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Ich mag Pflanzen und hab ein extra Regal dafür. Support your FOSS (Free and OpenSource Software) projects!🫢🏼

I only know that I was pleasantly surprised how well GNOME ran on a surface device of a friend.

Made me think of this YouTube video :) Also check out the comments for more examples.

Once a detector is good, you can train a model to adjust its outputs to cause false negatives from the detector. Then the cycle repeats. It's a cat and mouse game basically.

The only proper way I see is a system that is based ob cryptographic signatures. This ia easier said than done ofc.

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Why is this in c/Lemmy Shitposting?

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Why not?

Someone should make a post about why blocking Threads is good and why it's not to be confused with gate keeping. If not properly communicated, this could look very badly for the uninitiated and they're not to blame.

Some people of course have an educated opinion against blocking, but many presumably don't know the reasons behind it.

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I just wanna add that one reason this monopoly is dangerous is that Google (could and nowadays) does use it to dictate "web standards". So e.g. they don't come anymore from organizations that develop standards but Google just forces their own standards by sheer power of market dominance.

Yeah just fucking sad. This guy changed the way I think about software, releasing code I write, contributing etc. Would be so sad to see him go.

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This shouldn't be "offered" IMHO, this should be mandatory. Yes, people are very ignorant about cyber security (I've studied in this field, trust me, I know). But the answer isn't to put the responsibility on the user! It is to design products and services which are secure by design.

If someone is actually able to crack accounts via brute-forcing common passwords, you did not design a secure service/product.

[Edit: spelling]

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I agree. Especially as the app is already 20 MB in size... 1.5MB wouldn't make much difference IMO.

I think he was being sarcastic, playing with words. Meaning, that you trade in time, runtime and memory and get nothing in return :D so a pretty bad trade haha.

Of course it's worse, I mean, that was the point of this blogpost, wasn't it? :p It's just a (long) joke.

It was so crowded actually, that most people didn't even realize the protest was canceled.

Also the cell network (both internet and SMS/calls) was completely down, so meeting up or getting information was nearly impossible

Are those actual conservatives or ones which would be called extreme right-wingers or fascists in non-american politics?

You sound very passionate but also very aggressive. It's almost uncomfortable to read πŸ˜… Will check it out though, thank you.

Scrolling past this on an amoled screen with extra-low brightness this kinda looked like a satellite with solar arrays lol

It "looks" or "feels" prime. And being divisible by a prime like 17 feels even stranger.

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Ohh, rivals is a noun here, I read it as a verb πŸ˜… Thank you!

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He wrote code that was so bad, all that was kept from when it was bought was its name. The actual code was taken from another company acquired at the same time.

I think it must be a trabslatranslation error or so, because yeah you should NEVER touch live if you're grounded haha πŸ˜…

Did you really just call blet boo low effort? 🫠 Also, you're not really complaining about awful low effort memes below a shitpost, are you?

Also this goes to show that F-droid needs a rating system IMO 🫠

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Isn't screen sharing working since some time? Works even on WebEx from Firefox, can pick any window to share. Granted a few years back it didn't work, but now it does. Maybe it's a zoom bug... πŸ€”

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Haven't seen InnerTune mentioned yet:

Good Spotify alternative for me.

Can somebody "translate" or rephrase the headline for me? I kinda have troubles sometimes reading headlines in English, they just don't make any sense to me. When comparing German headlines (my native tongue), I guess the reason for that is heavy usage of ellipses(?)

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Absolutely. I didn't mean to say he "only" changed my view, in case that's the impression. He is a great man, the entire (digital) world is built on his legacy so to say, yet barely anyone knows about him.

PS: little anecdote as I once went to an Apple Store and scrolled through the software licenses in the settings on an iPad of iOS and found one crediting Richard Stallman as the author. I just left it like that, thought it's funny having his name on an iPad in the Apple Store :p

"Radio night, here I come"

instead of

"Ready or not, here I come"

Traumatizing β‰  making people take war seriously.

Believe it or not, journalism and educating people is much more than uploading graphically disturbing images to some website and leave it as is.

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It's better. Not good. Better than other tools, at least in the eyes of the many people using it. But as I stated at another post, to me this speaks to the fact that we need better FOSS alternatives for whatever purposes discord is used. I don't like Discord either, don't get me wrong! But so many people using it means something's missing and I don't think it cab solely be explained by the lack of knowledge of existing solutions but at least partly by the existence itself.

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Which device is that?

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Didn't expect that.. ngl ^^ So you just casually standing in the kitchen surfing the web on your fridge?

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You don't say haha :D But there is no reason why people who don't work or study in a math related field would have an intuition for that.


"If we adopted universal health care tomorrow without consideration of the issues, the worldwide economy would take a massive hit"

I think that's a lie certain people are spreading who fear change to make other people fear change too.

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Best ask that in the sync community, hopefully someone there can help :)

One, why did you quote people?

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Best UX of the FOSS clients in my experience

Wow that sounds amazing, thank you for the advice! πŸ˜€ Will ask around in a nearby school soon. Would duckduckgo also work for the "google" part?

Edit: linking your sources instead of claiming "a basic google search proves me right" should be a given.

How would you know that?

Maybe read abeut the EEE strategy (embrace, extend, extinguish). Gatekeeping is bad but this isn't about gatekeeping