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Joined 1 years ago

It would require Nintendo to acknowledge the existence of Zelda II.

This is bad advice.

Use both hands.

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the explosion, which took place at its Boca Chica Starbase facilities

The raptor testing stand at McGregor experienced an anomaly

Well, which is it? I'm going to trust NASASpaceflight over this article and go with it was a McGregor. No where near Starbase. And that means it will likely have no effect on IFT4 as this article says.

edit: Adding to this, the author of this article has no idea what they are talking about.

The Raptor engines that are currently undergoing testing are SpaceX’s Raptor 2 engines

So clearly nothing to do with IFT4, as Ship 29 and Booster 11 are already outfitted with their engines, non of which are Raptor 2s.

On its last flight test, IFT-3, Starship finally reached orbital velocity and it soared around Earth before crashing down into the Indian Ocean. On the next flight, SpaceX aims to perform a reentry burn, allowing Starship to perform a soft landing in the ocean.

IFT3 burned up on reentry, maybe parts of it made it to the ocean, but it was not crashing into the ocean that was the problem. IFT4 does not plan on doing a reentry burn. No one does a reentry burn from orbit. Starship uses a heat shield like every other orbital space craft. They are planning to attempt a landing burn, that is probably what they are talking about.

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“The Year Of Linux on Desktops”. Been hearing this for decades, but it might actually be happening.

Been hearing this for decades.

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Warm white LEDs inside of coloured glass bulbs to make LED Christmas lights that don't look like gamer vomit.

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When she asks "Can I have your name?", don't give it to her.

From the btrfs page on the archwiki

General linux userspace tools such as df(1) will inaccurately report free space on a Btrfs partition. It is recommended to use btrfs filesystem usage to query Btrfs partitions.

You don't even need any hardware to get started. Fire up a virtual machine in VirtualBox or VMWare or use WSL. Start playing around, find a distro/DE you like and start learning.

After some time, look into dual booting your existing machine. You can try this in a virtual machine first before making any changes to you hardware.

Its more of a visibility thing. Backing out, your vehicle has to be three quarters of the way into traffic before you can really see.

Nah, the problem is definitely Dark Souls on a projector. The latency must make that a miserable experience.

only white squares can be placed now.

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A "factory seconds" framework 13 might fit your budget, and you get a laptop that is easily repairable and upgradeable. The 11th gen i7 version that starts at $500 is what I have been using for a couple of years now and still runs great.

They also have refurbished laptops, but those seem to start a little bit more expensive.

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Ship of Harkinian is not technically emulation, but a full port of Ocarina of Time. And is totally awesome. It has tons of quality of life improvements and enhancements. It also has a built in randomizer so it has infinite replayability.

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Does this mean Linux phones might finally be on the horizon? I know Pine64 has existed for a couple of years, but the software is still not in a useable state.

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Cyanogenmod became LineageOS. It can be run fully de-googled or with Gapps.

GrapheneOS is also worth looking at.

Both run on modern hardware and are super simple to install.

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Snapchat is not private.

I'm an idiot!

You're an idiot!

IFT3 was technically suborbital, but only barely. Like a couple hundred km/h short. Literally a couple of seconds longer second stage burn would have put it into a stable orbit. Or the same velocity just with a lower apogee. They intentionally left the perigee just inside the atmosphere so a deorbit burn was not required. This is also the plan for IFT4, iirc. I think they are talking about the bellyflop/suicide burn. It was not planned on IFT3, but is for IFT4.

Both the booster and the ship have attitude control thrusters that you could see firing during the live stream of IFT3. Early prototypes used nitrogen cold-gas thrusters, but were planned to be upgraded to methane/oxygen hot-gas thrusters at some point. I don't recall if/when they were.

What would be weirder is an app counting down how much time you have left.

The point is the "energy well". That is the elements "in the middle" of the periodic table are more stable/at lower energy states. So fusioning heavy elements or fissioning light elements move to higher energy states, so it will take more energy in than it releases.

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What you're talking about is usually referred to as a de-orbit burn. Sure somebody could call it a reentry burn, but not SpaceX. What SpaceX calls a reentry burn is the maneuver when a Falcon 9 booster lights its engines as it first hits the atmosphere to slow down and move the heating away from it's body. Neither the super heavy booster nor the ship make a maneuver like this.

IFT3 did not make a de-orbit burn, and there is not one planned for IFT4 either.

Easy Anti Cheat works through Steam/Proton as well. If a game doesn't work then it is due to the developers' implementation. It won't matter what launcher you use.

There are, and always has been, waterproof devices with replaceable batteries. Phone manufacturers love that they can lie and say that a removable battery affects waterproofing. By making the battery hard to remove, and some other tricks, they make the phone less repairable. They then can convince consumers that they need to replace their phone every 18-24 months.

The only reason to replace your phone every two years is that you want the new shiny. All other reasons are artificial, marketing garbage created by manufactures who profit off of creating e-waste.

Mull is an other good option, and available from f-droid.

I ran Lineage on my OnePlus 5 for a few years until I replaced it with a Pixel 8 last month. The first thing I did with it was install GrapheneOS. I have not had any issues so far.

You could try this

I've never had to do any sort of configuration for tethering. It just works as expected with the network managers built into whatever DE I was using at the time.

I don't know what you mean by hiding usage. Like using a VPN? That should work fine while tethering as well.

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Do you have an earlier snapshot that you can roll back to? If not then this is a learning experience about how you should take a snapshot before doing any configuration changes/updates. And also maybe some automatic ones on a schedule (daily/weekly).

As far as recovering files, you could try the Windows recovery environment (or whatever they call it). Take a snapshot first, in case it makes things worse.

You could also try mounting the virtual disk to your host system. https://www.baeldung.com/linux/mount-qcow2-image

Or try booting the VM with a live boot environment of your favorite distro, similar to how you would do recovery from a dead physical machine.

That was the joke though, right? No one actually expected Reddit to last that long, did they?