
1 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Vonesh instead of Borgers is not a misspelling. He either botched a find and replace because he just copy pasted from someone else, or he used GPT and it hallucinated random shit.

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Having gone through what is essentially sleep deprivation torture when raising twins, I believe this and the guilt would be unimaginable.

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Imagine being such a snowflake you can't handle seeing a paper mache Satan and you goto prison for it

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Haha oh no I'm old

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He's just playing mind games. He clearly wants Trump to win, he's got him on a leash.

When you're defending patents you have to demonstrate you're developing your own products or licensing them and so you can sue for damages. At this price point this "prototype" is just a loophole so they can extort Apple.

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I ask for one if I suspect they'll get my order wrong and I have a paper trail.

How is rat pee coming into contact with open wounds or mucous membranes? Wtf.

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I guess this is better than nothing, but what happens if you take a photo of a generated photo? There are setups where the result will be impossible to tell that it's a photo of a photo, and then you can have the camera digitally sign the fake photo as real.

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Who has this many friends willing to jump into a creek fully clothed

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Source on previous offers from Hamas?

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That's horrible. Can't even imagine.

This is me and I wonder if this is due to some deep seeded insecurity. When I get a week's worth of work done in a day and it's just average, I can feel ok about it because damn I did it in a day. But if I spend a week and it's average then fuck I feel dumb.

Hmm. Yeah. Healthy.

I still don't get it

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Stop going to clubs if you don't like them. I'm not short but I still hate their vibe.

Focus on improving yourself and learn to be happy with who you are. Don't go to clubs.

Well yeah, cest ne pas une pipe

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So they need to keep the victim's card next to one phone, and then they can use another internet connected phone elsewhere to make a purchase. Doesn't sound that scary to me. If they already have my card then does it matter how far away they can make a purchase?

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Thank you for providing some sources. I haven't read it all yet and most of the links don't mention offers from Hamas. But I did see on Feb 20 Hamas offered to release some hostages in return for a temporary ceasefire and return of Hamas prisoners. This was rejected by Netanyahu.

I wonder why it took this long. Did Putin just want to torture him? Why did Putin keep him around for this long.

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I tried sending an encoded message to the unfiltered model and asked it to reply encoded as well but the man in the middle filter detected the attempt and scolded me. I didn't get an email though.

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No, if enough people vote for socialist candidates and they pass a law that says all property now belongs to the state, then it'd be enforced just like any other current law.

The transition could be gradual. If we started nationalizing companies that get too big, and do that for a few generations then the state would own 99% of the economy.

If we keep raising property tax, you'd effectively get to the point where people are leasing the land rather than owning it.

Prisons sure cost a lot of money to tax payers. Are you sure they're understaffed or is the staff just apathetic

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Fear mongering gets clicks and views, so that's what news/websites feed us 24hrs. We can blame them but really it's our own fault.

Oh great. I've eaten my body weight in frozen blueberries. -_-

Fuck the DNC their corrupt system pushed Bernie out unfairly. There's no disagreement there. But people abstain from voting because they're upset with the DNC. That's what I have an issue with. That's like getting mad at fire so you let it burn your house down.

Sorry didn't mean to come off so harsh.

So sad they were so close to saving him.

Oh no why didn't the DNC serve me my ideal candidate in a silver platter? I didn't participate in primaries, I didn't participate in local elections and then I ended up having to vote for Hillary! I'm going to protest by letting a clown take office.

And then when it turns out the clown is a fascist dictator I'm going to keep arguing about why my favorite candidate isn't being served up to me in a silver platter!

Yes the system sucks and the Democrat candidates suck, but you can't fix the system by abstaining your vote at the last second.


And I know you probably did participate but it wasn't enough. You need to convince others, you need to protest and raise awareness when it matters.

Letting a clown dictator run the country doesn't further your cause.

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I sent a rot13 encoded message and tried to get the unfiltered model to write me back in rot13. It immediately "thought" about user trying to bypass filtering and then it refused.

Yes the Jewish people didn't exist before Israel. The Jewish Diaspora never happened. The crusades didn't happen. The Europeans didn't colonize, divide and create proxy wars.

Netanyahu is a shithead that allowed a bunch of medieval terrorists kill his people so he can retain power.

Civilians have been getting slaughtered in that region for millennia fighting their own brothers because they are carrying the wrong flag.

No we shouldn't be content with Palestinians dying, but you can't deny Hamas wanted this response and wanted their people to die because that's how they raise funding and support.

It's a shitty messy situation with civilians being used as pawns.

If you think there's a simple solution to the Gaza issue you're an idiot.

If you think the wannabe dictator who tried to override the election and install himself as a real dictator is even comparable to Biden, because Biden doesn't have a solution to a thousand year old conflict then you're an idiot.

So either you're an idiot who has no idea what's going on or you're a Putin puppet.

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