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Joined 1 years ago

Petty af and I’m here for it.

Lemmy? Not specifically committed to Lemmy forever, but I very much see myself using it as my top Social Media 2-3 years from now.

I’m really invested that Lemmy (and the Fediverse in general) is only going to get more awesome.

I’m just the past few weeks we’ve seen growth in not only the infrastructure, apps, and features of Lemmy, but there’s really great conversations happening around how the community is growing and possible threats to the system from big corps.

I think the Fediverse is a great place and is a great future of “Social Media”.

Even if no one else joins Fedi, I think we have enough entertaining content and news to sustain me for a long time. More people will join, though. Things will keep getting better, but it will take time.

Fuck Reddit, Fuck Twitter, Fuck FAANG. I hope distributed is the future.

Love these little compsci investigation articles. Thanks for sharing!




The Fediverse has this really organic, underground feel to it that I don’t think I want to lose.

If people want to leave Reddit/Twitter/Facebook/whatever and come to Fedi, I don’t mind there being a 1-hour learning curve to read an intro, find an instance, and sign up.

Peeps who aren’t willing to do that are probably better off on other social media.

Is there a reason to want to compete with Mainstream Social Media?

Thank you for sharing your journey so others can learn. Community is our only defense against the robots.

Blame Society Films: https://youtube.com/@blamesocietyfilms

Their “Welcome to the Basement” videos have really awoken my passion for older films. They’re hilarious.

I’m pretty tired and my dang dad wont stop calling me to help him set up his new phone. But imma make it through. Thanks for askin’ homie.

Open em up and get those wonderful lil magnets out to add to your magnet collection

Happy Gilmore. I’ve seen it before, but not for a long time. Don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it.

Mass Effect 1 a few weeks ago. Never played it before and really enjoyed it, but eventually got sick of side quests.

Started ME2, but decided to put it down for a bit so I don’t burn out.

There are instructions out there that indicate the demo version of RCT2 has enough of the source files to work >.> Just throwing that out there.

Brother, my in-laws are living with me right now and I just wanted to say I feel your pain

You’re failing, Seymour! What’s with you and failing?!

I used to be like you. Young and wild, being a night owl living in a world ruled by daywalkers.

Nowadays, I tend to value even an hour of sleep over staying up the whole night. You always feel better after sleep and even a little bit is better than none.

For staying up, I recommend coffee or chocolate-covered espresso beans (very easy to over-do it on these).

For waking up after only a short amount of sleep, set multiple alarms about 3-5 mins apart for about 45 mins. If you use your phone as an alarm, put your phone in an empty coffee mug to help amplify the sounds and vibrations of the alarm. There’s no guilt worse than over-sleeping when someone is relying on you.

One foot in front of the other, homie. All you have to do is focus on making it past the next 10 minutes in front of you.

You come from warriors, and their strength lives in you.



I have this!!

It's been one week since spez looked at me Cocked his head to the side and said, "I'm angry" Five days since I joined Lemmy Saying, "Get your API together, come back and see me" Three days since the living room I realized it's the IPO’s fault, but couldn't see it through Yesterday, Spez was blocking me But it'll still be two days 'til he says he’s sorry


Fucking THANK YOU!

They just don’t understand you!

Even though your clothes may have the appearance of riches, beneath the clothes we find a man. Beneath the man we find his… nucleus.

Thank you for sharing your story. There’s a couple of things I’d like to share back with you:

  1. You’re already on guard to see this coming, so you’re less likely to get blindsided by it. The very fact that you wrote this post is a good sign that you won’t end up getting back in that situation. Give yourself a little credit.

  2. Your HR department knows that It’s WAY more expensive to hire someone new than it is to keep a current employee. When I start to feel overwhelmed at work, I remind myself of this fact and I’ll purposely pull back and give myself a break. No one is going to let you go if you miss a couple of deadlines or if your UI isn’t always immaculate.

One of the biggest causes of burnout is doing higher quality work than is expected of you. While it can be gratifying to do excellent work, know that the marathon of having a career is finding what the “just right” expectation is and delivering no more and no less.

— signed: someone who burned the fuck out

Abre Los Ojos

“Save me a piece of that corn for later!”

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