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While I can see the plus side of being able to identify bots, I don't think the WEI is the right way to do it, and Google definitely isn't the right company to be handling it

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On a tangent, and nothing to do with you, but I don't like how these streaming companies are being called "streamers". Streamers are those people streaming on twitch, not a company like Netflix damnit.

There's another threads too that my company used to use for internal posts (referenced in the article): https://threads.com/

Interesting that they managed to keep the .com name

So now you have an ex-Twitter account. Or an X account for short.

Maybe Elon was truly 200 IQ with his naming

SR3 was the top game for me. SR4 was a bit too much, but SR3 felt like it hit that sweet spot of goofiness, insanity, and just enough realism for me to keep me invested in the world

Didn't OpenAI start getting massive investments from Microsoft and then became ClosedAI?

Edit: Not that I necessarily think this will happen here. If anything, Stable Diffusion might run much better on ARC cards (or whatever their Neural Processing Unit becomes) and give a viable alternative to Nvidia

The only LG phone I ever had, it just randomly decided to not boot one day. Apparently it was a common issue, and they were not giving any refunds, at least when I asked. I swore off of LG then, and I wouldn't be surprised if many other people did as well.

I think the phone was the LG G4: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LG_smartphone_bootloop_issues

Maybe they should have spent some of the money they used on this questionable design update on improving their app or working with third party app developers.

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Have the MPA and RIAA stopped being cruel and heartless?

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I really wonder if there's a way to use LLMs just to point out every concerning thing in a EULA/TOS

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I tried buying something using crypto on Coin base back in the day. Signed up, transferred $100 into Eth, had to wait two or three days for Coinbase to do their due diligence or whatever, and then it was down 50% by the time I could use it. (I think China banned crypto or something?) I just pulled out my credit card and bought the item directly, and never touched crypto again

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This should be an ongoing 150k a month until the satellite is decommissioned in order for it to be anywhere near meaningful

Are either centipedes or spiders insects? I thought insects only had 6 legs

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I have access to Financial Times, and this is what they showed in their article

Gaming these days, at least multiplayer or those "games as a service" games, just seems so shitty. With all of the "gacha" aspects of lootboxes, or battle passes where you have to pay to play the game, or just plain predatory psychology manipulation to get you to buy random stuff... Games nowadays feel like you're basically working a second job, or you can pay money so that you don't have to work the second job because it's not fun.

I will never forgive excel for automatically converting all of my dates to some weird ass format, or stripping single quotes randomly, or something other BS that they do for no reason

If they pay me more to go back into office, then I'll take the trade if the money is high enough. Everything has a price, as they say. But it better be worth all the extra shit you have to deal with, least of all being the sick people at the office. I haven't gotten sick since COVID started basically

I wish I did this... Diablo 4 has been such a disappointment. The story was pretty mid and the gameplay loop post MSQ is just not as fun as D3. Also, I played 5 hours this season and I was still only like level 20 or something, because of all the stuff I had to do again with waypoints, side quests for renown, and season journey in order to progress the seasonal quest. I just stopped. Kinda regretting getting the ultimate edition now

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Hold on, I'm not familiar with Star citizen, but do you have to spend real money to get ships in this game?

The MISC Hull C added with the Alpha 3.20 update costs an eye-watering $500

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Yeah this sounds like a great use for drones- take photos of high up places that is dangerous to climb to

2 pages is fine, most resumes I see is two pages, especially if you have 10+ years of relevant experience to cover

Why would this even impact you if you're using their index funds? Twitter isn't even public so it can't be in any index

I can tell you from experience, there is nothing more distracting than having your manager walk up behind you and tap you on the shoulder while you're working on code. While this problem doesn't go away completely with remote work, at least you have time to compose yourself and bookmark your work before you respond

Am idiot, still use Instacart though because it saves me at least an hour a week (probably closer to two hours after accounting for shopping time and getting ready to leave) for $20, which is worth it to me

No way any of my friends would pay 10 bucks a month for kagi, so yeah most people just don't care enough or search enough to want to look into alternatives

For real, I have not gotten sick since I started working from home. I did get COVID once going to a company sponsored event with 1000 people, but I call that "going into the office". Other than that, it's been pretty nice being healthy every day

I have never gotten a adblock popup using Firefox and ublock origin while my friend has gotten several on Chrome. I wonder if I'm just lucky that I'm not in the adblock block rollout on YouTube or if Firefox+ublock is working

I'm suddenly reminded of when people used to give out doge coins as a meme

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I agree- I work as a data scientist, and internal data is messy as shit. When you're talking about data from an acquired company, that's doubly so

Huh TIL that the average age of the Senate and the House has steadily increased over time: https://www.nbcnews.com/data-graphics/118th-congress-age-third-oldest-1789-rcna64117

Yeah but I want to know just how fucked I am when I sign it

Honestly from someone who has a backlog of hundreds of games, this is probably a plus. Too many games nowadays have filler that don't add to the enjoyment of the game. Sometimes I might wish a game was longer, but longer in the areas I found enjoyable, not endless fetch quests

Too relevant, given that uptobox shut down yesterday and alldebrid torrents don't work right now

A frog that is slowly boiled will jump out. However, if it's dropped in boiling water, it'll die because it doesn't have time to jump out before the proteins in its body get destroyed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog

Relevant because I don't think slow change is as irreversible as fast change, and might actually be more manageable

I had such hopium for diablo 4, but they just made the game worse with every patch. It was decently fun when it launched, but they introduced more tedium into everything each patch. Plus when the new season started and you had to do everything over again, it killed my enjoyment of the game

Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I've never felt like moving to a different country to work. I can barely imagine moving from the east coast to the west coast. Perhaps I'm missing something, but never once have I visited a place and said, "I would love to spend 8 hours of my life every day in an office here."

But I am at the ripe old age of 30, so maybe I'm past that demographic

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You can also do the same with a custom collection on Firefox Nightly: https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2020/09/29/expanded-extension-support-in-firefox-for-android-nightly/

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What happens to bodies that can't pay burial or cremation costs? Do they just get thrown into a compost bin?

Damn... I still prefer that over going into the office at least, since I don't have to commute

Yeah I order from Instacart from a Costco like 30 minutes away, so I always feel bad and tip well.

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