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Joined 1 years ago

I went through "Bedrijfshulpverlening" (Dutch, if you want to run it through translate just in case I mess up the correct translation). I guess it's business first responder or something.

When we were attending the fire training part and we were teached about fires, someone asked "what if there is a car fire". They said: "starting petrol car fires can be extinguished with a portable extinguisher if you are lucky. But electric car fires, leave them alone. They seal the cars in special water-filled containers and leave them alone for two weeks. There are reports that even after the two weeks, when the car was retrieved from the water, the fire started again on it's own. Firefighters really hate electric vehicles".

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The EU is going to be furious about this

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There is Qwant, a French search engine. it is privacy focused

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Light and tv. Led never breaks and is bright as hell. Also screens look ok now no matter what you buy. There is always better range of screens but cheap is not bad anymore.

I'm not from the US and so it's officially not my business. But from what I've seen around the webs is that he has gathered a loyal following all around the US. Seems he has enough loyals on his side to stay in the race. But I don't know a lot about the political system in the US. Excuse me if I'm wrong here.

Super R-Type. I was about 5 I guess.

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Mint on the Desktop, FreeBSD on the server. Amazingly stable.

Yes it does