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For those like me who are not familiar with rapper feuds or sex offender locator apps, this is the rapper Drake's house shown as containing many registered sex offenders in an image posted by Kendrick Lamar. Just to save some googling.

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Apparently this was actually a pretty significant case, as it was publicised at the time and led to the creation of laws setting the minimum age for marriage at 16. Although, wikipedia claims he was 24 rather than 22. I feel like this suggests this wasnt really the norm at the time the way the textbook suggests. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_of_Charlie_Johns_and_Eunice_Winstead

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I was going to say that's actually a G K Chesterton quote, but it turns out it's more complicated than that. Neil Gaiman himself said it was from Chesterton (when quoting it at the start of Coraline), but he wrote it from memory and didn't double check, so the original is worded differently. At least, that's how my quick googling claims the paraphrase happened. The misquote is pithier than the original so... is it now a Gaiman quote, even though it originates as an attempted Chesterton quote?

As far as I can tell, the passage he was thinking of was:

Fairy tales do not give the child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon.

  • G K Chesterton, Tremendous Trifles (1909)
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For those wondering, this is a reference to the lyrics of A Day In The Life by the Beatles, which starts "I read the news today, oh boy"

I was curious as to what this implies, so I did some quick/superficial googling. The page in the OP has a Yes next to Intent To Use - this appears to mean they have a good faith intention to make commercial use of the trademark within the next 6 months. If for whatever reason they could not make use of it within that time, they can file extension requests indicating good cause for being unable to do so, for six months at a time, up to 5 times. So, OpenAI ostensibly intends to make available a commercial product named GPT5 within the next 6 months (or up to 36 if there are unforeseen delays). So, probably before mid-january.

I welcome corrections from people with actual knowledge, I just did some quick googling because I was curious and thought I might as well share what I found.

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The second paragraph to the right of the photo talks about how our perception of these things changes with time, and while it seems shocking to us now it would once have been taken for granted. It was a big news story at the time and was not taken for granted.

Edit: I guess my wording was a bit off. I meant to say that it was not within the cultural norms of the time. As worded, it sounds like I'm discussing its frequency rather than its level of acceptance - that's my bad.

Intended meaning: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_norm

Pro wrestling is fake (or, is all just fiction, like a TV show or a theater performance). Wrestling and boxing are not fake.

they probably fell into an empty enclosure one day and the zookeepers just rolled with it and put up a sign

Meanwhile in English we just borrow things from other languages and forget what they mean. For example, porpoise, from old French porpois, from Latin porcus marinus, meaning... ah, yes: sea pig.

Running for office and voting are unrelated things with separate criteria. You can be president if you are a natural born citizen over 35 who has lived in the US for at least 14 years.

You might have been thinking that losing voting rights entails losing citizenship, but that is not the case.

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Another commenter pointed out that if you induce this through repetition it's called semantic satiation, but the more general case is known as jamais vu. It sounds like yours isn't caused by semantic satiation. Brains are weird and often do things like this for completely benign reasons or no reason at all. Having said that, Doctor Google (who we all know not to trust) suggests causes can include epilepsy or migraine.

In any case, it might be worth looking into, if it's something that's causing difficulties for you. In general if it's some specific medical cause a neurologist would be the relevant specialist but your primary care physician or general practitioner would be your first port of call and might be able to recommend further course of action.

Are capybaras as chill as their reputation suggests, or is that more a feature of cases that are used to captivity? If the memes/images/videos are to be believed, I'd expect to be able to just wander up to one in the wild and have it respond like a well-socialized pet dog.

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sounds like the old terrafirmacraft mod

It's been forever since I read it, but I think the cool suit was covering himself in sandtrout, which eventually led to the wormy fascism?

I did think more or less the same thing on seeing this meme though, in that my first reaction was "wait, wasn't that God Emperor?"

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You people make me sick.

