Dodecahedron December

0 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I try things on the internet.

rarely, shit just works.

"Its not racism its history" yeah, a history of racism.

"It was about states rights!" Yeah, the state's rights to own slaves.

"It's a part of our past" yeah, part of our past of being absolute monsters.

"I am still proud of my heritage" I guess you need to have your ass beat into the ground AGAIN, then.

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"Baby, I want to take away your rights" he said confidently.

Sometimes when people put their hard work into building an app for free, they don’t also want to pay $99 a year so that some bullshit company can profit off of the app developers hard work.

iOS developers are REQUIRED to own a mac and are REQUIRED to pay apple $99 a year. That means it is more costly to develop open source for iOS or any apple product. That’s why apple is terrible.

Translation: Republicans are angry that “cancel-culture” doesn’t work for them.

Republicans love freedom so much they’ll take it away from you.

Federation is complicated enough that under 30s and over 50s haven't caught on much yet.

Be the change...

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As an AI language model, I am unable to found a country but here are some ideas which might help people feel less likely to revolt.

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You need a wifi router. Connect the wan to your network. One mac, wan doesn't know about your devices.

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Bitwarden, self hosted.

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Get these people away from your children. Call ACAB if you need to and shuttle them out, just get these groomers away from children!

Remember kids, cops are no one's friend.

You're right, but I'm not sure you understand the mechanics behind it. You probably think since you don't look like a gigachad, that you don't get dates. Women do care about looks sometimes, but not nearly as much as guys tend to fixate on. The quality I hear women trying to find most in a man is decency, followed by personality, shared interests, connection and then yeah, I guess looks.

The trope you're playing is funny, which is why we keep seeing it in media. A similar trope is seeing a "10/10" girl with a "3/10" guy and saying.. "him!?!" Or something about him needing to be rich or something.. because women only care about looks. In reality it seems that men think women only care about looks.

So, just keep in mind, if women won't date you, it has to do with a lot more than your looks. You can take that as a burn, or you can look within yourself, see if you think you have what women want (what I have mentioned) and if so, you're at the longest and final stage: putting yourself out there.

Edit: just to clarify, I define "decency" with a simple test which is "do I participate in any activities that go against what women are asking have been asking for for decades?" Things like right-wing politics (abortion bans, subservience to men), a livable wage, repect for consent, etc.. if the answer is no, you aren't "decent". They aren't asking for power over men, they're asking not to get raped and to have the bodily autonomy just as men have. They are asking guys not to hypersexualize them from children and try to understand that they aren't flirting with you at work, they just need to be nice to keep their job, and that they receive a lot of unwanted attention. They're also asking for guys to take them seriously and a lot of them would want men to know that they don’t bring these topics up because it can create an unsafe situation for them, that it even might have in their past, possibly more than once. We think that we know who men are when we see how they behave around other men. Unfortunately an astoundingly large number of men are abusive to women when other men aren't around. So yeah, you fail the decency test for politics if those politics harm women.

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  • text files stored in markdown on your device
  • no premium service to unlock features. You can buy sync and publishing if you want to, but there are no nags to purchase them.
  • you can roll your own sync solution you wanted to. Its just text files. Same goes with publishing.
  • community plugins if you want to extend it
  • desktop clients and ios clients
  • free forever

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Elone will surely pay content creators. He just doesn't like to pay anyone else.

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You're right, they should have just put up with more abuse. How old are you again?

You're undopted.

You mean the country that owns and has always owned .ml TLD, which states rules you must follow if you want to register a domain with that TLD, which states the penalties which include forfiet of your domain name, surpised people when they did what they said they would do?

This is kind of interesting to see how the public views ownership. There seems to be an assumption that buying is akin to buying a utility (we pay for water service to drink and drown or waterboard). This ain't it. A domain name is a registration in a database on servers that need to be constantly online, it had costs, it has governance concerns and technical infrastructure that must be maintained. There isn't a higher power here, no government owns the internet, but some governments do own their own TLDs. This makes it possible to have vs It might feel like you have the power to buy and put turn it into goatse but mali can nuke your registration if they wanted to. How did these countries get the TLDs? ICANN. But don't think ICANN is going to jump in and break their rules for you.

