Radioactive Radio

13 Post – 253 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just use a lot of it I guess. It's just gonna cost them more in the long run.

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"don't be evil" days have been over since forever ago.

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What, Isn't she perfect for the job then?

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Could just be car keys.

Looks like we got permission. Not that we need it.

This shouldn't exist, break it!.

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Now THAT is stealing.

Don't do colours kids!

Edit: that came out kinda racist lol.

Maybe she's bald from training too hard too.

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Kids are not affordable or cute or have fur, plus they take time l, a lot of time. For me there's no reason to have kids.

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Sanboxed from prying eyes, it's completely safe.

Because everyone should look like everyone else. Like clones. After all working in the factories needs co-ordination.

They probably needed a stable build, but he couldn't make it past alpha testing.

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So he chose the trick.

It's an acer laptop i5 GeForce mx 130, basically I updated the linux firmware and put it on suspend but nvidia GPU did it's thing and it didn't wake up from sleep. So I has to power it off directly and it booted up to this.

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That's for when the world is in danger. This isn't a serious enough issue for that.

Nah, they'll go back. If it's one thing I've learned from Greedy companies doing dumb shit. People will always go back to trust them again.

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Thanks it's fixed, i booted into an old kernel.

If there's no Unix, so just porn then?

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Hahaha good one. I'll look it up in the ancient penguin libraries.

Okay guys it's fixed! I had to reboot into an older kernel, that did it. I was kinda panicking, cuz i have to use it for work.

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Penpot, inkscape, gimp, krita. You get no preset templates but they all do the same thing as canva. If you're not looking for something opensource then you can try postermywall.

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No country is fighting as hard against poverty as they are against piracy.

That implies they're specifically searching for their female teachers on onlyfans like horny 14 year olds.

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Good, wouldn't wanna end it too quickly.

I actually did, but it's fixed now.

Just uninstall your proprietary parent and install Linux.

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Plus you're using lemmy, expect police on your door in 7 business days.

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Don't fall for the tiling managers, I know they look pretty but they'll sink all your time and you'll never be satisfied. Trust me I've been there.

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A lot of people who work in those call centres are uneducated and don't know shit about tech, they're only parroting off a script. In those call centres they use windows 7 still and don't even know about the existence of linux. Also piracy is big in India so they don't care if linux is free. And most of all their victims/"customers"(old people) don't use linux so they have no reason to either. It's just the fellow Indian nerds using Linux.

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possession of a firearm by a prohibited person

So he wasn't allowed to own a firearm?

Good bot

Bare knuckles to the dome can definitely kill.

Imagine losing your beloved dog's last photos just cuz you decided to back them up onto someone else's computer.

They'll just pay Google to up it again.

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Comic neue, must have for all the important legal documents.

John Ligma

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Them: yes

This is the bad ending, Humpty Dumpty didn't fall off the wall and die.