0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Straight up, top effort by the mods here.

Oh my god, I've just realised how much of my life has passed. Similar timeline to you. I'm starting to think my kids will be teenagers by the time it comes out.

There's even a chance, if the time between releases increases, I might not make it to the next one after this.

That's a paddlin'.

Look at this interaction, just look at it. Everyone playing nice, nothing toxic in sight. If this were Reddit we'd have started a flamewar.

I freaking love Beehaw, stay classy Beeple.

First, I should note that I haven't come across (Readium?) LCP before - so I don't have experience with this particular method for DRM - I do however like to play with these sorts of things and have definitely come across some similar methods, etc.

I found a similar tool on GitHub which may help you to better understand what the process is for figuring out something like LCP: lcp-decrypt. I'm not sure how fresh your knowledge is on encryption - but it would help to have some knowledge of the process you're trying to reverse engineer.

If you happen to find a sample with of non-copyrighted material that has some sort of encryption you'd like examined, I'd be happy to have a look for educational purposes.

You can find plenty of bootleg printer ink around, you just have to ensure you have a printer that isn't locked to the manufacturers ink.

i am unimaginably sleepy

Hats off to you and the team! May many hours of sleep be bestowed upon you for countless nights to come.

You definitely wouldn't. But what about if you made it to the surface in an emergency? I'd probably want to open it at that point. Someone mentioned how the sub reminds them of Apollo 1 and I tend to agree. So many poor choices were made!

Virtual machine testing is a good idea, but I wouldn't rely on it. Well written malware will check for a virtual environment and might even hold off executing if it detects it. Better malware will have already gained persistence as your testing for it.

BECAUSE I understand it more now, I’m left feeling VERY uncomfortable about my data security. If this is going to become a mainstream thing, as it reaches and before it gets to that critical mass of users, there’s going to be SO. MANY. SECURITY ISSUES. There’s no 2fa at all, hacking and user-account hacking is just going to run rampant, and I’m left wondering ‘Where is my username and password actually stored?’. The answer, sadly, is wherever the dude who’s running the instance/server is.

I wonder if IPFS would be better suited for the fediverse for this reason? You've brought up some solid points here and if history is anything to go by, it's likely already seeing some exploitation in the wild. I think there's likely to be a lot of work needed here. For example: Your cookies store JWTs in base85. Nice!

Reddit's unwavering stubbornness to continue spiraling is just plain sad. What a way to go.

1 more...

Then ye be needin' a crew. Argh!

Perun tier, through and through. Thank you.

I was just trying to think of what I'd miss the most when I saw this. Yep, hands down it'll be my local sub. We're one of the smaller cities in my country which meant the sub reflected the quirks and experience of day to day life quite accurately.

Glad you could get it working over USB. In case you're still pursuing a network solution: What's your network topology and can your wife print over Windows?

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Russia II: Romanov Resurrection

This summer. Putin, a man with no hair. On a quest to find his long lost twin. And bring Society Russia back to glory. But, There's only one thing stopping him.. [Prigozhin enters screen left with arm elbow deep up his own ass] "Vaaaladimir?" [Putin throws oligarch out window] "THIS IS SUCH BORSCHIT"


You could be a crypto bro on a Raspberry Pi.

Hell, someone might finally max out Flight Simulator X.

I can understand being skeptical as the numbers seem a bit wild, but I think it's accurate, at least in my country.

I've previously been unfortunate enough to be offered as low as 50k for a position in Cyber. On the other hand, it's not uncommon for truckies to earn a good crust. A stupid example would be this article, which reports a company offering a salary of 150K.

That being said, DJDarren is correct - you're probably going to be working 80+ hours.

Yep - same use case, too. I'll keep persisting and see if I can get through.

Thank you for sharing your nutsac. I've been looking for a good one to play with for a while now and I just know I'm going to have fun with this one! My kids are gonna love this!

Sounds like a win all round!

My guy