
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Ok, but why a link to fox news?

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Night shift is the fucking best if you have ADHD. You have no traffic at all on your commute to and from work, you just show up and do your job (no useless phone calls or emails to distract you), you eat lunch at like fuckin 1am so there's no crowd, you get done with your work and just clock out (no stupid-ass meetings), and when you get home you just crash and sleep for as long as you want. Wake up at like noon, and you've got the whole afternoon to run errands or fuck off, and then casually go back to work that night.

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Definitely need to pay themselves. Doing this for free is not sustainable over long periods.

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They are inadvertently helping Lemmy become more robust

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Come on, old man, you and i used to punch Nazis, and now you're defending them?

They also can both come in my ass

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Yes. And this isn't a knee-jerk reaction from them. They've been working on a CentOS clone ever since Red Hat decided to make it more unstable and cutting edge. So it's quite natural for them to step in and do this.

Whip that muthafuckin thang out

What kind of a stupid fucking name is Ramdey?

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Well, that and carbon monoxide poisoning.

Embrace the stereo response

Any chance you are autistic? I ask because, along with confusion about social constructs, we also tend to show confusion about gender constructs.

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"Even Columbo?"

"Especially Columbo"

Left unity gets shit done

Is Zefram's last name, perchance, Cochrane?

I have never seen anyone with this in my life; I am convinced you are all trolling

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If there's one thing we learned from COVID, it's that the best way to get rid of a virus is by soap and water.

I do, when I'm out. But I've become a hermit since the pandemic started.

I miss Nellie :c

Why's the bastard got a donk though

We must go further. We need... FAXED MEMES

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This is honestly the most likely answer.

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Wait whoa wait hold the fuck UP just one damn minute... You mean to tell me that's not what a habit feels like? What in the FUCK!?

That explains why it's crooked, there's a Christian in charge

Very dapper


Ace meme, mate

Rust all the things!

Deans beans are the beaniest

Looks like a lemon party!

Good bot

And save to phone...

Tuvix was cool

This is an excellent suggestion, but be mindful that suse is an RPM-based distribution and upgrades will necessarily install slower than other formats. If that's not a problem (just run updates via cron) then it's fine.

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Is this Fortunate Son?

Nice catch! I missed that one.

Pacman is not a good package manager; if something goes wrong during the install it can leave your system in an unstable state. A better package manager would be one that has transactional updates.

I prefer the original :c

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Oh, definitely