raven [he/him]

@raven [he/him]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

🎵 We built this city on glomp and growl 🎵

Trans rights are gamer rights!

Essentially, more-or-less, broadly speaking, predominantly, etc. (for debatelords, that they may peper and solt it as they plese)

I hope this sentiment never stops someone from uploading a textbook without OCR. Once it's scanned it can always be OCRed at a later time.

Laws that aren't intended to be actually enforced, but serve as cover for a search or whatever other cop activity. Seat belt, drug, and helmet laws for example. I don't think it's even about tickets it's just reason to pull you over and brow beat you for a while.

You're telling me the state that doesn't give a fuck if I die from gesticulates generally around suddenly cares whether I make a personal decision about my own safety?

This is coming from someone who wears his seat belt 100% of the time and gets car sick if I don't, who has been ticketed for not wearing one even though I was. meow-tableflip

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Are you talking about the ex-CEO who got BTFO for being homophobic? Because that was based and cool, actually.

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Likewise, the IRS already knows everything about me. If I qualify for, say, food stamps, just have the IRS send me the food stamps. Don't make me jump through hoops when I'm already destitute, come on.

This would make tens of thousands of jobs redundant and make many social programs much more efficient.

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It's fucked that they have to stand up and announce "yes I vouch that the Asian community is offended by this word". It's like having to ask a child to put their clothes in the hamper every single day after they get home from school. Can't you just grow up and do it without having to be asked?

I'm white, and it's a slur. I want it gone too. Can we just quietly put our slurs away without being asked already?

There's no good, non reactionary reason to be seeking out arguments with vegans.

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The "precise and specific actions" called for in that article, specifically for the purpose of combating speech that encourages violence, like homophobia or white supremacy:

  • Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.

  • Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.

  • Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.

  • Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.

What's your problem here?

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A reactionary hobby.

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Whatever it is I hope we don't end up "selling out" for a higher market share. KDE is proof that you can have stability while also having infinite configuration options. Gnome seems to be openly hostile to any other way of doing things that isn't the gnome way.

I don't mind gnome existing but it isn't for me and I hope I don't get forced into using something that I can't modify to meet my workflow wishes. I'm seeing a lot more programs being written without prioritizing being desktop agnostic. I think we can forge our own path making a desktop that is both as stable as Mac OS and as approachably configurable as Linux should be.

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If you like your feudal lord, you can keep them! pete

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"Are you afraid of my debate prowess?" debate-me-debate-me
You don't get to act so smug and assured when you're going to bat for the dominant ideology.

No, you're a reactionary because vegans are right and you're starting right off with the slimy "debate" techniques. It's very clear to me that your only goal is to "look right" in front of everyone, rather than actually engage.

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The article is about social media.

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Atlas is my favorite version. Even LTT did a video about it. You just install a normal Windows 10 or 11 iso then run the atlas installer and it does a pretty good job making Windows minimal bullshit by replacing edge with Firefox, disabling countless anti features, and installing openshell.

If it's just for that one purpose have you considered running windows in a VM and passing though that one usb device? Gnome boxes makes that pretty easy.

Buy 8 tb hard drives and fill them up. It's cheaper than streaming even if you managed to fill one every year.

If Democrats actually wanted to win every election from now until forever, this would do it for them. Imagine worrying how you're going to feed your kids and then the mail arrives "BTW you've qualified for food stamps for the last 18 months, here they are" instant loyal voter.

But they won't

Audacious has a winamp mode and supports winamp skins.

I'm linking this thread next time someone tells me vegans are insufferable.

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Reading my blood sugar off my CGM without taking my insulin pump out of my pocket is huge actually. I'm using a $25 pinetime for that.

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I think they were for a number of reasons tactically "not fixing" this "bug" up to this point.

Microsoft has always been something of a free nagware business model, like WinRAR.

Thanks for the dozen replies. I never expressed any intention to engage with you about veganism only to point out the reactionary tendencies you're displaying.

Yes I'm ad homing you right now. That's the purpose of my interaction and you're actually the one derailing, from my perspective.

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Find a hobby that isn't reactionary.

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I'm going to start with a couple projects that don't already exist.

  • Something like the AUR but for non executable content like movies or books. I'm imagining something like;
    (program name) -m (medium, eg. Book, magazine, article (or "print" for any text document) Show, Movie (or video for any video document) and so on) (search term)

  • A project that allows a full installed-in-place Linux installation with grub and all, no USB drive required. If that's a two stage thing where it partitions a section of the drive then installs an installer there, then reboots to that installer, or some other thing doesn't matter. No, not whatever Ubuntu used to do, I mean a proper installation.

  • A program that tricks lan games into playing in side by side couch coop. I've figured out a method for doing this using multiseat on swayWM but it's pretty complicated and touchy.

