
2 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A devastated Software Systems student, libre software promoter. Sometimes I draw pixel art. Very fond of classical Computer Science and Touhou project.

Autism® Inside™

Well, if it counts, we have a homemade potato grating machine from the Soviet times my grandfather has made because he was a genius and partly because of Soviet Union. It draws a lot of energy, emits a lot of noise (seriously). To turn on, it has two buttons, one for capacitor or something, another for the motor itself and, nowadays, I have no clue which one I should turn on first, left or right... It stands on three legs and weighs around 10 kg (old transformers were heavy). It produces good results, though, despite looking odd.

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Open Document Standard (.odt) for all documents. In all public institutions (it's already a NATO standard for documents).

Because the Microsoft Word ones (.doc, .docx) are unusable outside the Microsoft Office ecosystem. I feel outraged every time I need to edit .docx file because it breaks the layout easily. And some older .doc files cannot even work with Microsoft Word.

Actually, IMHO, there should be some better alternative to .odt as well. Something more out of a declarative/scripted fashion like LaTeX but still WYSIWYG. LaTeX (and XeTeX, for my use cases) is too messy for me to work with, especially when a package is Byzantine. And it can be non-reproducible if I share/reuse the same document somewhere else.

Something has to be made with document files.

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Here you go, internet stranger: https://spectra.video/w/dre1z1tfm3KDupVCfi8MhS

No beer to power it up. It's 8:49 PM in Lithuania and my neighbours will be mad.

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Software was not meant to be someone's 'property' that can be bought or sold. Everyone has a right to free download, modify and share, that's the point of GNU and Linux.

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At least, there's Codeberg, run by a German nonprofit, who's challenging the monopoly. It is aimed exclusively for FOSS projects, private repositories are forbidden. They are running Forgejo as their bloat-free software forge server.

Now, I think every Web2 website must be operated by a nonprofit.

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If a person with protanopia/deuteranopia looks at a red flag, one sees green-ish flag.

Oh really? In Lithuania, murder is also illegal. It traces back from the spoken tradition of the ancestors. Some recent analysis has found traces of this social ban in 800 years old folk tale, Spruce the Queen of Serpents, in which, as a punishment for murder, the killers were turned into trees. It is weird how Lithuanian culture shares similarities with the Japanese! There must have been cultural connections at some point in time...

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Culture and knowledge at your hand palm.

~ $ adware
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(plugs in ethernet cable)

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The last step I leave to you.

3 more...

This is why airplanes crash

Unfortunately, Linux manuals are pretty scattered around. I'll try to find something for you:

EDIT: Forgot this important material:

  • If you need to know command-line argument specifics for a particular program, use manpages (For example, to find brief information about grep, type man grep in your shell, and info grep if you need a complete manual).

You can try to enroll into Linux Foundation Certified Sysadmin course. It is quite a respectable certification. Try to have some practice every day as well.

First Aid kit

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I'd recommend rather boring Debian. Archlinux as well if you want to dive deeper.

EDIT: For Debian, you want Debian Testing.

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I could only tolerate ElectroBoom-style "This video is sponsored by oscilloscope company" ads.

GitHub has began enshittifying since the launch of GitHub Copilot.

Note: the capacitor says:

20мкф ±10%
500в 1077

Which means 20 micro-pharads capacity, rated for 500 volts.

EDIT: no markings on the motor.

EDIT2: apparently, these capacitors are still being sold.

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Context: there was a Flash game called "Bloons Tower Defense" where you put monkeys to shoot down invasive balloons with darts.

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  1. Free software
  2. Group theory, Church notation and Lambda Calculus making many things in Math under one roof
  3. Design of CPU and Operating Systems. Both fields are made by geniuses.
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Browser: Firefox because I can download its source code, use it, inspect, modify and share. All of these 4 freedoms make Firefox free, as in freedom. Brave is non-free (closed source and not contributing to software freedom).

