
1 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Having seen it around, I absolutely hate this screenshot. The implicit message is that 4chan was/is actually good and cool, while that hasn’t been the case for a while (if it ever was). Like yeah, it’s somewhat stupid that she thought 4chan has accounts, but the point that the site is utter trash is true.

/mu/ used to be good tho

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This is something your unfunny aunt would post on Facebook

Man, this is some boomer ass question. People have been saying every is getting dumber for millennia, and it’s never really been true

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And it won’t ever be true until you can pick up a PC running Linux in a big box store. I could see the Steam Deck (and Valve’s rumoured upcoming console) to make a dent in the PC gaming space, but it won’t make a difference to the purchasing decisions of your your aunt who uses her pc to check her emails.

Should corporate buyers ever get tired of MS’ shenanigans they might switch over to Ubuntu, but I’m not holding my breath for that.

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I’m really excited about Linux tablets, but quite apprehensive about Purism as a company. Starlabs’ new tablet does also seem like a compelling package, luckily.

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The reaction on Reddit and Lemmy is similar, so their point still stands.

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Damn, it’s almost as if making a country almost entirely car dependent is a terrible fucking idea.

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Top 1% is 80 million people, and there are a lot more than 80 million people living in western countries. I see your basic point, but the math doesn’t work out.

Instantly became toxic? I’m shocked, shocked I say!

Thing is, a lot of people just aren’t aware of Emily’s transition, because she’s been in very few LTT videos since she came out. It makes sense to quickly mention what people used to know her as.

If she had been in dozens of videos since coming out your point would make sense, but she just hasn’t.

I’m not generalising anything. I think this specific post is stupid, and I explained why.

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Sure, but the culture of 4chan as a whole sucks ass, even if some boards are not as bad as others.

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Working together doesn’t require conformity. Perhaps there is something to your point, but you’re not arguing it convincingly.

It’s bonkers to me that people who eat “normal” meat are so opposed to eating insects. Without exception, it basically comes down to not wanting to try new things, which is often tied to conservatism and being scared of change in general.

It shouldn’t be surprising that the politicians fighting this are right wingers who are against this on a cultural level - aka being afraid of change.

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You’re correct, the actual cause is a changing lifestyle.

He doesn’t seem like a total shitlib, unlike the other three. He seems like the perfect guy to make libs think a bit farther than they otherwise would, and I can’t exactly fault him for that.

Oh, and don’t forget about social safety nets that are part of the status quo but which they also don’t care about.

This is by design, sadly. Those lawmakers want to see the bad people suffer, and this achieves that goal.

The bigger problem is that Israel is a violent apartheid state, lol

It’s not so much that some people are excluded, but rather that class war won’t solve a lot of problems specific to (intersections of) minority groups. That’s a point that’s pretty easy to miss if you’re not part of a discriminated minority, even if you’re aware of the need for class war.

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Truly no way this could enforce and whitewash discrimination.

“Quite within the realm of someone who's got some computer skills” means “inaccessible to most people”. I don’t mean to sound like an ass about it, but most people just don’t care enough about this stuff to invest even a bit of time in it (nevermind the upfront cost for a Synology or Qnap NAS).

Also a bunch of transphobic shit, because of course.

Yup, it’s not like this is going to bring the smaller players back

Like I said

Without exception, it basically comes down to not wanting to try new things

Nothing about it is inherently icky. You’re just not used to the idea and therefore don’t want to try it.

Also, you’ve most likely consumed insects before, because they are also used in food colouring.

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Any deviation from the current norm inevitably ends up in conspiracy theories, most likely because it’s one of the most effective ways to avoid or delay change - aka enable the billionaire class to make as much money as long as possible.

Think about 15 minute cities, eating insects, covid vaccinations, eating soy, trans people existing, …

A lot of people are fundamentally afraid of change (or, more accurately, want everything to just remain normal), which the capital class gladly abuses to further their own interests.

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Imo 4chan stands alone in how bad it is, but I see your point.

Yeah, this is fine. Not every joke about relationship dynamics is problematic, unlike what communities like this might make you believe.

I don’t disagree, but I’ve noticed that second or third language speakers with certain first languages (no idea which languages, they just have certain similar patterns in English so I’m assuming there’s a reason for that) tend to use both males and females when they speak English. It sounds weird, but it’s not necessarily sexist in that context.

It’s true that it’s often inception shit though, but it’s mostly easy to tell the difference.

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and if you trust your family they can get login to Radarr and Sonarr such that they can themselves pick out content they want available.

Jellyseerr is far better for this! And if you’re using Plex or Emby, Overseerr and Ombi should work for you.

  1. Not as far as I know, but you should be able to find it based on the folder or file name relatively easily. Btdig.com might be of help here.

  2. Correct, assuming the files match. I’ve done it a number of times when setting up Transmission on a new device while I still had my files and the .torrent files or magnet links for them.

I despise the man, but there’s an argument to be made that Tesla accelerated the adoption of electric cars by at least five years, compared to what it otherwise would’ve been. I know he didn’t found Tesla, but I do feel like he played a pivotal role in changing people’s minds about electric cars.

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Also, what a lot of people seem to be missing is that this only works because of rampant hypocrisy among traditional parties. They promise time and again to make life better, to make work pay, to do this and that but they always fail because they’re neoliberals - whether they are lying or just fundamentally wrong doesn’t really matter.

This then allows far right wingers to swoop in and use a lot of the same underlying logic the traditional parties use, but without the hypocrisy. They just need to swap the hypocrisy out for hate towards minority groups.

This is a lot easier than the alternative left wing parties offer, which is fundamentally not aligned with the traditional parties in the West.

Also, side note, why do these points always mention the engineers and designers doing the actual work, and almost never the assembly workers for example?

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Sounds about right

What are you trying to achieve, OP? As far as I understand you want to use Nextcloud to sync your photos and then want to use Immich to view them?

Because if that’s the case, it doesn’t make the most sense currently. Immich currently isn’t a full featured photo library manager, but rather a tool to back up photos from your phone and smartly display those. It’s currently not geared toward at displaying existing photo libraries.

A number of other applications (PhotoPrism, Photoview, LibrePhotos, Piwigo) are better suited to do that, although it is planned for Immich if I understood correctly.

They’re more portable, lighter and arguably perfect for media consumption on the go. Add a decent detachable keyboard and it’s all the computer quite a few people will ever need.

Just depends on how you use your pc.

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Most historians don’t consider this a genocide, so this is a purely political move. If Russia hadn’t invaded Ukraine this wouldn’t have happened.

The interesting thing is, the USSR did commit a genocide in Ukraine, the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, but this one isn’t recognised because it’s less known and therefore less politically expedient.

It’s legitimately scary to see how many governments disregard historical analysis to score some cheap “dunking on Russia” points, thereby hollowing out the actual definition of what a genocide is. Like, there are a thousand legitimate ways to condemn Russia, including an actual genocide, so why do this? It’s baffling and frustrating.

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