
1 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

No one believese, but I swear one time the stores lights were fucky at a Roomstore location I was driving by, and it looked like Poonstore.

You mean like having movers coming in a few weeks but not getting off my ass for the past five days to start putting my life into boxes to move halfway across the country? Cuz it feels like you might be referring to my having movers coming in a few weeks but me not getting off my ass for the past five days to start putting my life into boxes to move halfway across the country.

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Lol I didn't last time and had to hire a second set of movers. And those second motherfuckers stole my cell phone.

He shopped out his lips.

I only date women who do exactly what they want to do and not what society says they should do. As it happens, they generally don't wear makeup every day.

And you simply must begin and end every sentence with uWu, obviously.

Straight dating online is like trying to find drinkable water in a crisis situation; women are stranded in the ocean, and men are stranded in the desert.

Yours is the closest to correct, but still not quite right. It said to comment 'thank mr skeltal' and yours is missing the punctuation marks.

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"Arizona toddler...died"

Brian Regan once equipped that he had taken a speed-reading course. "Since then, I can read 2000 words per minute. But...my comprehension's plummeted."

Because they both forgot punctuation marks and didn't put the comment on the photo itself. If Sorse just adds the punctuation, we can achieve perfection.

This is the only reason I still teach teenagers after 17 years, and I will not expound further.

Trauma bonding. (800) 799-7233

has unusual relationships with

That's a funny way to spell commits sexual harassment against.

Two. Two professors. Two are suing for their right to be shitheads. This needs to be clarified. It's not a class action lawsuit or anything. The vast majority of profs I had at UT-Austin, if they are still teaching there, were almost certainly protesting Palestinian occupation along with the students.

(This being said and Texas being what it is, I am surprised it isn't more than two. I can't leave this state fast enough.)

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I support a life-term prisondency for him.

So having your booger hook on the bang switch of your tiny-ass gun while you and your mayonnaise husband cosplay as Rihanna and Shy Ronnie isn't the right way to go about things, you're saying?

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Friendly reminder that YouTube Music laid off an entire team of 43 unionized workers the very moment two of them went before the Austin City Council to ask them to help pressure Google execs to come to the bargaining table to provide them with fair pay and benefits.


Welp...I was gonna visit NOLA one more time before moving from Texas to Oregon this summer and leaving the Deep South once and for all. But, as a public school teacher, I have to say this is completely and utterly monkeyfucked, and Louisiana isn't getting a thin-ass dime from me.

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Look them intensely in the eye as piss streams down your leg to establish dominance.

My youngest knew they weren't a girl at age seven. They are 15 now and been very happy for the last four years using they/them pronouns and a chosen name.

It was always possible that one day they'd have changed their mind...hell, their cousin is non-binary as well and used he/they pronouns and a male name for six years before reverting back to the name and gender she was assigned at birth (she's 16 now).

The important thing is to listen to your kids (and anyone who is trans, really) and trust that they know themselves infinitely better than you ever could. Let people tell you who they are, and believe them. They may refine their understanding of who they are at a later time, and you should believe them then, too. When someone decides to change their major, you don't tell them "C'mon now...you're a psychology major...you've always been a psychology major." It's not entirely dissimilar.

I have also heard this. From many different people.

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I was raised here. Now, after over 40 years of living here, I am finally leaving this summer. Fuck this entire fucking state. I'll watch the flames of Texas from the comfort of the Pacific Northwest. Good god damned riddance.

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So is Sarah Palin. From her kids' class schedule names (Track, Trig, Physics, etc), to all the divorces in her family (her and Todd, Track and his ex-wife, Bristol and her two ex-husband's), to Bristol Palin's kids' goofy names (Tripp, Sailor, Atlee, Cocoa Krispies, etc.), to all the kids conceived out of wedlock (Track's then-wife of only a few months, Bristol and her three kids with two different fathers)...

