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Joined 1 years ago

I got one of these. I dont understand why theyre going after us now. I thought their issue was all the money they were making off of "promoting piracy".
Im guess im not surprised

The fact that the hackers have added revoking the API changes to their list of demands... 😂

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I hear water is wet, too!

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Yea, Bernie just kicked off an investigation against Novo Nordisk regarding price inflations on medication (over $1000) when it costs ~$300 in Canada and Europe (I'm fudging the figures cause I cant remember). The man's only got so much time in the day

Is CRT in the room with us right now??


The bear cause he died of starvation, duuuh

I wonder if the guy who lived as a goat for a few days has goat dreams...


Not to sound like a naïve, brain dead optimist but maybe this is our chance to draw our line in the sand. If Threads falls on its face, it will likely serve as precedence for other companies who think they can use the fediverse for their own gain, no?

As Louis Rossmann says, "never go to war with the internet because you will lose". I'd like to think that the people who make that quote possible are all migrating or have migrated to the fediverse.

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I appreciate the actual explanation. I was genuinely asking, although I thought the commenter's reply was much funnier.

What a world we live in.

Random thought; a twitter nazi decoder ring could be a really funny novelty item

I find it very amusing that you compared them to an entire clown and not some fractional amount of clown

Police officer in florida discharged his entire magazine into thin air after an acorn fell on the roof of his vehicle

Maybe they mean privilege wrt education? As i understand it, it takes a non-zero amount of knowledge about nutrition to substitute meat completely and not be deficient in something. But I'm a life-long omnivore so I may be wrong

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You sure the heading shouldn't read

Loonie leads House GOP push to award Tump the Congressional Gold Medal

Cause that feels more appropriate

Your idea doesn't sound too difficult to implement but I don't know if people would want to store all these messages locally when the vast majority of people are used to having their shit be stored elsewhere. Additionally, if you wanted to target enterprise users, they would want to likely have all their messages centralised for auditing purposes

Other than that, I think its a pretty neat idea

Hmmm UTC-5, i'd say. Or maybe -6? With daylight crimings, its hard to keep track of

What do you think needs to happen for them to stop being attracted to the hate?
I've seen a similar thing: rural people talking about all sorts of progressive ideas like UBI, student debt relief, and other policies for helping others (sometimes without even knowing that they're talking about progressive ideas) yet always go back to "immigrants this" or "elites that".

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Person was too powerful so god gave them a debuff to make it fair for everyone else

That's a great point. I was being kind of reductive.

Perhaps religion's most zealous followers tend to be people who have trouble contextualising information? That would certainly help explain why the "I got mine proceeds to pull up ladder " attitude is so prevalent there...
Anyway, I don't want to come across like I'm arguing with you.

Good luck man! I quit adult pickup like 5 years ago and miss it so much. Dont forget to keep your head up and those feet moving!

I wonder if the concept of religion itself is conservative or if it just attracts that kind of person? My understanding is that most religions' holy texts are effectively just guide books on how not to be a dick to others (not that religious people actually read them that way). I wish someone would do a study to explore this cognitive dissonance in more depth

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The trailer from 2 days ago got me so pumped

Accidents and suicides are the problem in Maine, setting aside the recent event.

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This sounds like it could be the premise of an episode of Veep

They changed it to a black box with just a chat last time i was there, although maybe the scrolling chat would count?

You must be incredibly busy. I hope the underworld pays overtime

Erhm... Could you explain what that means?

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Dear god don't put ideas into their heads

Maybe an animal?
Kbin Koala? Kangaroo? Kiwi? Kinkajou? All good options!

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cries in hairloss

I've actually had a lot of success explaining this all like email; where you and I can create our accounts on different "email services" (instances) yet still be be able to communicate. Using something so ingrained in every day life makes it much more approachable, imo.

Once that concept is understood, simply saying that the fediverse, aka everyone who uses this technology, has alternatives to most of the major social media sites is not beyond most people. I mean, we're all here, right?

Mr. Biden said in February about the report that he was "especially pleased to see the senior special counsel make clear there's stark differences between this case and Donald Trump." But Mr. Biden later said that "there's even a reference that I don't remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that? Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself it wasn't any of their damn business."

The transcript of Mr. Biden's interview shows the president was unable to identify the precise year, but that he correctly named the month and date. "What month did Beau die? Oh God — May 30th," Mr. Biden said in the exchange.


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