank’s retail operation was sentenced to three years of probation, while the bank’s former CEO was banned from the industry.

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I like this version of the TL;DR.

I came here for this. Thank you!

A nose flute, awesome! I have the opposite where I can blow air out the other way, but sometimes it will squirt out a stream of tears.

True. I was referring more to the first part about being fired. After rereading it, the two weren't "fired". Although 3 years of probation isn't nothing, it's a far cry from what many feel should have been done. The CEO was banned from the industry, which is something.

I'd really be curious to know if the punishment of the CEO & "head of retail operations" provided relief to the people affected by their crime AND was substantial enough to change their behavior.I feel that those items are what the sentencing should be about.

I think you're.right about tradition. I have a set of recipes from 3 generations ago. It's been converted over the generations from a list of ingredients to "a fistful of flour" to "a juice glass of broth" to "1/3 cup of butter" as it was passed to me. Maybe my contribution will be to convert it to weight and pass it to my kids for them to finally convert it to metric weights.

You're saying that it was a threat to the incumbents who then sent their lobbyists to demand a ban in the name of national security? It's plausible.

Hello fellow OSM contributor! We've been doing driver's ed at home and while I'm in the passenger seat, I'm poppin' everything on Street Complete! The kid gets the required behind the wheel hours and I'm contributing to OSM.

I know this is probably way off topic, but it made me think of Friendship is Optimal, especially the ending.

Whilei agree with you wholeheartedly, I don't know how without risking job security. I've been interviewing for any position that matches my qualifications and is listed as remote even if the pay is reduced, but what message does one person send? Without a concerted effort, the message is weak if it is even heard. At least in my job sector, the C-suite is fully sold that AI will allow a reduction in the workforce and therefore costs and they're hedging their bet now by reducing the workforce to pay for AI. Unionize? I can't even sell the idea within my whole family, how could I sell it to a majority of my work peers? I'm not that charismatic. I'll be the second one to sign up if I do find talk of it at my employer.

I'm sorry to hear that. I remember renting and the feeling of having no control over the whims of the landlord.

The irony of posting a YouTube link to a comment thread that started with the person looking to degoogle is delicious.

I like your point about the idealists. IMHO, agile has some merits, rooted in psychology. For example, during stand up to say what your plans are for the day. Same for the sprint and quarter. It helps with communication. I don't like the thing where everything needs to be a deliverable thing. I'll poke my eyes out if I need to sit through another example of building a skateboard, scooter, bike, truck. Try that example with something real like a bridge or house. It ends up in a lot of throwaway work. Now try doing that in a highly regulated field like government or finance where you really can't iterate due to oversight and regulatory compliance.

Oops, this turned into a rant. Well at least agile pays the bills. There's a lot of money to be made in prolonging the problem.

And now it's so obvious! I should have guessed that.

You're probably correct. I guess I only do this with right click, copy of URLs.

This is a great thing. I didnt know that Walmart was doing it, I have only heard of local grocers in Europe doing this.

I appreciate all the comments here, but consider another perspective. If there were a federal crime committed (I'm not following the news very closely) and a president can pardon before a trial is performed, then a pardon from Biden would be a total power move. Given that trump would probably either weasel out of the conviction or it would be a slap on the wrist fine, this puts Biden in a position of power over trump. This would also crush trump's ego if not publicly, it would eat at him in private.