
1 Post – 160 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What I can't believe is that there are actually people in Russia that think that Crimea is the vacation spot they want to go to right now.

There were even traffic jams on the Russian side a while back.

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And still there are more Republicans that support him over any other candidate.

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In fact the modern post-WW2 era is about as good as it gets. And that is indeed not much.

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There's a lot of crazy things in China that are related to this. Not just one child policy. There's a whole crisis of sexuality in China.

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Yeah, at this point they've broken so many rules of war that there aren't many left to break.

It's great that West African nations are taking care of this themselves. It is a moment of empowerment. They should take care of their own. Without interference from the outside. Neither from the West, nor Russia, nor China.

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Yeah, look at the curves on that guy.

US does shit like this all the time. Guantanamo bay ring a bell? There are still people there who haven't been convicted of a crime.


As stupid as it sounds people trust them more than the experts. We live in the post truth times anyway.

Most other countries do not have HOAs. In Finland where I live, municipalities can enact ordinances to limit what you can do on your property, but they are often very limited if they exist at all. The most restrictive ones that I know limit the type of house that can be built (eg. no flat roofs, although this can be a zoning issue as well), the color of the houses and other similar limitations.

I'll take my socialdemocrat "hell hole" of a country over the "free" USA with HOAs any time.

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The Finnish group that supports democracy in Russia is planning such a protest. Which is good. But too little too late.

Although the fact that in this protest they used flags of the Russian president tells you who is actually behind it.

More like a stumbling block.

If you are referring to Trump, it's far from a done deal.

Though some would say that the US has been a fascist state for a while.

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When I read stories like this, I think about another story about a bear whose bile was extracted for industrial use. The extraction is extremely painful for the animal. They're kept harnessed to the extraction machinery. This particular bear managed to escape its harness. And the first thing it did was to kill its own cub. So that it wouldn't have to suffer anymore. This happened in China by the way.

If justice prevails he will serve time in prison. But this has never happened before so anything can happen.

Including him winning the upcoming elections, pardoning himself and everyone else.

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Second that was shot down.

Third if you count the one that was bombed by drones in Belarus on an airfield.

If only more people understood this. But alas decades of Israeli propaganda has convinced people otherwise.

Some of us don't live in shithole countries with trigger happy cops.

Around here it is news when a police man has to discharge his/her weapon for anything other than training or mercy killing wild animals after a collision.

So if you print your book on this printer. A book that you have written and are about to send to a publisher. HP can take it and sell it. And you are paying them for the privilege.

That is a HARD NO from me.

Perceptions matter. Even if the West is supplying the arms. It is still West Africans doing the deed.

It would be a colonial intervention if Western militaries invaded the country and deposed the junta. That would be a whole different situation. It wasn't that long ago when Western powers would routinely do this. Or fund dictators to get rid of democratically elected officials. So, progress?

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I work in an office typing on a keyboard all day. I could easily do this job from home.

Any job that fits that description will suit you. There are quite a few of them nowadays.

There's actually very little original about Christianity. Almost all aspects of it had been around similar Middle Eastern religions.

Council of Nicea just decided what the Bible is. Often based on nothing more than politics.

They're gaining invaluable battlefield experience that NATO troops simply aren't.

Oh, yes they are. Ukraine is in close contact with NATO countries and sharing intel. NATO countries are also buying drones in bulk right now. And developing ones that Russia will not see until they try to pick a fight with NATO.

Your great-great-grandchildren will forge it into a sword after the great collapse.

Shitposters on the Internet are the new clogs in the machine

She isn't anymore. She was previously.

It's kind of sexist to call women birds these days. /s

It's amazing that it landed as softly as it did.

Considering that one of its rocket nozzles fell off during descent.

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Ahh, the old /r/worldnews and /r/anime_titties switcheroo.

Or they are unable to vote. Since there are so many hurdles they have to overcome to be able to vote.

It's like they never learn. I remember WAY back when Windows NT was new. The NT in Windows NT stands for New Technology.

What's wrong with ansible? I use it day to day. I get the usual gripes about python syntax but all in all its an ok tool.

Don't forget about tweeting about making a snowman with a kkk hood and a noose.

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We sure haven't.

They are a part of the national psyche.

Humans will do what is right. After they have exhausted other possibilities.

Even if they win the war in Ukraine their demography will be fucked. Their population pyramid was already showing serious problems from previous conflicts. And now that a million young adults have fled the country and close to half a million casualties have been accrued, the future of Russia is bleak in deed.

Be quiet! You bloody peasant!

(Monty Python reference)

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That is the "beauty" of that book. It is self-contradictory. It can and has been used to justify anything. Almost everyone reads just the bits they like and ignore the rest. Taken as a whole it is on par for what you would expect from 2 millennia old shepherds. Not some divinely inspired work of absolute truth.

In all companies. If the company is large enough to have an HR department, it is there to protect the company.

How much do you want to bet that most of this money will be squandered by the local monopolies that exist right now? They will take the money and show nothing for it. Just like the last time they received money from the federal government to improve rural internet access.