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In most cases, the suffering caused by the harvesting can balance out or outweigh the good done to the transplantee because the unsanitary conditions can cause horrific infections in the victim, not to mention the potential loss of function due to lacking the organ. Also, that stolen organ will likely go on the black market and be sold to a rich person, increasing overall suffering by extending their life and thus their exploitation of the working class. Even from a utilitarian standpoint, voluntary organ donation is clearly preferable, and organ harvesting is just as bad as it is in other philosophical frameworks. Absurdly simplistic analyses like this are nothing but a strawman.

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Boost, since I used it for Reddit before the incident. Very faithful to the original, with a decent amount of customization and features.

A mysterious trapdoor opens in the floor next to the table...

Taiwan, Serbia, Singapore, Iceland, Barbados, Ethiopia, Georgia, Moldova, Slovakia, Denmark, Greece, Togo, Lithuania, Estonia, Tanzania, Kosovo, Samoa, Honduras, Hungary, France, India, Italy, Peru, Slovenia, Bosnia, Trinidad and Tobago, Sudan, Switzerland, and San Marino. And that's just current heads of state. Also they "rule" (in terms of being cool) everywhere. Hope that helps :)

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The violation of consent itself is another form of harm, as we see in cases of r***. The scenario you proposed would still be causing more harm than the voluntary method.

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For now. If the AI distributes itself into a botnet or something (or construction robots advance enough to where it could build its own secret data center) it could be a lot trickier to shut it down.

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The bishops return from vacation with a deity of their own to fight Cthulu.

Matter can be converted into energy, as stated by Einstein's famous E=mc². When a radioactive atom's nucleus decays, some of the matter becomes energy, which is radiated away via subatomic particles.

Consent certainly can be a factor in utilitarian analyses, but it depends on the philosopher how strongly it is weighted. I'm not a strict utilitarian myself; my original point was to show that the premise of the meme (and in general, public understanding of utilitarianism) focuses too much on an extreme, comically oversimplified view of utility analysis.

The letters and numbers on the edge of the board are fixed so they accurately reflect the coordinate system of the expanded board size. (Except for the j-file, which remains unlabeled.)

Geg 👍

Infinite energy generation via the candle or cup aside, I would probably go with the blanket. Passive temperature immunity would be OP, and also useful in daily life as well. Also, the "perfect size" stat means it can always be carried around in a pocket or something. The candle is a close second, but it lacks the blanket's portability. I wouldn't want to carry around a lit candle all the time, so it would only be useful at home.

/uj It's a piece in 3d chess that can move along "space diagonals", meaning it travels through the corners of a cubic space/square. Wiki link

Untapped landscape screenshot frontier

Yes, it's still fun