
1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What? Gitea. Gitlab is a complete devops platform. Awesome, but complete overkill.

Why? Because I regularly commit code atrocities and have a hard enough time dealing with imposter syndrome, I don't need to add public shaming on top of it (And just data sovereignty I guess)

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This individual fornicates

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This ad has features you may not like

No, I have people for that

Token Aussie reporting in. Good effort.

Given this is was described as a shout this probably more of a 'COOOO-EEEEEEEee!'

Or maybe a 'OI OVER HERE YA CUNT', but I cant speak to the tension level at the Canberra DSC.

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Apparently this was a controversial take

When I first started learning how to Linux long ago everyone recommended Ubuntu... and I had a similar issue to the OP.

I had to dump the EDID of my monitor from a Windows machine to actually get X to recognise any kind of monitor modes ..it was an eye opening experience for a newbie.

Today, I still dont really like it for other reasons (I'd take Debian over Ubuntu any day). Call me crazy here guys but I think its okay to share an opinion without being called an edgelord for it.

(I use arch btw 🎩)

I want my money back, frankly

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Alternate title: Google now collects data on what you dont want people to see

Hang in there, three unicorns

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Yeah that seems pretty gross.

Being bad at a thing is the first step to being kinda good at a thing.

First, many distros ship with sudo so its pretty ubiquitous, anything you learn about managing sudo will apply to most if not all distros, not just debian. (Great choice though ❀️)

The correct answer is "it depends".

In a production environment you'll typically have some external authentication source like IdM, FreeIPA or active directory set up. In this case its common to just give full sudo access to the group that comprise your admin team, as in most cases you have to trust that they know what they're doing.

Ideally you want to follow the priciple of least access and avoid privilege escalation as much as possible. For example, there may be specific instances where a non-priv user needs to run $x as a super user, in which case, you should only grant the ability to 'sudo' for that executable as opposed to 'ALL'.

As you've already discovered, with great power comes great responsibility. πŸ˜‰

Holy shit I cant believe dogpile is still alive

I come to the fediverse for a bit of interaction with humans, or at least observe a bit of discourse πŸ˜… I just unsubbed from another community because it was non-stop bot links. I have RSS for that, don't need it in my lemmy feed too.

Hey. I did this, I self host a lot of stuff and at some point it just became my default setting. In this case though I dont think its really that valuable unless you're planning on hosting your own communities and moderate users and whatnot which comes with its own admin burden. Not to deter you or anything. I used a modified docker compose, so you'd need some way to host lemmy, lemmy's UI server and a database backend, and a reverse proxy in front.. DNS and SSL certificates... Its kinda intermediate to highly technical to host your own I guess? Would I recommend it to someone not technical? No, unless you were really keen and looking for a project to expand your skills a bit. πŸ˜‰

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Mainly selected podman for the security, it doesn't rely on a daemon and supported rootless containers before docker did. Easy to just come up with a pattern where you can minimise the risk of container breakout by having a user for each container stack to provide even more isolation. You can do the same with docker these days I think, each user just runs their own copy of the docker daemon. The aim of the project was to achieve 1:1 compatibility, I think it's pretty close these days. It's also native to the Redhat family so could avoid using the community edition of Docker.

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We're seeing a few of these lately, hey

Have you used it for this lately?

I want to believe it used to be okay for this, but just yesterday I uses it to generate some pretty basic bash and I'm honestly not convinced it saved me any time after I cleaned it all up and actually made it functional

Lazy is good.. I try not to think about the time I've invested in this stuff

Perspective is a hell of a drug

this site runs of parts scavenged from a roadside sign

Love keeping that old tech alive! My Core 2 Duo died a couple of years back, if I could figure out a way to leverage old mobile phones for some sort of project I would.

I've always called it 'ghetto IT' personally.

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I know a lot more about self hosting than I did a month ago that’s for sure, I wonder how long until I start trying to use ssh in my dreams.

Now that you've written this? Tonight. It'll happen tonight.

Nice - what are you using to cache windows updates? LANcache?

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Docker is still what 95% of people think of when you talk containers and you may encounters issues, particularly running things rootlessly as it's not a use-case that developers necessarily support. Not to discourage you at all, experimentation is great, but be prepared for thorns. πŸ‘

I think some people just have different perspectives on life, different motivations. As an elderly millennial I empathize with you OP, I've felt much the same myself. I'm coming to terms with the fact that some people are just really focused and ambitious, while others (like me), really aren't - and that's perfectly okay.

Yeah I shell out ~$3 per month for the privilege of indulging in the insanity of self hosting email.

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Basically I ran into issues with building images from newer and more complex compose files that podman-compose just couldn't pull apart.

Docker is still the go-to if you want shit to 'just work', it has an easier user experience, it's what the vast majority of developers building containers are using. You can run rootless if you want without too much pain.

It has come a long way but the probability that you'll run into some random edge case or other issue with podman is higher, podman-compose has some thorns (high likelihood you'll need to hack on compose files), if you want containers to start without your interaction you have to bake up systemd unit files for them, etc. I've not messed with podman-kube-play - wasn't even aware of it, so can't really comment as to how well that works.

There's nothing to lose by giving it a go except your sanity and time. 😁

Totally respect that, I question my sanity frequently

Had never heard of Shinobi, looks interesting - are you using the bear+elephant tensorflow object detection?

I see you, fellow data sovereignty aficionado.

My first thought would be to try and set up iptables/nftables forwarding for this.

Personally I opted to just use my VPS as a MITM mail relay and just forward inbound mail for my domains to my own on-prem dovecot instance.

...your way is probably easier

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I never see anyone eating a twix

I mean, why would you

They're terrible

I'm usually an XFCE guy but I'm giving Cinnamon a whirl at the moment

Buy a nice TV

Give it a static IP

Firewall it off from the internet


Edit: Make sure it cant call UPNP on your router or any such tomfoolery

Welcome mate, I hope you enjoy your stay!

Yeah, nightmare fuel I guess

It really comes down to what value you assign to having private email storage.. unless you're having GPG encrypted convos, its probably pretty moot anyway as one side is going to have a copy of the email trail and theres a 98% probability its google, microsoft or ...yahoo I guess?

I might be talking myself out of this, this is now a therapy session

My dream was to find a way to leverage them as poor man's IP camera or something ...one day...

Container host started life as rocky, I honestly can't remember why I switched distros

The KVM host also hosts a bunch of other random stuff, Debian running on Rocky is just the tip of the junkpile

Might be a bit more complex than what you want, but I love Prometheus + Alertmanager and a nice sexy Grafana dashboard