  • An open source car computer software. Not for the infotainment.

  • An open source printer that works.

  • A liquid democracy voting system

Things that actually exist:

  • Minetest, specifically creating tools to help existing Minecraft mods be ported over.

  • GIMP

  • IPFS, try to get it in use in more places by default (AUR seems promising?)

  • Wine

Zabadoh is talking about drugs I'm pretty sure

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And if you open it up and unplug the battery, then boot off the charger that disables the write protect and you can install actual linux, though a lot of chromebooks have unique hardware that might not be supported, particularly audio IME.

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Call me crazy but I'd rather have to learn how to use APT then have to learn each and every creative technique they come up with the make me install the ask toolbar or norton AV or sign me up for a newsletter. Linux has never had that problem.

If we're talking about the 80s one I couldn't disagree more. It has little to do with the book but as its own thing it's perfect.

I don't think being anti white supremacy and homophobia is shitty or controversial. Why would an Internet company write an article about something that affects the biggest sector of the Internet, social media? 🤔
"No they should stay in their lane and only talk about, I don't know, CSS or something." I don't buy it.

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I usually recommend new users try out a few distros from distrowatch on a USB stick with Ventoy making sure to pick a few different desktop environments to try (XFCE, KDE Plasma, Gnome, Budgie, Cinnamon...) There are hundreds and I would argue they have as much of an impact on how your computer works and feels as your distro.

What distro you pick matters less from a user standpoint than you might think. You're going to get a lot of recommendations for Ubuntu and its derivatives Pop_OS! and Mint. They're great for beginners IMO except for one small sticking point, which is that they've been shipping most software in snap packages and flatpaks which have their own quirks to learn. It's kind of like a little container or sandbox. You hear a lot of new users saying that they're having issues with a program not being able to see a file on their computer and it's usually because the program is a snap or a flatpak.

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I guess you don't know what a Continuous Glucose Monitor is. It's a medical device that is attached to my arm with an adhesive pad that monitors my blood sugar continuously, and reports it over bluetooth to my phone. What you're talking about is a glucometer which I also have (freestyle lite)

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I've been on sway since 2019 and I've had fewer issues than I did on i3. The performance was an immediate improvement. Feels silky smooth like x never did. Stable as a rock.

Why don't you just install it alongside X?

This "you can't Forward your own ports" shit needs to be made illegal. It's cutting off your ability to run your own service and making everyone a passive consumer on the Internet if you aren't one of the big tech companies.

Is it a linux box, and if so would you be able to ssh into this box? You could rename them that way right?

I think this is on their eventual roadmap, somewhere just after not allowing anyone to log in without a verified WEI check for """"security"""" yea

Then you can stop all the YouTube rehosting sites like piped by baking in little 1 pixel changes that uniquely identify the account that ripped the video. Netflix and others will do this as well too try to stop piracy.

They're going to go scorched earth on this, I just know it. The Internet will become as bad as cable was and this is the turning point.

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32GB of storage? Could I put my audiobooks on there and stream them directly to some headphones? Cause that would be sick.

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Recently there's been a push on Linux for containerized "apps" that come bundled with their dependencies windows style. Ubuntu has been the one really pushing this with their implementation called "snaps" which has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad idea.

  • On sway I have this setup that lets me run two instances of any lan-only game in a couch co-op side by side configuration, each window getting its own mouse and keyboard or gamepad.
  • Setting up a keybind to do an arbitrary thing is so easy on sway that I'll set one up just for one task I'm working on then delete it later.
  • Put a task bar on the left, the right, the top, half of the screen, the middle of the screen? Whatever, go wild.
  • BTRFS with Timeshift leveraging BTRFS's COW system to give me essentially free backups that I can boot into? Saved my tailfeathers a few times.

I usually start off with some Dune lore as a litmus test to see if we can be friends.

...the article you linked me? The topic of this discussion?

It shouldn't be controversial to anyone. The suggestions given there are pretty mild. Regardless, justice is not the absence of conflict. Sorry the article made you upset but that doesn't make it wrong.

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Mullvad is only $5 a month just sayin'

I've noticed all my British shows have gone missing over the last couple years from the usual torrent sites. I'm kind of surprised because (I'm going to get my head bitten off for this take) the BBC is making better content than anything America has put out in the last few years.

Still on prime because I save more than I spend using it.

Do any of these have:

  • As nice a keyboard, that I don't have to worry about spilling a cup of coffee on.
  • Track point or similar.
  • Ability to survive a fall down a flight of stairs.
  • 4:3 or 16:10 aspect ratio.
  • Ports.
    While being built with repairability in mind?

I day dream about stuffing the guts of a modern laptop inside with a USB hub and an enormous battery, but that's a huge undertaking.