
15 Post – 504 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The floor is leveled, but juice is affraid of that giant black dildo

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So storage goes from $5 to $6 = 20% increase But we get free download x3 of whatever size we store there? It was 1GB a day limit before right? Above that its 0.01$ per GB, but thats same as before I think.

If all above is correct, its still not that bad imo, at least I dont have to be afraid of using backup, at least not for the first 3 times :)

I second this! Amazing community!

Pi NAS is a big pile of cables and adapters IMO. You can buy used PC with multiple SATA or M2 ports for 100€

a lot of important data

Hope you have a backup, not because of public torrents

Im using wireguard VPN. You have to setup VPN server (using your DynDNS address, but duckdns in my case), open wireguard port in your router and configure each device that needs access. Reverse proxy is not needed, but I have it so I can use jellyfin.example.com instead of I use NPM (nginx proxy manager) with awesome GUI that can create lets encrypt certificates. I also use piHole for local DNS server

Where are you from my friend? Why do you actually need server running if you have no electricity at home? Your internet is also down right? Dont you need to just find how to shutdown safely when outage happens? Or do you have mobile/sattelite internet as a backup?

I use candles btw 🕯️

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I feel safe, maybe I shouldnt, but my life wouldnt be this good if I didnt have access to everything I cracked lol

Probably not helping much, but try bazarr if you havent. I have more than one source for subtitles there and feels like its working great. Ignore this if this is opensubtitles issue

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Start with hardware you have already, its high likely overkill anyway. If you have CPU that supports quicksync (intel 7th gen or newer iirc) you could remove GPU to reduce power consumption. QuickSync will make streaming easy.

Raspberry pi cant transcode so its not best for media server, but it can direct play so that might not be an issue at all. I upgraded from rpi to desktop PC because I had issues with power on rpi USB ports for storage. Its also impossible to upgrade RAM on rpi. Good thing about rpi is super low power consuption, but some small factor PCs can drain ~10W. My PC was at 22W with 3 SSD. You can get power meter like Shelly plug S to see power consuption yourself.

Any OS (I use debian) of your choice + docker and docker-compose. Then install portainer and manage all services from there.

  • For pictures try Immich, its amazing.
  • For cloud storage Nextcloud
  • For media streaming consider Jellyfin (much better than Plex IMO)
  • Check wiki.servarr.com if you are downloading content with torrents or usenet. It can automate everything and provide awesome UI for users. Next level torrenting
  • If you have only 1-2 users consider Wireguard or tailscale to connect when not at home.

I was going this route and Im super happy with everything

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Your meme is missing one more picture where everything explodes with full servarr setup

I use default block list and had 0 issues so far

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For me, the biggest reason not to use linux are windows-only apps like CAD software. That software was a must have on my university, and now Im stuck with it lol. I switched to linux anyway, but still struggling to find best workflow between dual boot and windows in VM.

But linux today is so available and friendly. I have POP! OS on my desktop and partner can use it with no problem (windows user). Its so freaking intuitive, much easier to install and use compared to windows IMO. I believe people are not afraid as much as they dont care and microsoft is pushing their OS much more than any other alternative

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Consider moving from mullvad if you are into torrenting. Mullvad doesnt support port forwarding anymore. But no matter what provider you chose, use docker container gluetun to route traffic from any other container (like transmission). I like transmission, but most people use qbittorrent because its more advanced. You can also set up VPN in qbittorrent settings

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From main post

There is now an *arr app called prowlarr that is meant to be the replacement for jackett. But the flaresolverr(used for auto solving captchas) support was added very recently and doesn't work that well as compared to jackett, so I am still sticking with jackett for meantime. You can instead use prowlarr if none of your indexers use captcha.

Bind gluetun with torrent client for a real kill switch. If you trust your VPN provider then you should be safe. Mullvad is probably the most reputable provider, but since they removed PF I moved to airVPN. I dont live in germany tho 😜

There are other alternatives to torrents, but private trackers should be more safe than public ones. You need invite or pass the interview for most private trackers, but I guess you know that already

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because I installed a Windows spell checker

If you intend to cast spells from a window you are already more advanced witch than most of us. I dont understand why you want to check your spells at first place, just shoot some and ask people how it feels

Haha sorry for trolling, but it sounded like that to me for some reason and I couldnt stop laughing. Its probably funny only to me, but im posting it anyway 😂