This sucks but ICANN has a solution.. there are many many TLDs out there now. They all work the same: it's just a name, point it where you go and it works like any .com or .org. or whatever. Fun ones like .zip and .xxx. grab one you like but be sure to read the rules when registering. Some TLDs do NOT allow private registration. Most country based TLDs (ccTLDs) require that you live in that country and provide proof of citizenship.

This has been around since the inception of the internet. There are alternatives to ICANN, but I am not positive you will want to use them because:

  • your visitors will need to use these alternatives on all devices or on the router in order to access your site.
  • legit domain holders may not have records on these alternate services but malicious actors might. If we change the IP to a malicious actor for apple servers at the DNS level because the TLDs arent using the, anyone using those TLD root servers could easily be hacked.

It's not great, but ICANN starts the chain of trust upon which the internet relies.

The free marketplace of my ideas.

I am an american but i think it works like this:

  • streets are bike friendly
  • more reasonable to just bike everywhere so everyone does
  • city may provide free bikes to use
  • more demand for bikes, more competition, less expensive bikes
  • less bike theft in general as a result
  • these aren't $4k+ bespoke bikes
  • something something socialized healthcare something something better labor laws something something higher taxes but a better quality of life. Why steal? Be happy.

We don't have these things here. Except for expensive bikes, that's all we have. That's why I got these boltcutters...

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In fairness, AI is a buzzword that came out well before LLMs. It's used to mean "tHe cOmpUtER cAn tHink!". We play against "AI" in games all the time, but they arent AI as we know it today.

ML (machine learning) is a more accurate descriptor but blah doesn't have the same pizzazz as AI does.

The larger issue is that innovation is sometimes done for innovation's sake. Profits gets mixed up there and a board has to show profits to shareholders and then you get VCs trying to "productize" and monetize everything.

What's more is there are only a handful of players in the AI space, but because they are giving API access to other companies, those companies are building more and more sketchy uses of that tech.

It wouldn't be a huge deal if LLMs trained on copywritten material and then gave the service away for free. As it stands, some LLMs are churning out work that could be protected under copywrite law by humans (AI work can't be copywritten under US law), and turning a profit.

I don't think "it was AI" will hold up in court though. May need to do some more innovation.

Also there are some LLMs being trained on public domain info, to avoid copywrite problems. But works go into the public domain after 70 years past the copywrite holder's death (disney being the biggest extender of that rule), so your AI will be a tad out dated in it's "knowledge".

Do far-right things, get called far-right. Doesn't matter where the overton window is, my dude.

This sounds like some "trump being president is what the left gets gor being woke" bs. When we tolerate the people who want to obliterate other people, we find ourselves among the obliterated.

Do you think a lifetime of harrassment is ok? I don't.

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Thanks for the root-cause analysis.

Glad to have found you.

Instances are servers like or

Federation is a shared language that lets the servers store content from similar servers on instances so users on instance 1 can see posts from instance 2.

A forum is a message board, they have been around since the dawn of the web. It's like the comment section on lemmy or reddit but without threading.

Yes. Meds can help this. Meds can also make the problem worse. As with all drugs, set, setting and dosage,

So alpha male he doesn't even need to tell you about it, which is good because he's the first to mention that anyone who has to tell you they are an alpha male, isn't an alpha male.

Tell me more about this low penetration power, Nick.

Stop the population decline? Is this some nazi-centric great replacement bullshit? Our population and birth rates are fine. What the hell kind of propaganda is this?!

edit: maybe this is just a poorly-choosen domain name.

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You seem to be missing the point of decentralization.

And yet the DEA sets limits for manufacturing.

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To the surprise of absolutely no one.

Infrastructure: weak.

More nazis should fix the revenue issues. Advertisers love associating themselves with hated people. Advertisers hate making a profit. Forever Elone, Musk will need to share sucking dick to turn a profit. If you look on twitter you'll notice his lips are chapped.

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Thank you. I’m cured.

This one can be a bit of a barrier.

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You're a real dumb pile of shit, or are willfully acting in bad faith. Context is key, fuckwit.

I smoked a bowl with jesus.

Bobert is dumb as rocks.

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What they don’t know will hurt them, sadly.

Hi! I am a toadstool maniac. Ama.

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...with shaders.