I use Qwant (unfortunately, it only works in the EU) and site-local search (Wikipedia, ArchWiki, etc.)

All web search engines are crap, honestly. Maybe Kagi makes better, idk.

EDIT: Brave is free, apparently.

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I don't like animations, smooth transitions, smooth scrolling, rounded boxes and needless notification on the corner (unless it's a chatting app).

There can be inner shadows/colour gradients. It depends.

I liked how clean was Windows 9x design. Embossed buttons, same font family for design everywhere.. Pop-ups didn't have to 'fade in', just instantly appeared on the screen instead.

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Okay. I declare tomorrow to be International throw imperial units day.

Actually, Github Copilot litigation trial has done good work so far: https://githubcopilotlitigation.com/case-updates.html

You can always configure it on uBlock Origin (supposing you are using the web version)

Before influx of Reddit users, there were too much of topics I didn't want to get into. So i just created my own cosmetic rules:

lemmy.ml##.d-sm-block.d-none > .row:has-text(Blockchain)
lemmy.ml##.d-sm-block.d-none > .row:has-text(ChatGPT)

What it does, is, that it blocks entries that contains unwanted phrases like 'Blockchain' or 'ChatGPT' .

If you don't like me, for example, you can also add:

lemmy.ml##.d-sm-block.d-none > .row:has-text(raubarno)

And you won't see my posts.

Most of the computer users think the Internet is a synonym for Facebook.

Gzip is slower and outputs larger compression ratio. Zstandard, on the other hand, is terribly faster than any of the existing standards in means of compression speed, this is its killer feature. Also, it provides a bit better compression ratio than gzip ^citation_needed^.

It depends on non-free Google Play Services for push notifications, which puts you into a requirement to use an unmodified Google Android, which is potentially dangerous for a privacy app like this.

Anyways, when it comes to E2EE IMs, Matrix ecosystem is much better.

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Copied an example source code, which was under MIT+Apache 2.0 license, and created a derivative work under GPL, maybe that's questionable?

Russian Eastern Orthodox Old Church believers have fancy names, such as Evdokia (female) or Liverius (male). They are really uncommon because of a small population of Old Believers.


  • A logarithmic slide rule
  • A Pythagoras puzzle game
  • Print version of the GNU general public license
  • IBM punched card with friend's phone number on the back side
  • Bootable flash drive with Hannah Montana OS
  • A grape
  • A model of a particle accelerator

He probably had some practical knowledge when doing this...

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Your web browser, Chrome, is not supported!

Please use Midori to watch The Seven Samurai.

Watch ElectroBOOM videos. He provides good comedy with scientific knowledge.

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This practice comes from Japan. In 1980s, certain companies, like Toyota, understood the importance of product and process quality. And one of the practices to ensure that everyone is 'on the same ground', and that the product under development would surely satisfy the consumer's needs, was close communication between the stakeholders and receiving the feedback.

Long story short, it was part of their broader 'Quality first' strategy. However, it is only viable if the organisation is properly managed, and all Quality management things are put into practice (the hardest part).

This is just my understanding from a book I read during my free time. My knowledge may be incorrect.

Any company that engages in vendor lock-in, abuses copyright of creators through generative AI for profit, tracks users for profit/advertising, or censors content and people on their platform that suggest alternative platforms.

Microsoft takes all 3 points. It has created a very terrible operating system that gets preinstalled on most PCs through unfair competition, makes it harder and harder to customize it, has created GitHub Copilot that infringes copyright for GPL-licensed software and adds mandatory telemetry and Microsoft account. Additionally, Constructively criticizing Microsoft products publicly is dangerous.

EDIT: removed Medium link

Looks very similar. Sauce

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  • Git
  • (Open)SSH.
  • OpenStreetMap and Trekarta (Offline OSM maps for Android)

What's wrong with Lemmy UI? It has one of the best UIs in the wild...

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