...all of which would be absolutely fine is the lot of them didn't preach "traditional family values" and shit. Hell, Bristol Palin surrounded her work as an ambassador for Candice's Foundation preaching abstinence with having three kids out of wedlock while she and her mother criticized Obama for being in favor of same-sex marriage.

Fuck the whole lot of 'em.

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Keep going...I'm almost there...

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Resign and you can smoke cigars at home, you pricks.

"I'm feeling depressed" is not an uncommon query under capitalism run amok. "One Reddit user recommends jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge" is not just a weird answer, it is a wholly irresponsible one.

So, no, their response is not valid. It is entirely user-blaming in order to avoid culpability.

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Texas is going to be in the same boat. I know of two other teachers from the high school I teach at doing the same thing I'm doing and leaving the state this summer.

The National Labor Review Board ruled that Google was a co-employer of these union members and, thus, ruled that both Google and Cognizant had to come to the table to hammer out a bargaining agreement with them. Google refused. When this council resolution was put forth, Katherine McAden of Google Austin emailed the Austin City Council members on 02/28/24 to ask them to postpone the vote to "give Google, and the City Council, time to fully understand the direction of this item and potential local outcomes." The very next day (02/29/24), while two members were in the middle of testifying to the council, that was the exact moment Google fired the lot of them.

I don't see how much more open and shut you can get here.

After a woman gives birth, the exit where the baby comes out bleeds

Vagina. It's okay to say vagina, because that's what it's called.

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This...this right here is the reason I quit playing this game, the reason I couldn't quite put my finger on. It was just too fucking disjointed, you are so right.

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Right? I browse Twitter a lot and whenever I do I just kidding no I don't.

To anyone who doesn't believe you and thinks they might actually he able to get better rates through an app like that...

You know how health insurance companies charge hefty premiums with ridiculously high copays, but you figure "If I really need something covered, though, they'll pay it and I won't go bankrupt", but yet they still find a way to have so few scruples that they'll fight you on the services you have them billed for because they are a corporation beholden to shareholders and will do everything in their power to hang onto every single dollar possible?

Your car insurance is provided by a corporation.

I've been teaching for almost 20 years. Dress codes do not promote discipline whatsoever. Administrators mete out disciplinary measures when students don't follow the dress code, to be sure, but the only thing the dress code serves to do is promote conformity.

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Oh you blue-ballin' son of a biscuit-eating bulldog.

On the flip side, the judge should absolutely use Trump violating his gag order to express his opinions about the case and those involved to impose prison time as part of his sentence.

I used to believe business could claim tax breaks for the money we contribute when they ask "Do you want to donate to XYZ cause?"

I learned today about how businesses can't actually claim point-of-sale charitable donations that show on a receipt for a tax write-off. Also, I learned about how no one can claim tax write-off for cash donations into a charity jar.

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Likely a link to their corporate sponsor, Sprite.

After I paid $4.31 a while back for a large chocolate Frosty, was handed a 12 ouncer, and was assured that it was not a mistake when I insisted that I'd ordered a large, I decided to part ways with Wendy's. Shrinkflation with the Frosty's, hyperinflation with their burgers...fuck 'em. I'll make my own burgers.

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Regarding point #2:

I am very particular about whom I allow into my circle of trust. That last 6% doesn't seem like much, but it is to me; if you don't believe every Nazi has a backpfeifengesicht, think capitalism should be "tweaked" instead of demolished, or complain about BLM or Pro-Palestinian protestors causing damage, then we're not gonna be best friends.

That being said, that 6% isn't nearly enough for me to consider you the enemy. Billionaires and the fascists they inspire are the enemies, and no attempt they make to divide and conquer us will ever be successful. I will march and scream alongside you in favor of the 94% we have in common.

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Now kiss me.

(Cuz I know I'll get downvoted to hell if I don't clarify, Kiss Me Kate is a Cole Potter Porter musical. You're not sheltered if you didn't know that; I'm just super fucking old. Srsly, I found two gray hairs the other day in my ear, and one on it.)

Edit: typo