
2 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Go figure. Three of them are Trump-appointed shills, two are Cheney's Dubya's and Thomas hanging on from "Vision Thing" Bush times.


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OK, I'll bite. You got something more substantial than "I read it on the internet" to back that up? One reputable source on your accusation? Not sayin' you're lying/wrong, just asking for some verifiable proof.

17 more...

Does anyone speak hairdresser?

No. Not even hairdressers speak hairdresserese. Like drummers, hairdressers/stylists/barbers will all appear as if all their attention is 100% on your description but they are thinking about something within their social circle (hence the real concern on their face). Like drummers, if there isn't some kind of natural affinity between you and who cuts your hair, you will never get what you're looking for.

That said, many clients haven't the proverbial "faintest idea" of what actually works for their face shape and stylists, if they're not suffering too strong of a hangover 🤣, do try to work within those confines.

You can only go in with your remarkably clear and detailed description —still open to interpretation as your hairstyle is not an airplane fuselage, with precise measurements and tolerances—in hand and still hope for the best. Apologies for the length of this reply.

DISCLAIMER: my ex-wife was and still is a fine hair stylist.

!detroit@midwest.social ☆ !michigan@midwest.social ☆ !music@midwest.social

As I'd just written in another reply here, there is a world of difference in describing an illustration and creating an illustration.

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You mean like Trump and Twitter?

Why must you politicize/weaponize the Fediverse?

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While my thinking is in line with what @TheLobotomist@lemmy.world and @NateNate60@lemmy.ml have already said, why can't "AI artists" just do what everybody in a profit-seeking situation does and just lie about it? "No your honor, our studies have shown cigarette smoking is not hazardous to your health," "yes, your honor, OxyContin is completely safe," or in this case "yes, your honor, I created this illustration." If your conscience is really bothering you, you could claim it was AI-assisted. I wouldn't think there'd be a "Big Eyes" prove-you-painted-that courtroom case. Am I wrong?

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There’s a person that serves a weather reporting system via a finger interface at (finger://graph.no/)...

That's neat! Thanks!

the quality is so good that makes me think that David is still with us, and is still that young.

-- @Stephuzz

What hell kind of incredible black magic did you guys use for this restoration? It literally looks like it was shot last week, my god, far and away the best music video restoration I've seen yet. I love how far we've come with these. Also, fun song. Trent did a great job with collaborating with Bowie both on this version of the track and with appearing in the video. Absolutely ace. <3

-- @AIOctober

Gopher lost out to WWW in part because Gopher was proprietary

That may be so but gopher was never any fun in comparison to www

It's a valid idea for posts with original content. With all the pearls I cast before swine, I probably should at least put a CC-BY-ND license on my—ahem—humble screeds.

If you're suggesting this becomes a part of the UI, unless you know how to program I'd say get in line.

I don't know (because I don't really care) if over in the Lemmy laboratory they're working adding an email-like automatic signature option but if so, you could always add your license of choice as a signature. Ciao!

!detroit@midwest.social ☆ !michigan@midwest.social ☆ !music@midwest.social

I often find it close knit wit.

No, all/most of the cool stuff gets politicized/weaponized and becomes shitty.

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All the stinkin' time. 😒

And at the risk of being repetitive, the 'Prev' button goes MIA.

Hey...I use it.

"I won't go schizo, will I?"

"It's a distinct possibility."

Anger or hatred is like the fisherman's hook. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it. -- Gautama Buddha
!detroit@midwest.social ☆ !michigan@midwest.social ☆ !music@midwest.social

When was the last time you had USD$10B? Next you're gonna defend Mackenzie Scott's hard-earned USB$34B, I suppose.

What We Want Now
!detroit@midwest.social ☆ !michigan@midwest.social ☆ !music@midwest.social

That's pretty vague. Any examples?

