
0 Post – 88 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good. Google play is a joke atm

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Mike Tyson tribal tattoo right on the face (upside down)

My decision to move here looks better the time goes by

Israel is just committing a genocide

Unironically this. It look s like chatgpt replies all over the place, mostly less than a week old accounts.

That place is dead, hopefully bots stay there

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Great, time to change instance. At least it will have > 10% uptime


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At least you don't have to use Microsoft teams!

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I think the solution is: MORE GUNS

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I would be happier if they left

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Are you high?

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Twitter is dead much before elon turd bought it.

I think you're crazy 🤣

Of course it works, for the 1%

Considering it's an American brand i would say yes (it's a joke: https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-trojan-preowned-idUSL2N2NF296)

Can confirm it's actually, at least, 800% better. Just getting rid of the bots is great

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Hey this is me except i sleep like crap even with drugs because of depression haha

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Same here, just uninstalled it. Jerboa and thunder are my lemmy apps, i will miss a niche sub but i will probably forget about it in few weeks.

I was a redditor since 2012, nothing last forever.

Long live Lemmy

I seed around 5Tb per month, I pay 20€ for 1Gbps up / 1Gbps down connection.

I'm happy i live in a third world country

An eco chamber for Americans with content made by bots

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There's no war, just a massacre

Haha dick funny.

They're not Americans so it's not important apparently

For a moment i thought i got an ad and was about to uninstall my current lemmy app instantly lol

it was a silly joke about the relation between anime an arch linux but i see it was not funny. im an ubuntu loser who doesnt like anime, tried a couple of times but its not interesting to me idk

They are probably confused about how to use an app that behaves like an ad carousel

Awesome news. Long live lemmy

actual shitpoost

No need to tell us how you feel every day

I'm Rafa and i approve this message as well

Add him the Mike Tyson face tattoo

I used Reddit since 2012 until spez destroyed third party clients

Yeah, besides twitter has more bots but reddit is going rampant there as well

Repacks are only useful if your internet is from third world countries, like 100Mbps

In Europe repacks are useless

Edit: apparently Germany doesn't seem to have normal speeds

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Not so old? Android 8 was released 5 years ago

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American moment

Almost everything on Reddit is censored


The lady lacks siringes with carfentanyl to be a little more accurate

It's just called deny list instead now