0 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Have you heard of vacuum decay?

I know, right? They barely make consumer grade products that last nowadays.

Where can I claim the money that is equal to the number of upvotes of my comments?

This was more common back in 1980s and before, when it wasn't urbanised enough to have public bathrooms. Nowadays of you do that, passerby will give you white eyes.

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I use both YT and Nebula. Nebula is for when you know what you want to watch, like those creators you already know from YT, and you follow them on Nebula to get the ad-free version. YT is for when I don't know what I want, just mindlessly scroll until something catches my attention.

The YT algorithm doesn't always work, but it's still likely the most effective way to discover new content to my taste so far. And when it doesn't work, all I see is just crap.

So, why would someone say Nebula is less interesting than YT? Nebula may not be your cup of tea, but it's always someone's cup of tea. Meanwhile there are tons of trash on YT.

My suggestion is to use both and for the right purpose.

I just reached the final cut scene of Nioh where the main story ends!

To me, the difficulty is OK and my biggest challenge is the lack of free time to play it. Free time to play video games is a luxury because not only I need to have free time, I also need to decide if I want to use it on playing video games, among lots of other hobbits, and learning, upgrading work skills. It was a struggle but I managed to finished it without feeling too guilty.

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My girlfriend would break up with me as she finds out that I'm married. Doesn't matter; imaginary score is still score.

Man, this became so bad in the last five years or so.

Just bought a digital drawing tablet from a manufacturer who claim their products have Linux support. Plugged it in and went to their download lage. Of course, there would not be a link to their GitHub project and instead I got a .deb and a .rpm, which is totally useless to me because my system is neither Debian/Ubuntu nor even glibc.

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I am married for longer than a decade, yet my instincts still develop a crush on random good looking women. I don't tell anyone because I will feel ashamed by moral standards. I also won't make a move on any one and painfully waiting for the feeling to wear off or the person to move away.

LineageOS is very stable and usable as a daily driver, meanwhile PMOS struggles to deliver basic functionalities like calling and sending SMS.

LineageOS has a bigger community and supports more mainstream devices, where PMOS primarily focus on PINE64 and Purism.

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I believe this the only comment any person should upvote. It's food and mold we're talking about. Consuming the bio waste from mold is life-threatening. Just throw it away if you see any sign of mold.

What is HTML5 canvas data, and how do websites track us, please?

Most likely. There are distros that just works namely Mint. Follow the official guide and the computer is ready for use in less than an hour. And 'for the last twenty years'? I just don't believe it.

I played it thrice on PS4. Got the free DLC and played the DLC twice. It's such a powerful idea to have simple attack/dodge scheme and fight all kinds of machines even on Ultra Hard mode. The story is just OK, predictable.

The sequel, hmm, can't say it's even mediocre.

'I lost my old equipments in the bag.'

Grow up, writers. We're not five.

They added more moves in combat but I don't like it.

The world is big and boring. I feel like to explore it before the main plot even begins but only for old time's sake.

Oh, and don't have too high expectation on playing it with good performance on PS4.

PDF format author: I'm glad to present this device-agnostic, non-editable format!

People: Here is the 1001th tool to modify the content of a PDF file.

I have been purposefully avoiding Intel for the last six years. AMD CPUs are great if you are not stressed on ultra low power consumption. More threads, less money. AMD GPU drivers are open source and well integrated into the kernel, unlike NVidia's proprietary driver, which I will never go back to.

I'll give you one reason for using Gentoo: option of no systemd.

Gentoo is one of the few distros which still offer a systemdless setup given its nature of high configurability. You can tell the system-wide config file to exclude systemd support in every package it attemps to compile.

I hope you or anyone who just enjoys their linux machine running fine and happily, now be able to see what freedom can mean in the open source universe. Cheers.

Customising the kernel just means something works properly in rare hardware configurations like you described. It's something which he who uses the general hardware (like an X86 desktop) can't easily see or understand because the 'stock' kernel is already working properly.

Perhaps learn to use a mouse or draw with the other hand. It's rewarding.

How do I print this out?

Good for you! A few months after I started running seriously, I couldn't stop asking myself that why I didn't start running 30 years ago.

Rust isn't mentioned in the article at all.

For the actual change about Rust in 6.4, see this email chain.

Void is just Arch but better.

Why? I am running XFCE and didn't have any problem using an external monitor.

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Try KOReader as well.

You're right, but I think OP meant almost all the games that are developed by Valve have a Linux version, meanwhile non of the games developed by CDPR has it.

crontab -e, right? 🤭

I ran it and followed a documentation to install Void Linux and now it runs so much smoother!

If the vendor offers EPUB format you can carry it in a general e-reader or even your phone or computer without them ever being able to lock you out.

Not OP but KOReader. It's an open source e-reader software which runs practically everywhere, even the low-end Kobos. Tons of features. Good UX. Seemless integration to popular hardwares.

If a noob follows this command without checking, they deserve such a lesson.

Just saying.

If you don't like systemd but still want to use Debian, try Devuan.

New Zealand


Nuevo Zelando.

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Ah, classical mistakes when they write instead of typing. At least when they type they can suggestions from the IME, hinting they might be making a mistake.

Those 'similar' words you mentioned all have different tone or vowel in Cantonese. Not at all close to each other. I bet they sound slightly different too in Banlamgu, if you happen to speak that.

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Ah, man, this hurts a lot. It appears that you were keen in helping her with whatever kind of problems, personal or business, but she wasn't in a reciprocal place.

Sometimes after a failed confession, the reality of course doesn't match your expectation. I just ask myself that if it's someone else, what I would expect from them in the response of friends helping each other out. She might truly be using you, or anyone who fell into her trap.

I'm not saying she's an abusive woman but those definitely exist. Glad you made your way out.

If it helps, I saw you arguing with her in that universe because of how you made the morning coffee too strong again after married for 7 years. The feelings between you guys were genuine and passionate but for many times you called me up late at night for a quick beer, complaining how things would have been different.

I'm glad to see you in a better place in this universe. Cherish what you have now, bro.

I usually run emerge firefox then have sex.

He doesn't have your wisdom to handle the wealth and plunged himself into the abyss. Well done.

Nowadays there is not much difference between traditional applications and so called, web apps. A traditional application runs in a terminal and optionally provides a GUI, a web app runs in a browser. They both can have low-level access to hardware like USB ports and GPU.

Well said. If we ever have the medical advancement of bringing back three-day corpses, we can brainwash the criminals to be good people instead.

I may not have a lot of experience but there are definitely signs for both sexes. Notice how your behaviours have changed toward someone after you were into them, then sex swap to think similarly. Generally the interested party wants more interaction with the counterparty but there must be more.