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Although I mirror your general sentiment, who is to say that the admins of lemmy.world, or kbin.social, or lemmy.ml, etc. etc. aren't already doing what which you accuse "media". It's not at all implicit that privacy is guaranteed in this new Fediverse. Corrections welcome.

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HA! I knew I wasn't the only one! Which browser/OS?

Say goodbye to your Prev button

I'd just like my pre-0.19.x Prev button back, please.

Well, thanks for being part of the problem.

Seriously? You're pointing me to Reddit for an example of high-quality content. Never mind.

I still think we are more or less on the same page. I also agree with your position on NFTs. Nevertheless, "machine-generated art" as you've called it IS legitimate creation, just like canned baked beans is legitimate creation, just like the act of making scrambled eggs is creation. Notice that I never mentioned anything QUALITATIVE about the process. I've never referred to these works as "art" (however you'd like to define that) but "illustrations" which is all they are and again, for the most part, they are visibly AI...but there are exceptions, rarely without human intervention (retouching). If someone wants to sell their AI-generated illustrations, what's the problem? Same with NFTs. What do I or you care? It's your moral obligation to part a fool from their money.

That said, since we've veered way off course of the original question, MY PERSONAL OPINION is there is next to no expression of the human condition (define that as you will) in StableDiffusion/Midjourney/whatever-engine "art" and is merely ("merely," he says!) putting the "infinite monkeys theorem" into practice. While chance and chaos is good (and not only in art), a foundation is always necessary. If "you", untrained in composition, art history and materials, you think describing images using a certain language/method is "art", become a writer. We're all waiting for your bestseller.

Have a wonderfull day and thanks for the chat!

Our thinking is not that different. There is a world of difference of describing an image and creating it.

But I have to strongly disagree with the rest of your assessment. Beyond the flood of six-fingered waifu, I've seen some beautiful, legitimate works created by this new tool. If you have to use an "ai algo" you've already defeated the purpose. It's illustrations we're discussing here, not banknotes.

BTW, do you consider Photoshop/Krita/GIMP artists "scammers"? Blender/Maya/Cinema4D artists? Who are these "actual artists" of which you speak?

In any case, we're still in uncharted territory. And personally I'm not crazy about the work in question. It LOOKS (by my "actual artist trained eyes") AI generated, regardless of the human Photoshop retouching involved.

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Indeed. Now she has only ca. USD$11B left over to survive with. She can buy only five, possibly six Sentinel ICBMs.

What We Want Now
!detroit@midwest.social ☆ !michigan@midwest.social ☆ !music@midwest.social

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If this heartwarming story of responsible gun ownership is actually true, Mr/Ms Anonymous Voice On The Internet — y'know, because I believe every anecdote I read on social media — you are probably one of <1000 people in 336,000,099 (the 2024 population of the United States).


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Oh, absolutely. Where would you put that impossibly quantifiable number? 10? 10,000,000? More? Less?

My point being that every gun-owning household in the United States isn't like yours and with almost weekly occurrences like the Oxford school shooting, the Michigan State University shootings of 2023, the Perry, Iowa school shooting, even the Detroit five-year-old who shot himself in the face among his playmates while their parents were out of the home, or the Lansing toddler who did the same with his father's gun…

…it's hard to believe that your family is anywhere near the norm. You are 0.1% of 0.1% (yes, I made that up too).

After (as of this reply) eight hours, you have produced nothing more than anecdotal evidence if not outright invented. I must assume at this point you are spreading disinformation for whatever your goals may be to that end.

Thank you for wasting everybody's time.

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What's everybody getting so perturbed about? Geez. Isn't this just like when an ethnic group uses an ethnic slur within their own circle? 🤣

admitting homosexual men into seminaries

Ooh, like that's never happened before in the entire history of the Holy See. 🙄

Stay sick, scratch glass, turn blue, climb walls…but don't get caught!
!detroit@midwest.social ☆ !michigan@midwest.social ☆ !music@midwest.social