
3 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Someone probably knows the answer. Ask around. This should include either customers or customer advocates. If nobody knows the answer, then do the simplest thing that accomplishes what you need in order to proceed. Sometimes that means doing nothing. If there are multiple ways to accomplish what you need, do the one that leaves you in a more flexible state for future changes. You can bring up your choices or decisions to team members if you need, possibly during a standup or just ad-hoc.

If you aren't empowered to take one of those steps, then you are in a dysfunctional environment, in that case, collect your salary and keep your head down, and if you are so inclined, try to find a new company or team to join.

This is the most radical centrist take I've heard yet. The idea that exposing immoral acts is worse than the acts.

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I believe that you don't realize that you are saying that. But you accidentally are. The individual in question targeted and attacked people, smaller creators, that correctly called him out in the past. He abused his weight to hurt people with full knowledge of what he was doing. He plagiarized dozens of people. He scammed thousands of people. He lied to hundreds of thousands of people.

And you're saying he got bullied by Harris. You are (likely unintentionally) implying that many of his victims individual feelings of betrayal are somehow not their own and less valid than the scammers' stated feelings.

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I worked for a self-proclaimed data-driven company. They didn't understand how to use data and just used it to justify arbitrary decisions. They hated their employees so much, it was wild. They taught their people managers to use data to gaslight employees by telling them they were happy (most of us weren't). If you don't feel your employer appreciates you, do what you can to leave.

This is another sign of what's already going on. It's getting into backlash territory.

Have you heard the good news about supply-side Jesus? Even though this exact rule explicitly benefitted massive companies in California for decades, the fact that it also benefits labor even a little means the capitalist class will react very badly.

And, perhaps separate from my other reply. I'd suggest editing to strike out the accusations of bullying. It's quite an unfair accusation.

Their news room has been this way for ages. They were the Bush administration's biggest supporter in the lead up to the Iraq War. They've been anti trans for years, they were all in on opposition to Bernie.

I guess you just hire one Paul Krugman for some opinion pieces and people assume you're not a right wing mouth piece

Reading that, any winner of the affected awards, however deserving, should decline their award. This year's Hugos are clearly illegitimate.

Yeah wow. What a horrible person. She has no care for the children's well-being as evidenced by the conclusion where she attributes the child doing well to "heroing on".

I get ya. I don't think there is a real way to feel satisfaction when someone trangresses like this. A sense of justice, one day, perhaps.

That last video was indeed sad, it was good for nobody. I don't envy Mr. Somerton. He, unfortunately, continues to make bad choices, which he puts in full view of the global public. I hope he gets the help he needs. His feelings are valid, and he may need help understanding and processing what he's done and how it's impacted his life. It's probably going to leave an acute trauma, which I don't wish on anyone. It may take years to recover. I also understand that his own feelings don't justify his past miadeeds.

I don't envy his victims either. Those who's work, ideas he plagiarized. Those he scammed. Those he lied to. Their feelings are equally valid. And their voices are numerous. We mustn't try to silence them just because they are numerous.

We'll see what comes from Harris' fund. Maybe that will finally produce a modicum of justice.

Longer term, I hope Mr. Somerton's story can be educational, and make it a bit harder for someone like him to hurt people next time someone tries.

In the mid aughts every time Google updated their ranking, and results shuffled it was called the "Google dance". We sorely need a major Google dance.

Please do not put in with this guy, even as a protest vote. He's a demagogue who tosses neurodivergent people under the bus to gain influence and money. We have explained this to him for over a decade, and he ignores us, preferring his money and influence to our rights. Even if you're confident he won't win, every vote he gets is a signal to others that neurodivergent rights are not important, and that the most important thing regarding us is to make sure we don't exist.

I'm so mixed on that book. Lot of great info in it, some good thoughts on child development. But soooo much moral panic under the guise of science. The data used is fundamentally unable to establish a causal link.

Yes putting real life focus on children and relationships is a great thing for child development. So I guess a book furthering a moral panic to do so, while purporting to be above moral panic isn't fundamentally evil.

I'm worried it helps create a boogeyman, though, and the children it seeks to help are being harmed by the backdrop of the existential crises of our time like global warming, the authoritarian wave, etc, and social media / phones is just the most convenient vector through which this all flows.

This is a misunderstanding of the UN's primary purpose. The UN is a diplomatic organization meant to enable a baseline minimum amount of diplomatic interaction. It's primary raison d'etre is preventing a world war / nuclear war. If military might was not respected, then nations would leave the negotiating table and large wars would be harder to avoid. The veto was instrumental in establishing the UN in the first place.

Also cyclists, don't cut off other cyclists. Ever. Whether it's out of selfish convenience or to prove something, don't do it. Pass safely and ride defensively.

Wait. Neoliberalism is literally a set of fiscal practices that that online folks refer to as late-stage capitalism. They're practically identical in meaning. Without neoliberal policy, the phrase "late-stage capitalism" likely never gets coined.

BBQ sauce works with pineapple pizza.

Activity Pub is much more flexible, the tradeoff being that it's more complex. ActivityPub is basically a flexible CRUD API specifically designed for social networking, with support for federation.

You could fulfill the purpose of RSS with ActivityPub. But, it doesn't supercede RSS/atom, because the simplicity is valuable for the cases those protocols handle.

It's so rare to find a situation where someone's declared opinion is actually wrong on merit.

A pillow.

That's not how it works, what you are talking about is often called freeze peach.

Until Twitter can fine you or lock you up for saying the wrong thing or exercise prior restraint over all your expression, it's not a free speech issue.

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But everything is content now. sigh

Santorum leaking again?

Carbon Tax is the best incentive here.

Yes! Rif is amazingly accessible from a neurodiversity standpoint.

Nothing can do James Balwin's words justice except his writing and recordings. Every time I think, "oh I'm probably not in the mood for something like that," he captures me again. What a brilliant person.

Not only that, but they kept adding features and telling me about it. I was paying for their existing features, and yet half the time I would go to add a note and by the time I clicked through their "we did something you probably don't care about" popups, I'd forget what I wanted to note.

Not precisely open world but has the same feeling of exploration, discovery and unlocking, Supraland. Harder puzzles, unlock things that make combat easier. Combat is pretty similar to botw.

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Bastion or Transistor, both early Supergiant games.


Play pass is surprisingly not terrible.

This event is the first time I've heard of this company. I've built several PCs for friends over 20 years, never used YouTube for it, once. This feels like standard influencer drama, and much of the influencer space is a toxic cesspool. It's not about a hobby, it's about greedy assholes.

Economist so often is just amoral false equivalence.

Cultist simulator, even

Never trust the Guardian on trans issues.

Responsive design was a neat idea, but has failed in the context of the modern web and tech industry.

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You can also check for dead links on the internet archive or archive.is.

Amazingly Google is still the best unpaid search engine, as bad as it has become. Terrible websites have completely taken over the web. To find actual information you need access ProQuest or EBESCOhost or something like that, though their indexes are much smaller.