
3 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I did some IT work at a hospital, patient records including names, addresses, conditions and doctor's notes (inc mental health notes) were stored in the database in plain text. You had to have admin access to the database (which I did), but I was stunned that I could browse anyone's entire medical information. A few weeks after I left I sent an anonymous email to a couple of people letting them know how bad it was - I didn't use my real one just in case they may have come after me for looking at the records.

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Actually the floon goes inside the zargnix. Duh.

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I, Robot - extremely disappointed that it didn't follow the books, but I've watched it several times and if you pretend it came out under a different title it's a good robot movie.

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I read they knew about steam power for a long time but couldn't make the engines / containers / doohickies strong enough to contain the pressure.

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I hope one day we will be able to charge devices without plugging them in - even if the amount of charge is small, it might be able to trickle charge all the time.

Can it do legs?

XBox Game Pass. Saved me literally hundreds of dollars on games I'd buy otherwise, and avoids bad purchases like Redfall.

My wife ran her own business, and a lot of her time was spent chasing up people like this and it was so frustrating. A lot of small business owners do everything themselves, so having to re-issue invoices and chase them up if they weren't paid was a real pain. She didn't mess about though, of they didn't pay and didn't communicate she would engage a debt-collection company. She also knew some of her clients were also small businesses and would work out a payment plan or extra time if they needed it. But some deliberately strung her along till the last minute.

As an IT support person, I've learnt to dumb things down for management. They don't want to hear stuff like "Increased the SGA, changed the buffer size and added a function based index...etc". Sometimes I'll do a short and a long version something like "the issue was around memory settings which have been increased", plus the detailed info.

I know, for all intensive purposes it's maddening.

Adding my 2c - I think it depends on if you want something that just works out of the box, or if you want to tinker and play with a DIY solution. I have a Synology DS220+ that just works, is easy to manage, has loads of apps etc. I also have a Raspberry Pi with Openmediavault installed and 3 SSDs attached which required a bit of setup, is more complex to get things working, also has apps (plugins) but is more of a project.

Seems a lot faster today - great work!

I posted the same movie before seeing this. I wish they would make a TV series of these books instead of Foundation. I thought the movie was a good robot movie, but was very disappointed that it didn't follow the books.

"6236/7265 subreddits are currently dark."


That's a pretty good response from the subs.

When I went to see this in the theatre, I was the only one there. Only time it's ever happened.

My main worry is that if I lose my phone or it's stolen, especially if I'm overseas,I won't be able to access a lot of sites due to the 2 factor authentication. A lot of sites don't have alternative 2fa methods, only SMS or through the app. I've been trying to think of a way to access these sites if overseas and my phone gets lost or stolen, the only thing I can think of is to take my sim out and hide it, and buy a local sim when in a new country. If I need 2FA I put in my old sim, but for day to day stuff use the local sim. If the phone gets stolen / lost, I've not lost the 2FA capability.

I had a 2010 Macbook Pro that I was about to throw away a couple of years ago because it was unusable - beach ball of death constantly. I bought a 500GB SSD for around $70 AUD, went on YouTube and about an hour later booted up; it was like a new laptop. I eventually chucked it earlier this year because the battery had it and I didn't want to spend any more on it.

I just bought a used Lenovo ThinkCentre M710Q Mini Tiny Desktop PC Computer i5 6400T 1TB SSD Win 10 Pro from Ebay for $289 AUD and plugged in some oldish external SSDs and HDDs and now have 10TB of storage. I'm really pleased with it, it took about half an hour to install Proxmox and I've now got 5 VMs up and running.

I wouldn't recommend a WD My Cloud Home - it's not a NAS as such, it's a bit limited; I'd go for a Synology. or One Drive as you suggest - a 1TB plan is quite reasonable with regards to cost.

I also read that what is not taken into account is that the people on the cruise ships are not somewhere else - so you have hundreds of thousands of people who are not driving, heating houses, flying, or basically not doing other things that could cause emissions. Whether it has an effect or not I don't know, but it does sort of make sense.

This is what worries me - an instance creator terminates the instance for whatever reason, then all the accounts and posts are gone. Or the creator could hold the instance hostage - "Hey guys, costs are building up and I'm going to have to shut it down unless people donate"

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Not sure I'd class this as delicious.

So what are the Bots doing? Who created them and why? I don't understand the purpose of bots.

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But I can see this embolden racists / homophobes. They are generally dumb, and will probably refuse to serve people citing this decision and will either end up in court or get away with it.

I've lost count of the docker containers / hosted stuff I've spun up, only to realise I don't use it. It's fun though. Bitwarden, Owncloud, NextCloud, Openmediavault, homepage, Jellyfin are just a few I can remember.

I've been on the internet since the early 90s and try to keep my stuff anonymous. But as you say, I am sure someone could find out all about me if they wanted, despite using a VPN 90% of the time, using dummy emails to sign up for stuff, never posting photos etc. If someone posts a photo to Facebook with me in it, with a comment "Me and John Doe having a great time", I have no control over it.

Thanks for all your efforts, must be quite a challenge when the subscriber numbers treble in a few days.

Thanks for the responses; it seems I can't really do it. I looked into ZFS but if I use that it halves the available disk space to 2TB. I'm using the VM for a media server and thought it would be better to have 1 4TB space instead of 2 2TB disks. At the end of the day it isn't a big deal, I just thought I'd be able to present both disks as 1.

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I think Water Wars are also a concern.


Thanks for all the suggestions - I think Tailscale is the way to go, it didn't take me long to set up and there is a client for all my devices.

Still don't get it - someone makes a comment, bots upvote it so it gets seen by more people. Not really going to change the world.

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I think the growth of Lemmy over the last few weeks is a clear indicator that Reddit is in decline. I have deleted Apollo and my reddit bookmark and have only gone back when a Google search provided the information I needed. I won't be going back and I think a lot of people are of the same mind.

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I use uptime kuma for monitoring - really easy to set up and very versatile

I don’t have kids but am perfectly happy to pay more tax to make education free or cheaper. How can anyone argue that a less educated society is better? The more people that can experience higher education is plainly a good thing. There could be someone out there who could make a medical or technological breakthrough but doesn’t get the chance because they can’t afford to go to college.

First time here for me, and I’m confused as well.
Say there’s a ‘movies’ community on this server, and one on lemmy.ml, and over time the one on ml becomes the definitive one, do I need to have an account on the ml server as well or is there a way to be able to see multiple communities on different servers in my stream?
Thanks for taking the time to help us newcomers out.