
0 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That’s heavy.

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Which actor do we want to portrait him in an epic 3h film or mini series about his life?

Assuming Chris Pratt is not available.

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Obligatory: username checks out

Seriously though, thank you!

edit …also: fuck cancer

Missed that. Thank you!

I slowed it downed and to me it looks like they were fighting. Sink-cat being in despair after getting hit by that unexpected stream, top-cat still punched her twice while she was trying to get away. Is that pure evil or are cats just build that way?

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Listen here you little shit

Additionally, I know where you went last summer.

Good bot. Now eat up.

I’ve seen it. When Lem tried to kiss his date in front of the apartment I lost it. To this day it’s one of the very few scenes I rewind a couple of times for the sheer comedy gold.

Fun With Flags is not what it used to be.

It’s a date. See you next Tuesday.

Oh boy. I barely spend time on social media or ‘celebrity news’. Was not aware. What a shame. Thanks for the link.


Fuck cancer 🥃

Like…up close??

Just continue, it gets better with every loop.

Walked into that one :)

Obligatory: Fuck cancer!

Also, sorry for your loss.

Would probably work better in either an animated version or some kind of educational Switch game.

Still, you just reminded me of someone else. If we use the same fancy de-aging techniques as in IJ5, what about Bruce Campbell?

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‘Bless you’

Was trying to be semi-funny based on how the screen changes orientation.

You are probably right though.

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Now that you mention it, is it pronounced ‘moustache’ or ‘moustache’ ?

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In regards to cats? So far I like them as such. Not so much how they treat each other. As you can tell, don’t know enough about them. I will never be able to afford one anyways. Not sure if I even want to.

In general? Going way off topic here: I’m still figuring that out, while trying to find my place and purpose in this world. I read about a democracy (proper one) where actual power is with the people and governments can and have to be held accountable. Sovereignty of the people if I remember correctly.

This should tell you enough of my naivety, which obviously augments romanticizing a utopia.

The Sero from Samsung back in 2020 is how it all started to go sideways.

Or in this case, upways?

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Steve Buscemi style

Of course.

Insert Homer_Simpson_Backs_Into_Bushes.gif

And if you squint real hard they almost look alike. Tomorrow War and The Terminal List come to mind. Not super dark but definitely a heavier tone opposed to other work he has done.

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Thanks for the explanation. I wasn’t aware of such a dynamic.

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Wouldn’t be so sure about that. Now they can look at their screens and maintain eye contact. Sounds like a win/win to me.

Old? Barely 80h. I’ve had much, much older posts in my feed (at some point anyways).

Terribly sorry mate, hope that wasn’t offensive or anything. I went back and adjusted my comment but kept the original so your reply still makes sense.

Learned something new today, thanks.

Action hero? No, didn’t think so. Depending on the outcome though, history might very well lean into that angle. Happened before.

Edit: Meant to say: in retrospect, history might very well be looking back at him in such a way.

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Well said.

To circle back to other comments above, dick pro quo comes to mind.