A toast sandwich consists of only these following items. Bread. More bread (usually toasted). This entire community consist of "double-deckers". Almost every "toast" sandwich i see on here has other spreads added to it. The fact that this community is called "toastsandwich" is nothing short of utter blasphemy. Let me start out by saying I have nothing against double-deckers, I just hate their association with sandwiches that are not toast sandwiches. Adding toast to your butter sandwich? It's called a butter double-decker. Totally different. Want to add mayo and some pretentious bread crumbs with salt? I don't know what the hell you'd call that but it's not a toast sandwich. I would be more than willing to wager I've eaten more toast sandwiches in my 21 years than any of you had in your entire lives. I have one almost everyday and sometimes more than just one sandwich. Want to personalize your toast sandwich? Use a mix of different toastedness levels or use sourdough or french bread. But if you want to add some olive oil and take a picture of it, make your own community entitled "double-deckers" because that is not a fucking toast sandwich. I'm not a religious man nor am I anything close to a culinary expert. But as a bland white british male I am honestly the most passionate person when it comes to toast sandwiches and water soup. All of you foodies stay the hell away from our toast sandwiches and stop associating your double-decker sandwiches with them. Yet again, it is utter blasphemy and it rocks me to the core of my pale being. Shit, I stopped lurking after 3 years and made this account for the sole purpose of posting this. I've seen post after post of peoples "toast sandwiches" all over lemmy and it's been driving me insane. The moment i saw this community this morning I finally snapped. Hell, I may even start my own community just because I know this one exists now.

You god damn heretics. Respect the toast sandwich and stop changing it into whatever you like and love it for it what it is. Or make your damn double-decker sandwich and call it for what it is. A double-decker.

it is 🙁d upon

baby wok do do do do do

got any pictures of turtles wearing ferretnecks?

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You mean stashed in your mental cheek pouches.

Remove your seven least favorite entries from each column, then you can generate an insult by rolling 3d20

"Inconvenience" would be the verb for causing an inconvenience. So in the sentence you're going for, "inconvene" would have to be replaced with the passive "be inconvenienced" ("we've gotta be inconvenienced and grovel to google a bit"). I don't believe we have a separate word for "endure an inconvenience", although it seems like the kind of thing some languages might have a single word for. Stylistically I'd probably restructure the sentence to "we've gotta put up with the inconvenience" rather than just using the passive verb, but yeah.

I think you'd most often see this verb in the stock phrase "Sorry to inconvenience you".

Needs quotation marks

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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he's fluent in bullshit

But... you're the one that brought up how long they've been around for.

because they do not wish to be clobbered

Is there a generic name for this kind of product? I figure I'll be interested in these at some point in the future, at which point I will have long since forgotten the list but will be able to google them up given the right terminology. Other than "raspberry pi alternative" which would inevitably center the results around how they relate to the rpi rather than the products themselves.

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I'm sure it's better when made by a professional, but if you really want to try it, this site has a recipe: https://gluttodigest.com/cube-croissants-square-croissants-with-an-extra-dimension-of-texture/

It also mentions some places that sell it, but I'm guessing those are expensive and/or distant.

Google "da archive" and be prepared for a rabbit hole of archived 4chan threads and indexes that probably have whatever games you're looking for if you're willing to dig long enough

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There are hacky ways to do it through a frontend that can only block communities. Any time a post appears from that instance, automatically block the community and hide the post. I don't know if jerboa would prefer to wait until a more elegant solution is possible and/or leave it to the user though.

Buying sold software.

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this improved my mental health

the article anticipates and responds to that question

what's your favorite text editor

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which sport is the extremest

Well you can start here, then spend a few decades reading and thinking about it, and get back to us when you've figured it out

we're doing this final fantasy style now

I also played disco elysium for the first time this year, and it would be my answer too.

mr evrart helped me find my gun

Do you have any additional info about the changes they're making to the mission? I didn't see that in the article

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He mentioned he uses automatic1111

The stable diffusion mode for working with existing images is called img2img

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