I just use homepage as my homepage :D

I can see simple CPU/RAM/storage stats and got widgets for almost all services, one of them is portainer so I can see if any service is stopped (most of them are running in docker). Also few services send notification on error or update

I know its not really a monitoring tool, but it works well enough for me

Who waits 2 min for a page to load. Sounds like aweful browsing experience. If it doesnt load in 10 sec, I wouldnt wait more. Clear catch, cookies, wipe everything if nothing else helps

There is also vga to hdmi adapter that works

People call private tracker users gatekeepers a lot. While thats true sometimes, its bullshit most of the time IMO. There are some trackers with open signups (sometimes), some require interview to join and some provide free invites to all users. If you join one, you get a chance to join another one. There are some that are "impossible" to join, but who cares if they want to stay small or whatever. Private trackers are not gold mine, almost all content is available elswhere, sometimes trackers go down or site is not working, sometimes they disappear forever.

Tracker wouldnt be private if anyone can join, having too many people might lead to take down. Having more people than needed (for healthy tracker) is just extra risk probably. Users more likely keep their account(s) healthy and follow the rules (like ratio and hit&run), they donate to tracker and they are willing to pay for a seedbox, thats why its better than public trackers IMO. All (10+) people I have invited got banned because they didnt care about anything there (mostly inactivity for months) and they are happy with public trackers or they moved to a payed service.

Private trackers are not for everyone, if you cba go for public or pay for usenet. If you are into movies/tv shows, setup *arr stack with VPN and public trackers and you will enjoy it the same way as anyone on private trackers. If you are nerd like me and have patience, dont mind keeping your torrent client online look into private trackers

Jellyfin all the way. Its just amazing, Im surprised most comments are not like mine

Immich doesnt feel like beta at all, its amazing, its better than google photos imo. Nextcloud is also great, but nextcloud photos not so much

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Why is your comment with so many upvotes but I still had to scroll down to find it. Everything above is kinda morbid. Im glad I scrolled enough, was worried a bit 🤣

I know plex has some features that jellyfin doesnt, but it was time few years ago, at least for me

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I dont know where you live but in Croatia (EU) there is a registar "Dont Call" that you can add your number to. They told me that phone service providers are sharing our numbers LOL unless you ask them not to. This registar should be level above providers so your number should be private no matter what. I was just going to apply to that

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You create a folder on one device and share it with other device. Both can edit files if you set the folder type as "Send & Receive". If you edit the same file at the same time you will end up with 2 copies

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I miss the days where you didn't have to spend anything to pirate

Nothing changed with torrents afaik. Never tried streamio tho

Just want to let you know there is a nextcloud and selfhosted community on lemmy

Friends and family are nice. In my experience they react like "wow amazing, how much you pay for that?" But they actually mean "wtf dude you never heard of netflix?" (:

Nextcloud can sync between devices,so you can even use files while offline. There is recycle bin and many more features and apps available. I mostly use filebrowser just to manage files on the server. Both apps are amazing

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Jellyfin + arrs

OP this is the answer but Ill provide simple steps in case this is not clear enough:

  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Install portainer (command from the post above)
  4. open Portainer GUI in browser using IP:8000 (from here you can do everything in GUI)
  5. go to stacks and create a new stack
  6. edit docker-compose for audiobookshelf - modify folder paths for volumes (example - change ./audiobooks:/audiobooks to /path/to/folder:/audiobooks)
  7. paste that in stack and hit deploy
  8. go to IP:13378 to open Audiobookshelf GUI
  9. enjoy

I miss when most people didnt have access to internet 😀

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Errrm, sonarr/radarr can sort that out perfectly

FML I shouldnt wtite this lol. Just after my comment I found that Lichess app is giving servfail in query and doesnt work. Apparently its unbound issue, but still have to sort that out

For homeassistant I had to add this in configuration.yaml

  use_x_forwarded_for: true

Where is my NPM docker IP

Edit: its NPM IP and not HA like I wrote first time

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1) DIY PC (running everything)

  • MSI Z270-A PRO
  • Intel G3930
  • 16GB DDR4
  • ATX PSU 550W
  • 250GB SSD for OS
  • 500GB SSD for data
  • 12TB HDD for backup + media

2) Raspberry pi 4 4GB (running 2nd pihole instance)

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AirVPN cuz I dont know any other with port forwarding thats cheap like that

Piracy tools are more reliable than payed services lol

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